Vol.1 – Chapter 092 – Dongyun

The disciples of Fuyang Sect were uneasy. Last night, a senior brother escorted Senior Uncle Zuo back to his room. There was a scream in the middle of the night, and he hasn’t come out yet.

It wasn’t until the sun was setting that the door creaked open, and Senior Uncle Zuo walked out, picking his teeth. Behind him was the senior brother who had escorted him back to his room last night. His face was marked with a bright red handprint, his eyes were lifeless, and he seemed to have lost the will to live.

“S-Senior Uncle…”

“Oh! Young man, you’re up early waiting for me to get up. I’ll treat you to a meal tomorrow!”

The disciple stepped back in horror, “Senior Uncle, you said you would bring all the healing medicine.”

Senior Uncle Zuo had indeed gone mad. Yesterday, he was babbling about senior brothers and uncles, and today even a senior sister was mentioned. The disciple was trembling, clutching a storage bag.

“Don’t be scared!” Zuo Su’er took the storage bag and lightly traced his hand with her finger.

The disciple shivered violently.

Zuo Su’er covered her mouth and giggled, weighing the storage bag in her hand. She walked towards the door, then turned back halfway, “Follow me, I promised you guys yesterday that I would take you treasure hunting today! The treasure map in the Suppression Prison of Qingyuan Sect isn’t only seen by me. Don’t blame me if someone digs it up first!”

The disciple shivered again. The others looked at him sympathetically, then quickly lowered their heads. They wished him good luck.

Zuo Su’er looked around, “Let’s go! Everyone follow me, whoever doesn’t come is disrespecting me~” His voice was shrill, making people shudder.

Just as they were at a loss, Zuo Su’er laughed and walked out of the courtyard, heading straight for the sect’s warehouse. He came out carrying a flying boat.

“Get on the boat!”

No one dared to move.

Zuo Su’er giggled, “If you don’t want to get on the boat, what do you want to get on?”

The disciple who had escorted him back to his room yesterday suddenly shivered, his eyes finally showing a hint of life, but it was extreme terror. He flashed onto the flying boat at a speed far beyond his usual, but he only dared to hide far behind, as far away from Zuo Su’er as possible.

The others reacted and no longer hesitated. They stepped onto the flying boat one after another, their faces showing a look of heroic sacrifice.

The flying boat took off, and in a moment they left the sect. An hour later, they landed on a hill. The hill was unremarkable. But Zuo Su’er looked around and punched towards the foot of the hill.

His punch was elegant, like a dance.

With a crack, the sound of jade shattering, a cave mansion appeared. It wasn’t a real cave mansion, but a temporary residence. There was a formation covering the outside of the cave mansion. But the formation was shaky, obviously it had been too long.

Zuo Su’er squatted like a frog on the side, looking at the people on the flying boat, “What are you looking at? Break the formation! Are you waiting for me? I don’t have any mana.”

Everyone shivered.

Finally, someone swallowed and got off the flying boat to break the formation.

He wasn’t afraid of Zuo Su’er, but in a normal treasure hunt, you have to guard against your teammates. If Senior Uncle Zuo, who had gone mad, mistakenly thought he was stealing the treasure and killed him with a punch, what would he do?

Real treasures were fine, but if Senior Uncle Zuo considered trash as treasures, that would be too unjust.

The formation was of a high level, but it had been too long, many had failed. It only took half an hour to break them all, push open the door of the cave mansion, and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

It was just a temporary cave mansion, with only one room. Skeletons were hanging on the ground and walls. Spirit stones, rotten herbs, and various refining artifact materials were scattered everywhere. There were also two amber-like jade stones.

“Oh! Warm jade!” Zuo Su’er exclaimed in surprise. Everyone held their breath and gasped. Even if they hadn’t eaten pork, they had seen pigs run, right? They hadn’t seen warm jade, but they had heard of it. To them, it was a treasure!

“What are you gasping for? The temperature has dropped!” Zuo Su’er laughed, “Being shocked is useless. Give the warm jade to Senior Uncle, the rest is yours!”

