Chapter 7 – Old Apostle

In the Deity Simulator, there was no detailed description of this pixel world, nor were all the maps and data provided. As a player of the gods, Lu Yao had to explore step by step.


Last time when the black bear attacked the tribe, Lu Yao thought it was a wild animal attack. It was only after the subsequent prophet examined the body that its true identity as a demon apostle was identified.


In some ways, Lu Yao didn't know much more than these pixel people.


He just had a "player" identity that the pixel people couldn't understand, a bit like a foreign god who came to the pixel world.


Foreign god…


Lu Yao immediately thought of it.


Since there was a foreign god like himself, it was very likely that there were also local gods in the pixel world.


He looked at the 【Energy Staff】 in his hand and the 【Cactus Follower】 sleeping in the flowerpot next to him. These two magical treasures originally belonged to the forest god. According to the temple display, the forest god had fallen, so these treasures he held had been lost.


Was the forest god such a deity an old god?


Unfortunately, no one could answer his question.


Lu Yao thought for a moment and made a decision.




Although wheat was precious, it was difficult for the Garlic tribe, which allied with the Forest tribe, to monopolize this kind of food. Instead of possibly freeloading wheat, it was better to make an open trade now.


Lu Yao clicked 【Yes】.


The prophet's light bulb lit up on his head.


"God, your servant knows what to do."


He immediately opened a private chat with the shaman next to him.


The leaders of both tribes quickly reached an agreement, and the pixel people of the Forest tribe had smiley faces on their heads.


"The shaman got the wheat!"


"God Yao bestows food on the tribe!"


"Great, no need to fear winter anymore!"


"Great God Yao, wise shaman!"


Then, the pixel people of the Forest tribe carried out a stone coffin from the forest. They carried the stone coffin all the way to the outside of the Garlic tribe's temple, and then the people of the Garlic tribe sent it into the temple.


A gray coffin icon named 【Apostle】 appeared in the temple interface.


Lu Yao clicked on 【Apostle】.


A portrait appeared on the screen. In the picture, a woman with her eyes covered by black cloth was lying in a gray coffin.


There were fine cracks on her cheeks, and her body seemed to be sealed in mud and gray rocks, almost indistinguishable from a stone sculpture if it weren't for the soft girl's face.



【Apostle】: Dying.


Forest God's Apostle. The Apostle carries out the will and commands of the gods, listens to the voice of the gods, and is the carrier of the gods' descent into the world.



According to the description above, this Apostle seems to be a unit that the god player can directly control?


However, it was not easy to awaken her.


Lu Yao clicked on 【Apostle】 and got a prompt.


– To revive and convert her into an Apostle in your temple, it requires a large amount of faith power. Do you want to spend 500 faith points to convert the Apostle?According to the consumption of faith in miracles, one lightning costs 20 faith, which is equivalent to 25 lightning strikes for this Apostle. The current level of faith expenditure is beyond his ability to support.


Lu Yao can only temporarily put aside the matter of the Apostle and continue to focus on developing the tribe.


He figured that this dying Apostle was still under the Forest God's command.


Considering that the previous Energy Staff was dug out of the forest by the Prophet, the Forest Tribe sent the Fairy Ball follower, which also originated from the Forest God's temple, and the dying Apostle was dug up underground. It seems that this forest and the Forest God have some kind of relationship.


Unfortunately, he couldn't talk to the pixel people and there were no questioning options, so he couldn't find any clues.


Lu Yao turned his attention back to the tribe's construction.


He moved the Pig-Fish brothers, one to the river and one to the forest. One was a fisherman and the other was a hunter, so they could each play to their strengths.


Soon, the two heroes gave feedback.


"The places with many fish in the river are in the deep water areas, and we need boats. The tribe needs to build boats to catch fish."


"In the forest, we found herbs with bite marks and bloodstains on them, but we can't identify them. We need a pharmacist to recognize them."


The resources were there, but there was a lack of professionals who could recognize and use them.


Lu Yao knew that this couldn't be rushed, so he relaxed and watched the pixel people in the tribe busy themselves. It was like going back to the simple and happy days of watching ants on the ground when he was a child, and it was quite enjoyable.


Soon, it began to snow in the pixel world, and winter arrived.


Except for the Pig-Fish brothers, the pixel people who went out from the Garlic Tribe all came back and hid in their houses to keep warm. During the short days, they picked up tree branches everywhere to use as firewood and cleared the snow around the temple and farmland.


Fortunately, the wheat had been planted early, and the harvest provided the tribe with plenty of food. Facing the cold winter, the pixel people were not afraid at all.


"We have wheat and enough food, and our homes are warm."


"The power of wheat, the power of wheat!"


"Winter looks like it will be very long, but luckily we have the wheat and garlic bestowed by the gods. No one should freeze to death this winter."


The pixel people in the tribe all had happy expressions above their heads.


At this time, the Forest Tribe suddenly came to visit.


Unlike past trades, this time it was led by the highly respected Shaman. The Prophet welcomed them and lit a bonfire among the snowdrifts to keep warm with their visiting allies.


The Shaman had an anxious expression above his head.


"Friends of the Garlic Tribe, we have encountered an unsolvable difficulty and we beg for your help."


"Twenty hunters from the Forest Tribe, the best hunters in the tribe, went deep into the forest for the last hunt to prepare for winter. The heavy snow on the mountain buried them in the north of the forest, and we can't find them."


"Only the power of the gods can save them.""Request the omnipotent God Yao in the temple to have mercy on these hunters who hunt for food and give them protection. If we can help these fellow tribesmen to survive, we will build a temple in the tribe to worship God Yao, offer sacrifices, and pledge our loyalty."


An exclamation mark appeared above the prophet's head.


He said, "Since you want to pray for the blessings of the gods, go to the temple to worship God Yao. Only the most sincere and honest requests can receive the mercy and grace of the gods."


So the shaman led the tribe to worship around the temple.


Lu Yao pondered for a moment.


According to the shaman, if he could find these people, he could build a temple in the Forest Tribe as well. This meant that he could grant blessings to two tribes at the same time, wouldn't that mean he could receive offerings from two tribes?


However, how could he save these hunters trapped in the heavy snow?


Lu Yao thought of the [Scorching Sun] miracle.


This miracle, which required 25 faith points to unfold, should be able to melt the heavy snow.


He selected [Scorching Sun], touched the northernmost area of the forest in the game interface, expanded the range as much as possible, and then clicked the mouse.


A brilliant golden light appeared in the sky above the northern part of the forest, and the thick white snow in the forest quickly disappeared, revealing many shivering little people lying on the ground.


An exclamation mark appeared above the kneeling shaman's head.


"Great God, the Forest Tribe is deeply grateful for your kindness. We have no doubt about your power, and we will build a temple to worship you immediately!"


Then the shaman sent out a group of people to quickly head towards the melted snow in the northern part of the forest. Soon, they found the missing hunters.


As the shaman promised, the Forest Tribe also built a temple. This temple was made of wood and imitated the appearance of the White Temple.


To Lu Yao's disappointment, there was no change in the temple interface, and his plan to double the grace and offerings did not come true.


However, there were gains.


【Your miracle has made the Forest Tribe's attitude become worshipful.】


【Because they worship the same god, the Forest Tribe is merging with the Garlic Tribe.】


Lu Yao's spirits lifted.


If he could merge the Forest Tribe's more than one hundred people, it would definitely be a huge improvement.


That was more than one hundred faith points!


The increase in population would also expand the boundaries of the temple's radiation, have more manpower, and trigger more random events.


The current faith consumption would be exchanged for long-term continuous benefits.



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