Chapter 3 – Divine Taboo Game

On the gate of the Moon Cave, there were four characters that read “Peach Blossom Garden,” and a strange fruity fragrance drifted out from inside.

【The peaches are plump, juicy, and ripe at eighteen!】

“Shall we go in?”

Jin Yingzhen stood on tiptoe and peered into the peach garden.

The mist had dissipated somewhat, revealing a grove of low peach trees laden with fruit about forty meters away.

“Let’s go!”

Lin Baici walked through the Moon Cave gate and stepped onto the path of broken stones.

He had no weapons for defense, which made him uneasy.

Lin Baici thought about breaking off a tree branch as a weapon but hesitated and gave up the idea.

What if it attracted a terrifying statue monster?

“These peaches are huge!”

Jin Yingzhen’s mouth watered as she wished to pluck one to eat.

Not only were the peaches large, but their pink color was flawless, like the smooth and tender skin of a teenage girl, making one’s mouth water.

“Don’t you think these peach trees are strange?”

Lin Baici frowned.

The low peach trees had branches that looked like they were dancing, resembling a shaman at first glance.

“Isn’t it strange for things in God’s Ruins to not be strange?”

Jin Yingzhen perked up her ears. “I think I heard someone talking?”

“I heard it too!”

Lin Baici quickened his pace.

At the end of the path of broken stones, he saw a thatched cottage with a small courtyard in front of it, complete with a well and a dead dog.

To the east was a vegetable garden, where birds and sparrows hopped around.

About ten people were gathered here.

The appearance of Lin Baici and Jin Yingzhen made them immediately nervous, but they relaxed when they realized they weren’t monsters.

The men’s eyes were fixed on Jin Yingzhen.

This girl is so pretty.

Lin Baici looked around and asked the six middle-aged women resting at the stone table in the courtyard.

“Aunties, hello, have you found anything?”

The six aunts were all in their fifties, dressed in fashionable clothes, and appeared to be retired and frequently dancing in the square.

One of them was even wearing a light blue qipao embroidered with peonies. She was sitting on a stone bench, rubbing her tired feet and complaining.

The qipao aunt glanced at Lin Baici and ignored him, but an old lady wearing a sun hat found Lin Baici pleasing to the eye and responded.

“It’s safe here, you can hide for a while!”

The six of them were mahjong friends who had come to burn incense and relax, but they never expected to encounter such a situation, which was simply infuriating.

“Thank you!”

Lin Baici thanked them politely.

【This old lady’s family owns a food factory and is worth millions. Her husband died five years ago, and she’s slightly interested in you.】

Lin Baici was speechless. What did that mean?

Do I look like a gigolo?

He walked towards the thatched cottage to see if there was anything useful inside.

“No need to go, we’ve already searched it all!”

A round-faced uncle approached him. “Do you have any cigarettes?”


Lin Baici shook his head.

The uncle was in his forties, slightly chubby, with a bandage on his left hand hanging from his chest and a kitchen knife in his right hand. However, he didn’t have a fierce aura and looked more like a home cook.”My surname is Sima, just like Sima Yi in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. My given name is Mu. What are your names?”

Sima Mu was very talkative.

“Lin Baici!”

Lin Baici saw a young couple arguing in the vegetable garden.

[That woman has a serious gynecological disease and has had an abortion, but the child is not from the young man next to her.]


Lin Baici was shocked. What was that voice? It even knows people’s privacy?

“Oppa, let’s go find weapons!”

Jin Yingzhen’s attitude was cold and she didn’t want to talk to someone like Sima Mu who had wandering eyes.

“Sima, she looks down on you!”

Behind the thatched cottage, a young man came out after fetching water and saw Jin Yingzhen’s coldness. He deliberately provoked, “Don’t you want to teach her a lesson?”

Jin Yingzhen hid behind Lin Baici.

When Cui Feng came out, the young couple stopped arguing and the six middle-aged women stood up.

“Cui Ge, what should we do next?”

The cheongsam-wearing middle-aged woman, whose face cost several thousand yuan for beauty treatments every month, showed a pleasing smile.

“What the f*ck, do I look that old?”

Cui Feng spat out a thick sputum.

The cheongsam-wearing middle-aged woman was embarrassed by the retort, but didn’t dare to talk back because they wanted to survive and relied on this young man.

“I’m so old, is it worth it to argue with a girl?”

Sima Mu was very magnanimous.

“Aren’t you afraid of this kid? Don’t worry, I’m on your side!”

Cui Feng’s triangular eyes turned to Lin Baici.


This height, this muscle, he looks like he can fight!

If it were before, Cui Feng would definitely not dare to provoke him, but now…


I can take on ten!