Everyone dared not have any extravagant hopes, and respectfully handed the warm jade to Zuo Su’er. Only when they were sure that Senior Uncle Zuo was not interested in the rest of the things, did they rush up and take everything away.

There were 3,200 spirit stones, 860 elemental crystals, and various refining artifact materials – the herbs had rotted and couldn’t be counted.

Even if they handed over half of this to the sect and then divided it equally, it would be enough for them to strive for ten years.

The spirit stones and elemental crystals were not many, but there were really too many refining artifact materials. This must have been a temporary cave mansion of a refining master.

I wonder if Senior Uncle knows where his real cave mansion is?

Zuo Su’er looked at the satisfied disciples of Fuyang Sect and sneered, “Are you satisfied with this?” He pointed to his head, “There are at least a hundred treasures stored here, aren’t you overjoyed?”

Everyone looked at Zuo Su’er, gradually no longer afraid, and even a bit eager.

“Take the things and go, to the next place!” Zuo Su’er gave a soft order, and everyone immediately followed suit, much more proactive than when they were threatened to get on the flying boat earlier.

The flying boat crossed the sky, it was already night, and the stars were twinkling in the sky.

I don’t know if it was bad luck. They dug up two more treasures in a row, one was empty, it had been dug up long ago, and the other had things in it, but there was a complete trap. A junior brother couldn’t dodge in time and was blown up.

Into pieces.

But these were all minor things, the harvest was even greater than the first treasure.

Senior Uncle Zuo is currently leading them to excavate the fourth treasure, which is a tomb. The underground palace is vast, and Senior Uncle Zuo personally led the team down.

Only two people were left outside to keep watch. One was the Sect Leader’s personal disciple, and the other was the Junior Brother who had spent the night in Senior Uncle Zuo’s room last night – even if there were treasures, that Junior Brother would never dare to approach Senior Uncle Zuo, only hoping to stay as far away as possible, voluntarily asking to keep watch.

Everyone smiled knowingly, not minding, and followed Zuo Su’er down into the tomb.

After a full hour, everyone returned fully loaded. When they returned to the surface through the tomb passage, they heard a scream from above.

Then came a reckless laugh: “Haha, is this the brat from Fuyang Sect? What, Zuo Su’er that dead demon also brought people to dig for treasure? Trying to steal my stuff? Didn’t get enough beating in the Suppression Prison?”

Zuo Su’er was taken aback, his joy replaced by a grim expression: “Mu Tu!”

He threw a punch upwards, directly smashing open the tomb passage and rushing out. Everyone followed closely behind, only to see that the Sect Leader’s personal disciple had already been torn to pieces, and another Junior Brother was cowering to one side.

Senior Uncle Zuo was fighting with a burly man, their fists meeting flesh.

It was Mu Tu from Changfeng Sect, one of the demons who, like Senior Uncle Zuo, had escaped from the Qingyuan Sect’s Suppression Prison.

“What are you standing there for? Can’t you see Changfeng Sect’s loot? Kill them, grab the treasure and get out of here!” Zuo Su’er’s shrill voice came.

Both sides looked at each other’s Flying Boats. They were packed full. Who knows how much more was in their storage bags.

Both sides swallowed, and charged at each other with a roar.

Mu Tu’s voice came from the deep forest: “Haha! Changfeng Sect won’t kill anymore, Qingyuan Sect offers a high price for prisoners, break the limbs of these Fuyang Sect brats, and it’s another income to sell them at a good price.”

A melee was about to break out.

Not only Changfeng Sect and Fuyang Sect, but all the old demons brought their young disciples out to dig for treasures that night. More or less, they all bumped into each other, some even dug directly into other Sect’s territories, or accidentally entered the nearby Sect’s base with a load of treasures while escaping.

Conflicts were everywhere.

But Dongyun Mountain was too big, with Sects thousands of miles apart, even the sound couldn’t reach.

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