Chapter 58 – Deep Abyss

According to the followers of the cactus, the “Black Abyss” is a forbidden area opened up by the Forest God. To some extent, the Forest God values it no less than the “Golden Plains”.

The “Black Abyss” seals many special monsters, most of which possess powerful and mysterious abilities. Even if some of these monsters are killed, they will find a way to resurrect themselves. Therefore, sealing and imprisoning them is the best solution.

Legend has it that deep within the depths of the abyss, defeated gods by the Forest God are also sealed.

However, this is just one side of the story.

Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened.

Lu Yao immediately sent Isabella into the Abyss Dungeon.

Isabella’s “Final Prayer” can summon the dead and obtain their testimonies.

Unfortunately, the prayer work did not go smoothly.

“Sir, the dead here are very powerful…almost none of them respond to me.”

Isabella was a bit embarrassed. “I hope you can give me more time, sir.”

She worked very hard to use the “Final Prayer”, and wisps of black smoke continuously emerged from the ground, but they could not condense into a black ball of the dead.

During this time, Lu Yao got up from his chair and did a few squats and jumping jacks in the room.

To be a long-term gaming enthusiast, one must have a healthy body and abundant energy. This ensures long periods of high concentration in the game, maintains a stable mindset, and avoids physical fatigue.

Since the population surged to over 10,000, Lu Yao could clearly feel that his physical condition had never been better. His vision, hearing, and sense of smell had become much more sensitive in normal times, as if his precision had improved.

This change was even more apparent during exercise.

Although he didn’t get out of breath after running a few steps in the past, he was not someone with good endurance and physical strength.

But now, Lu Yao found that he could effortlessly maintain a high-speed pedaling on his bicycle from home to work.

He could even feel the secretion of certain hormones in his body (but he was not sure if it was adrenaline or endorphins). The physiological changes brought about an unprecedented sense of comfort and relaxation.

Lu Yao now enjoyed riding his bike to and from work. He no longer felt drowsy and tired after work, and his body became light and elastic. This gave him more motivation to solve the population problem.

After exercising for a while, he found that Isabella had made progress.

She finally found a dead person in the “Black Abyss, 1st Floor” who was willing to communicate.

The two sides encrypted their communication for a while, and the black ball dissipated.

Isabella reported, “Sir, the nearby dead said that the ‘Black Abyss’ is a long-standing small world that originally belonged to one of the main gods, the ‘Dark God’.”

“The ‘Dark God’ built the ‘Black Abyss’ and collected various monsters and gods with mysterious abilities. He locked many defeated subordinates and slaves here to absorb their power.”

“But for some reason, the ‘Dark God’ fell many years ago, and this place became a closed fragment world.”

“The powerful gods and monsters trapped here united and exhausted all their power to open a crack, allowing a forest witch to escape from here.”

“After the witch escaped, she did not fulfill the agreement to completely open this place. Instead, she further reinforced the ‘Black Abyss’ and repaired the previous loopholes, making the seal here even more unbreakable.”

“Relying on the power obtained from the ‘Black Abyss’, the witch became a famous figure in the outside world and gradually rose to a high position.”

“She is the later Forest God.”

Lu Yao couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart.

No wonder the Forest God said that this place is her most precious legacy and regret.

It turns out she started from scratch and betrayed her fellow prisoners.

Isabella continued, “The Forest God later created the ‘Golden Plains’, and the Silvanus Tree was also obtained from the Abyss.”

“The Silvanus Tree is a strange object that lies between life and treasure. Its roots are in the ‘Black Abyss’, while the trunk and crown are in the ‘Golden Plains’.”

“The Silvanus Tree absorbs the power of the sealed beings in the abyss, stripping away various treasures carried and created by the sealed beings. This is why the ‘Golden Plains’ is filled with treasures.”

Seeing this, Lu Yao’s eyes lit up.

Let me summarize.

The “Black Abyss” seems to be an extremely dangerous main god’s prison…but from another perspective, it is the Forest God’s hidden treasure trove, the source of the treasures on the Silvanus Tree in the “Golden Plains”.

The “Golden Plains” is so stingy, only giving one treasure after completing a trial. And they even have this three-choice thing.

Lu Yao had been dissatisfied with this for a long time.

If you want to give, give them all. As a dignified main god, what’s the point of showing something to someone and then taking it back?

Now he decided to shift his focus from the “Golden Plains” to the “Black Abyss”.

If I, Lu Yao, want any treasures, I will rely on myself to get them here!

In the “Black Abyss”, what one can obtain depends on their own abilities, without any middlemen making a profit.

Two words: fairness.

The Forest God’s experience of starting from scratch made Lu Yao’s wariness towards the Forest God increase once again.He was once the Supreme God, and also the Forest Witch. Who knows what means of resurrection he might have after his fall… All sorts of conspiracy theories suddenly surged in his mind.

Lu Yao typed a question above Isabella’s head: “After the Supreme God falls, does he completely disappear?”

“Sir, as far as I know, no.”

Isabella replied, “When a deity falls, they are stripped of their divine status and will by the rules. Their past memories and the divinity of their godly self will be completely annihilated. They will lose their divine side and revert to their state before becoming a deity.”

“If the Forest God has not yet fallen, old apostles like me would not fall into sleep or near death.”

“With the fall of the deity they follow, the flame of faith in the apostle’s body is completely extinguished. If no other deity reignites the spark, the life of the apostle will gradually turn to ashes, disappearing with the deity of the past…”

After carefully questioning, Lu Yao made a simple summary.

In general, when a deity falls, they lose their player status and revert to a normal life form. Everything about playing the role of a deity will be completely deleted.

It makes sense when you think about it.

Lu Yao estimated that once the deity simulated by the player in “Deity Simulator” falls, the related save files are likely to be automatically deleted.

He was quite confident in Isabella.

There is a special connection between deity players and apostles.

The flame of faith connects Lu Yao with Isabella and the Blood Knight, with the apostles acting like the arms and limbs of the deity within the simulator.

Apostles cannot rebel or resist the deity, just like the survival instinct constrains living beings.

Even if the Forest God still exists in some way, she is no longer the Supreme God, but the Forest Witch of the past.

With the threat temporarily eliminated, Lu Yao turned his attention back to the “Black Abyss”.

He issued a series of commands.

Isabella quickly executed: she first arranged for the entire Donghai clan to migrate in batches, taking paddle sailboats to the Western Continent (where the Garlic Tribe is located). This island only retained the function of a port and a sea transit station.

There were no resources on the island, its only advantage was its size.

Now, the total number of pixel people who believe in Lu Yao is less than 5,000. This population is not yet large enough to spread out, it’s better to concentrate on basic construction.

Moreover, once the “Black Abyss” was opened, the golden gate of the entrance and exit was fixed and could not be moved.

Entering and exiting required Lu Yao’s key to open the door.

Lu Yao simply used this island as a support for the “Black Abyss” instance.

As for the integration of the tribes, he didn’t care at all. These internal issues should be solved by the pixel people themselves.

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