Chapter 55 – Strike

After a while, the blood-red light in the eyes of the King of the Shaoxiu disappeared, and he stopped moving, returning to his original state.

“What’s going on? There seems to be something wrong with the intelligence of this King of the Shaoxiu,” he wondered.

At this moment, the King of the Shaoxiu had already stood up and walked towards the blood pool.

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at the runes surrounding the blood pool. He vaguely felt that something would happen when the King of the Shaoxiu stepped into it.

But just as the King of the Shaoxiu was about to step over the buried iron runes on the ground, it suddenly stopped.

“He found out?” Yuan Ming was surprised.

But soon, Yuan Ming realized that he was overthinking.

The reason why the King of the Shaoxiu paused seemed to be because the blood color in his eyes converged again, as if his intelligence had once again encountered a problem, causing him to stop.

After just a moment, he stepped over the rune marks and entered the blood pool.

For some reason, the rune marks had no reaction to the King of the Shaoxiu’s entry. It was unclear whether the triggering conditions had not been met or if it was not targeted at the King of the Shaoxiu.

Regardless of which possibility it was, Yuan Ming had no intention of getting involved and just wanted to silently hide and wait for the crisis to pass.

At this moment, he noticed that the blood in the blood pool was churning and turbulent, much more intense than before. Countless blood bubbles rose up, completely covering the upper body of the King of the Shaoxiu, submerging him up to his neck.

Smoke rose from the wound on his chest, emitting a smell of decaying flesh in the air.

A red halo lit up from the entire blood pool, enveloping it completely.

“Could it be that he is healing?” Yuan Ming didn’t understand, but he could guess a thing or two.

After waiting for a while, the water level in the blood pool significantly decreased, revealing the chest of the King of the Shaoxiu. The horrifying wound had already been repaired and filled with flesh.

Even the burnt flesh on his body had been restored, and his skin became dry and waxen yellow, resembling a mummified corpse that had been dried for many years.

“Such strong recovery ability!” Yuan Ming’s heart sank as he watched his injuries heal, his worries growing.

At the moment, he only hoped that after the King of the Shaoxiu recovered from his injuries, he would be able to leave again.

The King of the Shaoxiu’s hair did not grow out, but his muscles gradually filled up, and his cheeks regained their original contours. He now looked like a young man with a high and sharp nose, with a handsome and angular face.

If it weren’t for his overly protruding eyeballs, distorting his expression, this face would exude a hint of heroic and handsome aura.

Yuan Ming was inexplicably shocked, as he was certain that he saw a human face, the face of a young man.

“How could this be? Could it be that the King of the Shaoxiu is disguised as a human? Or… has he transformed from a human?” These thoughts emerged in his mind.

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly heard a mournful roar from the King of the Shaoxiu in the blood pool. His body suddenly stood up, raising his claws and grabbing at his own chest.

Yuan Ming quickly looked over and saw that the freshly healed flesh on the King of the Shaoxiu’s chest was rapidly decaying, turning purple and black. The rotten flesh fell off from the chest, revealing the horrifying blood hole once again.

Not only that, the flesh around the blood hole was also infected, gradually decaying and falling off from his chest.

The King of the Shaoxiu went crazy, clawing at his own chest, tearing off all the rotten flesh, struggling to escape from the blood pool.

But at this moment, the runes surrounding the blood pool suddenly lit up.

Underground, red light rose one after another, and the engraved runes on the ground connected, forming a strange formation that emitted a red glow.

Through the ground, Yuan Ming saw blurry and ancient characters.

To his surprise, these characters were not from the Southern Region, but rather resembled characters from the Central Plains.

However, the form of each character was different from the characters in Yuan Ming’s impression. They were all distorted and deformed, appearing to be a mix of characters and drawings, complex and mysterious.

As the runes lit up, dark red light emanated from the formation, winding and entwining around the King of the Shaoxiu in the center, like chains wrapping around his neck.

The moment the blood-colored chains entangled him, an extremely painful expression appeared on the face of the King of the Shaoxiu. He let out furious roars, constantly tearing at the blood chains entwined around his neck.

However, as soon as his claws touched the chains, it was as if he had touched a burning hot iron, and he immediately recoiled.

“Wu wu…”

The King of the Shaoxiu let out mournful cries, and the blood-red light in his eyes flickered incessantly.

Yuan Ming saw that he was trapped and knew that the time had come. He immediately turned around to escape.

But at this moment, the mysterious voice in his mind suddenly sounded again: “Go quickly… Cut off its… head.”Yuan Ming did not immediately move upon hearing this, but looked around again, still unable to see the figure of the mysterious person.

