Vol.1 – Chapter 106 – Stone statue

“Zuo Su’er?” The one-armed man frowned, “No, you’re not Zuo Su’er, who are you?”

Zuo Su’er had cultivated himself to possess a pure Yin energy that surpassed even women. Although this person moved with a softness characteristic of Yin, his aura was distinctly Yang. He had deliberately released his Yin energy to mask his strong Yang energy.

Zuo Su’er floated in mid-air, his figure gradually changing, and within a few breaths, he transformed into a burly man with a full beard.

“Ge Hong?”

In the direction of Qingyuan Suppression Prison, Old Taoist Ge’s breath suddenly quickened. Looking at the figure, his eyes turned red and he gritted his teeth, stomping his foot and cursing, “You bastard!”

Ge Hong raised his orchid finger towards Old Taoist Ge and said, “Uncle, you can’t beat me now… now…”

His laughter froze in his beard, and his face turned pale as he looked at the people in the sky who were staring at him in astonishment. Suddenly, his mind roared, and he plunged headlong into a small mountain, not to be seen again.

Half of the mountain was smashed to pieces.

Old Taoist Ge was dumbfounded.

A burst of laughter erupted from Dongyun Mountain.

“Brother Ge’s impersonation is too accurate, he’s lost in the role. Shall I go first?” A delicate voice came, and a charming and passionate woman stepped into the air, her eyes alternating between lust and madness.

Hongyue Tower’s Leng Miaozhen.

She floated in mid-air and transformed into a slightly playful girl, Qingyuan Sect’s Yu Yue.

Those in the Qingyuan Sect who recognized her immediately gasped for breath. Sixty years ago, Yu Yue died, causing countless men to age overnight.

Unexpectedly, sixty years later, she reappeared in this form.

Then, Changfeng Sect’s Mu Tu, Tianjue Sect’s Peng Po… one by one, they stepped into the sky, transforming into the proud sons of Qingyuan Sect who had long since passed away.

The elders of the Qingyuan Sect gasped for breath.

These were the treasures of the Qingyuan Sect! They had died one after another sixty years ago. When the Sect Leader first started acting strangely, it was thought that the loss of these prodigies had shocked him.

But they had all returned today.

The Qingyuan Sect had indeed planned this. These people had infiltrated the various sects of Dongyun, causing chaos. The ambition of the Qingyuan Sect was clear!

There were more than thirty in the Demon Subduing Realm, among which at least ten had reached the peak of the Demon Subduing Realm. If the Xuantian Sect had discovered earlier that Qingyuan had so many at the peak of the Demon Subduing Realm, they would not have spared it. The Qingyuan Sect would have been destroyed like the Tianyin Temple.

Luo Rujin frowned, looking at Feng Yiju, “Sect Leader Feng, you don’t really think that these thirty-odd demons can turn the tide, do you?”

Yu Yue looked at him and snorted, “You’re a young master with a big mouth. One demon can’t beat a Traverse Heaven, can three still not beat one?”

Ignorance! The gap between the Demon Subduing Realm and the Traverse Heaven Realm cannot be bridged by numbers!

Luo Rujin breathed a sigh of relief. If this was the Qingyuan Sect’s confidence, then today’s battle was settled. These many demons indeed had a chance to keep Huorong and Mutong, but they could never face nine Traverse Heavens at the same time, especially with Zhong Bo there!

But then he saw Yu Yue beckoning to the one-armed middle-aged man, “Uncle, let’s play.”

The one-armed middle-aged man smiled kindly and shook his head, “I don’t like the young ones. If you return to your Fairy Leng form, I’ll fight you!”

Yu Yue blinked, sighed helplessly, and said, “Uncle, you’re going to get beaten like this.”

She said that Ge Hong had impersonated Zuo Su’er too deeply, staying in the Ghost Prison space for a full sixty years. Which of them could be absolutely normal?

If it were Yu Yue from sixty years ago, she would definitely not tolerate such humiliation, nor would she be so frivolous.

“Let’s try!” Yu Yue stomped her foot, shattering the air, and her body shot out, throwing a punch at the one-armed middle-aged man. However, he easily blocked it with a single arm, forming an arc in front of him.

Yu Yue came quickly and left quickly, crashing into the mountain. She instantly jumped out, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and smiled, “Impressive!”

The true Traverse Heaven Realm, every move carries the power of the world, as if fighting against the entire world. How did Brother Feng manage to hunt down two of them alone?

The one-armed middle-aged man looked at Yu Yue with admiration. Normally, those in the Demon Subduing Realm wouldn’t even dare to raise their heads in front of a Traverse Heaven. But here was one who dared to attack him without any hesitation.