Cui Feng had a hatchet tied to his waist and held a torch that was three feet and two inches long and as thick as an adult’s wrist in his right hand. This was his confidence.

“Oppa, let’s go!”

Jin Yingzhen tugged at Lin Baici’s clothes.

[This garbage ingredient doesn’t even match your stomach. I suggest steaming it and feeding it to the dog!]

The voice obviously came from Cui Ge.

“Hehe, leaving? Did you ask me?”

Cui Feng looked at Jin Yingzhen with ill intentions.

Long Chan Temple had become a terrible God’s Ruins. Everyone here would die today, so what was there to worry about?

Let’s have some fun first!

A gust of wind blew, and the mist dissipated. Suddenly, the peaches on the tree shook.

Rustle! Rustle!

A crack appeared on the ripe peaches like a mouth.

“Eat me!”

“Eat me!”

“Eat me!”

These peaches screamed and fell from the branches, growing four scorpion-like legs and crawling quickly towards Lin Baici and the others.

“Monsters are coming!”

The cheongsam-wearing middle-aged woman was full of fear and ran away, but tripped and fell.

“What the hell is this?”

Cui Feng’s scalp was numb.

Although Sima Mu’s left hand was wrapped in bandages, he was the fastest to react. He ran for only ten meters before being forced to stop.

There were too many peach monsters with scorpion legs, at least a thousand of them, and they came in groups, blocking the way for everyone to escape from the peach garden.”Don’t run, it will anger them!” Jin Yingzhen quickly reminded.

It seemed that those peach trees were divine taboos. If everyone wanted to survive, they had to follow their rules.

No one ran because everyone was afraid of death.

“What do we do now?” The old lady with the sun hat looked at Jin Yingzhen and asked in a low voice. She heard something from the Korean girl that seemed to be an inside scoop.

Everyone stopped moving, and the peach monsters stopped chasing them.

There were more than a dozen of them, climbing quickly to a big-haired lady and shouting at her.

“Eat me!”

“Eat me!”

The voices were sharp, miserable, and sounded like a baby crying when it was extremely hungry.

The big-haired lady trembled and looked at Cui Feng. “Save…save me!”

Cui Feng remained unmoved. He planned to observe these monsters first before making a move.

“Rather eat one fresh peach than a basket of rotten apricots. These just-ripe peaches are juicy and delicious. Start tasting them now!”

Lin Baici felt nauseous.

“Would you like to try one?” Sima Mu suggested.

“Who can stomach it?” The big-haired lady shook her head like a drum.

“Eat me!”

“Eat me!”

Dozens of fist-sized peach monsters surrounded the big-haired lady and urged her relentlessly. Seeing that she was indifferent, they became impatient. “If you won’t eat me, then I’ll eat you!”

After saying this, the monsters’ mouths suddenly split open, revealing their fangs and dripping with liquid, whether it was peach juice or saliva, Lin Baici was unsure. They pounced on the big-haired lady and easily bit off a piece of meat the size of a palm.


The big-haired lady screamed in pain, waving her hands to try to stop the monsters. However, dozens of peach monsters, like piranhas, crazily tore at her. In the blink of an eye, she was covered in blood and had no good meat left.

Less than a minute later, the big-haired lady stopped moving and was bitten to death.

The peach monsters did not leave but continued to eat her body.

Everyone was frightened by this scene.

Dozens of peaches crawled to a big-eyed lady.

“Eat me!”

“Eat me!”

The big-eyed lady trembled and said to Cui Feng, “Brother Cui, help me!”

“If you eat them, you probably won’t die!” Cui Feng wanted to see the consequences of someone eating these peaches.

The big-eyed lady turned her head and looked at the long-legged peaches. She retched and vomited them out.

She couldn’t stomach them!

Suddenly, the lady ran away, wanting to escape.

This startled the hornet’s nest, and the peach monsters rushed towards her. Not long after, they caught up to her and completely engulfed her.

A few seconds later, the peach monsters left, leaving only a white skeleton on the ground.

The other ladies were so scared that they didn’t dare to breathe.

Lin Baici turned his head and asked Jin Yingzhen in a low voice, “Does everyone have to go through this?””In the realm of divine hunters, this rule contamination is called the Divine Taboo Game, and everyone is expected to experience it!”

Jin Yingzhen explained, “When humans face the Divine Taboos and do not follow their supernatural power rules, the only outcome is death!”

Dozens of peach monsters with scorpion legs crawled out.

“Don’t come to me! Don’t come to me!”

Not only the qipao aunt was praying, but everyone was murmuring.

Lin Baici was horrified when he realized that the peach monsters were crawling towards him.

What should he do?

Does he really have to eat these ghostly things?

But the problem is, who can guarantee that they will survive after eating them?

The peach monsters crawled in front of Lin Baici.

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