“If you don’t make a move… the formation… won’t be able to trap him… you’ll escape the cave… but won’t make it to the surface… you’ll still die.” The voice became more urgent.

Yuan Ming frowned and hesitated for a moment, then clenched his fist and punched the wall before rushing out with his sword.

His footsteps immediately caught the attention of the Demon King, and the body in the blood pool struggled violently. The dark red chains wrapped around its neck shook violently.

The symbol iron buried in the ground suddenly had a tendency to be pulled out.

The entire dark red formation shook violently, on the verge of collapse.

“It’s too late…” Yuan Ming sighed.

He had just arrived by the Demon King’s side, but before he could swing his long sword, there was a loud “bang” from the ground.

A symbol iron was pulled out like an anchor, and the Demon King’s body tilted and pounced towards him.

Although it hadn’t completely freed itself, this slight distance was enough for its sharp claws to slash Yuan Ming’s throat.

At the critical moment, a silver shadow suddenly flashed and landed on Yuan Ming’s shoulder.

Yuan Ming vaguely felt that it was a silver cat, but he dared not distract himself to look.


The commanding voice sounded in his mind, with an unquestionable tone.

Yuan Ming felt his head buzz, as if he had been hit by a bell, and a sense of irresistible obedience rose in his heart.

As if there was a voice in the depths of his mind, telling him to obey, to obey unconditionally.

At the same time, the Demon King’s claws also swung towards him.

At this moment, the silver cat crouching on Yuan Ming’s shoulder elegantly faced the Demon King, and in its mismatched pupils, stars seemed to light up, releasing a faint brilliance.

In the instant the light scattered, the struggling body of the Demon King froze, and its claws, which had been swung out, stopped just inches away from Yuan Ming’s throat.

Just as Yuan Ming was about to be unable to resist and wanted to submit to that voice from the bottom of his heart, a warm sensation suddenly flowed out from his right arm.

The green mark formed by the incense burner appeared, and a tide-like power surged into his mind, instantly making him sober.

The feeling of wanting to submit just now disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, a look of surprise flashed in the silver cat’s mismatched pupils, but it quickly turned into confusion.

“If you don’t make a move soon… even if you don’t die here… you’ll die when you leave… just like Elder Biluo from the Biro Cave.” A stern warning sounded in Yuan Ming’s mind once again.

“It really is it…” Yuan Ming confirmed his guess. The silver cat that had been talking to him in his mind was the same silver cat that had appeared by his side a long time ago.

What was the origin of this silver cat? Why was it able to save him before, and now it had such great power to contend with the Demon King?

Numerous thoughts surged in his mind, but he no longer hesitated. Adjusting his strength with the Yuan Qi Arm, he swung his sword with all his might towards the Demon King’s neck.

A sharp clang sounded.

Sparks flew from the Demon King’s neck, and a sound of metal hitting stone came from beneath its dry skin.

Yuan Ming felt a tremor in his arm. It didn’t feel like he was cutting into flesh, but rather like he was hitting a piece of steel covered in cowhide.

The powerful force pushed him back.

And the Demon King, as if it had been provoked, let out an angry roar. Its whole body emitted a bloody red light, and under the agitation, it broke all the dark red chains wrapped around its neck.

The symbol iron on the ground also flew out, and the formation that Yuan Ming had set up under the guidance of the silver cat completely failed.


The Demon King let out a furious roar and leaped out of the blood pool, directly pouncing towards Yuan Ming.

The silver cat, with its petite figure and agile movements, leaped from Yuan Ming’s shoulder, but instead of avoiding, it went towards the Demon King. With a nimble step on its head, it jumped several zhang away.

Its graceful posture and agile movements didn’t look like evasion, but rather like a dance, swift and elegant.

Taking advantage of this, Yuan Ming also leaped backwards and retreated.

As soon as the silver cat landed, its mismatched pupils suddenly lit up with a strange black light, and a wave of inexplicable magical power emanated from its body.

With the rise of this power, there was suddenly a commotion in the nearby corpse pit where the dead had been lying for who knows how long.

Then, one after another, the corpses that had been dead for a long time suddenly came “alive.”Yuan Ming was startled by this sudden scene, watching wide-eyed as the broken, rotten, and stinking corpses twisted their bodies and stood up from the pit.

Most of them were missing arms or legs, some even lacked heads, walking in a crooked and unnatural manner. Some were even crawling on the ground with their arms, all rushing towards the frenzied Human Ghost King.

The Human Ghost King swung a claw at an oncoming living corpse. The pitch-black claw instantly tore the living corpse’s body into two. However, the severed body still stubbornly rushed forward, throwing itself onto him.

Then, the second, the third… more and more living corpses surrounded him, completely overwhelming the Human Ghost King, all climbing onto his body.

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