This woman should be recruited to the Xuantian Sect!

He looked up and saw more than thirty people looking at them, all eager to try.

The one-armed middle-aged man’s face darkened. One was a prodigy of heaven, but thirty were simply courting death – these people seemed to have no fear!

Just like… just like their hearts of fear had been cut away by a sword.

Yu Yue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and jumped up, stretching out her palm towards the Qingyuan Sect and shouting, “Come!”

She looked at the one-armed middle-aged man, “I can’t beat you with my real skills, but I can cheat!”

The Qingyuan Mountain Suppression Prison shook violently, and a huge stone statue emerged from the ground, shooting towards the battlefield. Before the statue arrived, Yu Yue had already stepped forward to meet it, crashing headlong into the statue’s chest. The statue crumbled, revealing its face.

It was the face of Yu Yue.

Su He was dumbfounded.

This was one of the stone statues in the Golden Hall space! He couldn’t be mistaken!

Yu Yue crawled into the chest of the statue, and the statue opened its eyes, looking at the one-armed middle-aged man again.

“Let’s go again!”

The simple statue was like ordinary stone, without any aura emanating from it. But when Yu Yue entered, the statue suddenly released a shocking aura, and the power of the world surged from it.

It gave the impression that this was indeed a cultivator in the Traverse Heaven Realm!

Old Taoist Ge beside him trembled, almost unable to stand steady, and there was even a hint of sadness on his face.Su He was at a loss.

The one-armed middle-aged man looked at him in shock and exclaimed, “You have refined yourself into the Great Ming King Demon Statue!”

The Great Ming King Demon Statue was originally a method of the Buddhist school.

As recorded in the “Buddha Speaks of the Sutra of Deliverance from Suffering”, when the heavens collapsed and the earth sank, causing all beings to suffer, there was a Buddha’s son named Mucilinda, who transformed himself into a Ming King, supporting the heavens and the earth, and delivering all beings from suffering.

Later generations, lacking the divine abilities of the Buddha’s sons, could only create something similar. Each demon statue required countless cultivators to sacrifice and refine themselves.

The initial Ming King statue only had the combat power of the Transcendence Stage. At this time, the cultivators at the Transcendence Stage would refine themselves into the Ming King statue, first merging their own cultivation level, then refining their seven emotions and six desires. Afterwards, even their physical bodies were refined into it.

The Ming King statue advanced a level.

Therefore, the initial Ming King statue that saved people from suffering was referred to as a demon statue.

No wonder this woman showed no fear, she seemed more like a body cultivator who only cultivated her physical body and not the Dao.

This was because the “fear” of cultivation level and seven emotions and six desires had already been refined into the Great Ming King Demon Statue. She was not far from losing all her seven emotions and six desires.

This Great Ming King Demon Statue already had a hint of the Traverse Heaven stage, how long had the Qingyuan Sect been refining it?

Yu Yue merged into the demon statue and pounced towards the one-armed middle-aged man.

The same move, the same fist technique, with one punch, the one-armed middle-aged man was blasted away. His body was flashing with a transparent light shield, and he was smashed into a mountain, piercing through the entire mountain. The middle-aged man’s figure did not stop, and continued to fly into the distance.

No one cared about the one-armed middle-aged man. This punch seemed fierce, but it was just an ordinary punch, it couldn’t hurt people.

But being able to blast a Traverse Heaven stage cultivator away indicated that this Great Ming King Demon Statue truly had the combat power of the Traverse Heaven stage.

Luo Rujin hid behind the steward.

The other two Traverse Heaven stage cultivators rushed forward, looking at Yu Yue’s stone statue, “Is this the foundation of Qingyuan? How many statues do you have? You might as well take them all out.”

Yu Yue looked at their eager little hands.

Behind her, several people simultaneously reached out towards the direction of Qingyuan.

Six Great Ming King Demon Statues broke out of the ground, howling as they came, merging with the six Qingyuan cultivators who had morphed into demons in mid-air.

Seven statues! None of them had reached the Traverse Heaven stage, but they all had a bit of the power of the Traverse Heaven stage. It was not enough to repel the enemy, but it was enough to stop their steps.

Yu Yue shouted behind her, “Ge Hong! If you’re not dead, come out and fight!”

The rocks exploded, and Ge Hong rose into the sky. With a wave of his hand, a stone statue broke out of the ground. As Ge Hong merged into the statue, he felt a chill on top of his head. He reached out and touched it, and was shocked.

“Who the hell shaved my hair?”

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