Chapter 49 – Isabella is indispensable

“No way! This is impossible!”

In the confinement room, the middle-aged man desperately argued.

“Prosecutor Song, you can’t falsely accuse innocent people. I didn’t hide any dangerous items in the safe zone. Where is the evidence?”

“I, Jia Xiaokai, have made mistakes, but I am actively reforming and correcting my past mistakes. You can’t add charges to me because of the past, can you? I can’t accept it!”

Jia Xiaokai ran his hand through his thinning hair, his face filled with disbelief.

Song Shiyi, sitting across from him, remained unmoved.

“If you confess truthfully, you will receive lenient treatment. But if you conceal and cause safety accidents and negative social impact… then your next stop won’t be this confinement room, but the prison in the Low-dimensional Space.”

Song Shiyi said sternly.

Jia Xiaokai vigorously shook his arms, his smile bitter. “I really don’t have anything. How can I confess?”

“You can investigate, go to my house and see. I don’t have any dangerous items.”

“Prosecutor Song, everything needs evidence, needs to investigate the facts, right?”

Song Shiyi didn’t continue arguing with him. She simply put away her recording phone and stood up from her chair.

“Well, today’s routine questioning ends here. If you have anything you want to tell us, feel free to ring the doorbell at any time.”

She turned and walked into the wall.

Jia Xiaokai poured himself a glass of cold water from the nearby water dispenser and took a big sip.

His face appeared normal, but his heart was in turmoil.

Why would others know?

This shouldn’t be happening.

There’s something strange about this.

No… it’s not right.

Song Shiyi isn’t the type to fabricate things without reason. She’s the kind of prosecutor who likes to present evidence.

Could it be… that the organization intentionally leaked the information, wanting to force out the key from the committee?

Jia Xiaokai furrowed his brows, his round fingers touching his temple, his facial expression hidden by the back of his hand.

If that’s the case, indeed.

Under the continuous pressure and surveillance of the committee, he has no other choice. He no longer has the opportunity to independently study the key… 180 years of imprisonment is too long for anyone.

Unfortunately, those guys don’t know.

The key in his hands is not used to unlock the famous “Golden Wilderness,” but the infamous “Black Abyss” – where the Forest God seals various terrifying and violent monsters.

Jia Xiaokai thought of this and couldn’t help but laugh.

The key is hidden in the Fragmented World, and he is not worried at all.

After the change of era, the Fragmented World lost the driving force of the main god and quickly closed, returning to a state of stillness and forming a new safe zone.

The gods cannot enter it, they can only wait for the apprentice gods in the shattered world to advance to the Temple of Gods, and then move parts of the Fragmented World, turning it into a crawling zone.

Most importantly…

Even if someone can survive in the traps he set and obtain the key to open the teleportation gate…

They will face level 40 monsters’ siege, which is only the outermost layer of prisoners in the “Black Abyss.”

Jia Xiaokai is looking forward to it. It would be interesting to see the expression of someone who opens the “Black Abyss” with anticipation.

Lu Yao indulged himself today.

He bought two pistol legs, a beef burger, a fried chicken burger, a pack of fries, a box of chicken nuggets, two large cups of iced cola, and half a cut cantaloupe. A total of 148 yuan.

He had been staying up late almost every day recently, so today was a reward for himself.

“Eat whatever you want, don’t be polite.”

Lu Yao gestured to Isabella beside him.

Isabella hesitated for a moment and said, “Master, I don’t need food. As long as the flame of faith in the temple is still burning, I can obtain supplies from it.”

Lu Yao handed her a pistol leg. “Sometimes eating is not about being hungry. Consider it a treat. Eat as you please, you might like it.”

Without Isabella’s day and night efforts, the situation would not be as clear as it is now. It would have been impossible to obtain a boss-level subordinate like the Blood Knight and take off directly.

“Yes, Master.”

Isabella obediently followed.

She imitated Lu Yao’s actions, grabbing the pistol leg and tearing into it, leaving oil stains around her lips.

Lu Yao smiled and said, “Take off your sunglasses while eating. We’re all on the same side.”

“Yes, Master.”

Isabella held the chicken leg, her hands covered in oil. Now she had to take off her glasses, and for a moment, she was a bit flustered.

“Let me help you.”

When Lu Yao took off her sunglasses, his eyeball almost rolled out. He quickly and clumsily pushed it back into her eye socket.

In the end, Isabella’s complete facial features were revealed.

She had a kind of indifference that seemed inhumane, with bright and resolute eyes. The green pupils shimmered with a metallic texture under the light.

Compared to human girls on Earth, Isabella’s gaze was too direct and straightforward, giving off a domineering aura at first glance.

But after looking at her for a while, Lu Yao realized that it wasn’t the case at all.

Isabella had a habit of unfocusing her eyes, which made her look like she was daydreaming, but it was actually because she was nearsighted without her glasses.

“…Because I’m used to observing my surroundings with the power of faith.”

Isabella put down the chicken leg and bowed, saying, “I’m very sorry, Master. My current demeanor is disrespectful.”

“It’s okay, we’re on the same side. There’s no need to be restrained when there are no outsiders.”

Lu Yao felt that this way was more relaxed.

“Yes, Master.” Isabella straightened her posture.

For Lu Yao, the Blood Knight could be replaced, but Isabella was indispensable.

Just like when he subtly questioned Song Shiyi before. Isabella’s identity as an Apostle had a natural persuasiveness, so Song Shiyi, as a prosecutor of the committee, treated her with respect.Under Isabella’s guidance, she indicated that there was a problem with Pray to the Gods, which was related to the “Whistleblower” behind the scenes.

Although Song Shiyi had some doubts, she still showed her concern. She naturally mentioned some theories about the safe zone, subtly indicating that there was no need to worry, everything was under control.

If it were someone else, it wouldn’t have the same effect.

In fact, Lu Yao had Isabella go to the mini-market to borrow the owner’s phone to call Song Shiyi. If it wasn’t for a pretty young girl, it wouldn’t be so easy to borrow someone’s phone to make a call.

With a Blood Knight stationed in the pixel world, Lu Yao was now at ease, so he had time to eat fried chicken and chat with Isabella.

“Why is this low-dimensional space you’re in called the Fragmented World?”

Isabella slowly gnawed and chewed on the chicken bone, patiently nibbling off every strand of meat on the bone and swallowing it, as always, frugal.

“Sir, because it’s not a complete world.”

“A complete world is tree-shaped, made up of many small worlds connected together. The core connecting all these worlds is the Main God Space, which is the ‘Golden Prairie’ you opened before…”

Isabella patiently explained for a long time.

After listening carefully, Lu Yao summarized.

The big world is like a skewer.

The skewer stick is the Main God Space, which can connect to many worlds and enter and exit at any time.

The Main God Space is a private space created by a Main God-level deity, similar to the backstage manager of many worlds.

There is also a type of “Ownerless World”, somewhat similar to the Fragmented World.

But unlike the Fragmented World, the “Ownerless World” has not been occupied and transformed by gods, and some may breed rare species or precious treasures.

Therefore, the “Ownerless World” has always been an important strategic resource that the gods search for and fight over.

Compared to the fertile Ownerless World, the Fragmented World is like an over-cultivated barren wasteland.

Without the support and drive of the Main God, the rules of the Fragmented World will quickly self-correct. The boundaries will be fixed again, forming a new safe zone that prevents the gods from entering.

After this Fragmented World was stripped away, the “Whistleblower” took the opportunity to send believers and heroes to invade – even so, they were still constrained by the power of the rules, and the sealed Blood Knight was a perfect example.

In short, the Fragmented World is like a newbie village for apprentice gods.

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