Chapter 48 – The safe zone is very safe

Song Shiyi woke up at exactly seven o’clock. She took a shower, blow-dried her hair, and then drank a cup of warm milk before starting to look at the notes on her phone.

No matter what happened yesterday, her abstinence-induced amnesia would always erase her memories on time, leaving her with only the memories before she turned fourteen.

Some people say that having a good memory is a burden.

But for Song Shiyi, constantly forgetting is also a regret.

She would always wake up in a blank space, feeling dazed, and suddenly find herself grown up in the mirror. It was as if overnight, she had turned twenty.

What exactly happened during those six missing years?

Song Shiyi couldn’t help but wonder.

According to the records given by the hospital and the committee, she suffered from a special prop during a capture mission three years ago, which caused her brain to malfunction and unable to retain new memories.

The days of practicing dance and performing in the SUH girl group felt like yesterday.

Song Shiyi opened the memo that she had synchronized to the cloud server, and the first sentence written on it was:

“Every day is a new beginning.”

She was selected by the simulator at a young age to become one of the divine players, and this part of her memory was preserved intact.

Or rather, the related memories were protected by some kind of power or rule, and even the prop that could destroy memories couldn’t separate them.

The records in the memo were divided into two parts: work and life.

She first opened the work section.

The latest message was written on it.

“Mark and search for a player named [God Yao] in the Temple of Gods. The fragment world he is in is related to [Golden Plains].”

She lightly tapped on it, and a recording popped up.

A woman said, “Why is it you? Can’t we change to someone else?”

“…I only know that he calls himself ‘God Yao,’ I don’t know anything else.”

Song Shiyi had no impression of this conversation.

But she had gotten used to it.

She would hear conversations on her phone that she didn’t remember at all, constantly receive calls from strangers, and have unfamiliar people greet her…

Sometimes she would imagine, what if she wasn’t really Song Shiyi, but instead inherited or took over the personality and life of someone named Song Shiyi, walking in this world.

Or perhaps, the real Song Shiyi had long since died. The current her was just a substitute that could only be used for 24 hours, like a machine with insufficient storage.

But that didn’t really matter.

In everyone’s eyes, including her own, she couldn’t deny that she was Song Shiyi.

Suddenly, her phone rang, and it was an unknown number without a record.

Song Shiyi clicked on the speakerphone to answer.

But there was no sound on the other end.

“Hello?” Song Shiyi tried to speak, “I’m Song Shiyi.”

Then the other person spoke, “Let’s meet up.”

It was a girl on the other end, sounding young.

Song Shiyi asked, “What’s the matter?”

“We’ve met before, in an alley with many cars. There’s Yu Yao from the Donghai family there. I have some information to tell you and also ask you some questions.”

Song Shiyi opened the work section and counted from the top according to the dates.

She did find a relevant item in one of the lines.

“At the parking alley outside the Jiu Yuan Community Motorcycle Factory dormitory, Jia Xiaokai’s disciple Yu Yao caused the deaths of two people. Executed by the female apostle Mary.”

“Oh, I remember now. Hello, hello,” Song Shiyi finally agreed, “So let’s meet at that place?”

The other person said, “Let’s meet at the same alley as last time.”

The call ended there.

Song Shiyi looked at the number, a normal phone number.

But she didn’t bother to check it, and even if she did, she might not be able to find anything. To her, her greatest advantage was forgetting after seeing, which didn’t trouble herself or burden others.

That was also the key to her having so many informants.

Song Shiyi changed into a different outfit, grabbed her bag, and waved at the crystal chandelier in the living room.

“Little Ming, I’m going out.”

A small sparrow flew out of the dazzling chandelier and landed on Song Shiyi’s shoulder.

As soon as it left, all the lights in the room instantly went out.

The sparrow used its short beak to groom its chest feathers, tilted its head, and looked at Song Shiyi with its small eyes, no different from an ordinary bird.

“As always, no stealing electricity or fire outside, especially in public facilities. We agreed on that,” Song Shiyi scratched its head with her finger.

Little Ming nodded, pecking like a little chick.

Outside the dormitory of the motorcycle factory, there were two boys around eleven or twelve years old playing soccer in the parking alley.

When Song Shiyi arrived here, their eyes kept stealing glances at her, and their conversation seemed distracted. The ball under their feet couldn’t stop rolling.

When they met Song Shiyi’s gaze, the two boys blushed and quickly turned their eyes away, pretending to be focused on practicing passing and coordination.

Song Shiyi looked at her own appearance.Outside is a wool jacket, inside is a black fitted knit sweater, and jeans and boots underneath. She has short silver-gray hair that reaches her ears, and she is not wearing any earrings or necklaces. She only has a bit of eyeliner on and natural-colored lipstick.

This outfit makes her look slightly more mature.

Song Shiyi looks around and sees that the other person is already sitting in a car.

“Here.” A girl waves at her.

The Chery car that the girl is sitting in is covered in dust, perhaps abandoned by its owner. But that doesn’t matter.

Song Shiyi also gets into the back seat of the Chery car.

She observes the other person.

Mary is a girl wearing a gray hoodie. She looks about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a baseball cap covering her head and green hair tied up underneath the brim.

The girl is wearing sunglasses, as if she doesn’t want anyone to see her true appearance. Normal people wouldn’t understand that there is a terrifying Apostle power hidden within this seemingly delicate body.

The girl says, “I want to investigate someone. Pray to the Gods.”

The girl speaks softly, “There is something dangerous in his hands.”

“Miss Mary.”

Song Shiyi speaks up, “I do have information related to Pray to the Gods. However, as a prosecutor of the committee, leaking information is against the rules…”

“May I ask what it is that makes you think it’s dangerous?”

“I cannot disclose that.”

Song Shiyi is not surprised by the other person’s reaction.

Essentially, she and the informants exchange information, mutually benefiting each other. But there are strict rules within the committee that must be followed.

Both of them fall silent for a moment.

Mary suddenly says, “The thing might be hidden in the safe zone, not in the fragmented world. That’s the information I know.”

Song Shiyi is unsure of what the other person means.

But for the committee, maintaining the normal order of the safe zone is of utmost importance.

“Miss Mary, the safe zone is still safe.” Song Shiyi says.

“Really?” Mary asks in return.

This statement leaves Song Shiyi a bit speechless.

Recently, there have been two cases in this area.

The robbery faith case of Yuan Lisha, and the disciple breaking through the wall and killing case of Jia Xiaokai…

The public security has not been good recently.

Song Shiyi can only use the official statement, “We will do our best to terminate the danger in advance, but human resources are limited and we cannot prevent every case…”

Mary interrupts her, “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Then what?”

“Something even more dangerous… like the [Whistleblower].”

Song Shiyi immediately shakes her head, “That’s impossible.”

Mary remains silent.

“I don’t know your reasons. But…”

Song Shiyi blurts out, “According to the theory of parallel dimensions, high-dimensional spaces and low-dimensional spaces have always remained relatively parallel. The interaction between players on Earth is strictly speaking, the production of information, which is synchronized with the low-dimensional world.”

“From a macro perspective, unlike the active and ever-changing low-dimensional space, high-dimensional spaces are in a long-term static state and cannot directly overlap or interfere with other dimensional spaces.”

“For players from high-dimensional spaces to reach here, they must move their own world and overlap it with the world on a dimensional level. However, the higher the dimensional space, the more difficult it is to move.”

“Any closed world or fragmented world that cannot form a two-way channel or dimensional overlap conforms to the definition of a safe zone. The Earth in the high-dimensional space is one of them.”

“Just as the saying goes, a person cannot lift the ground beneath their feet.”

“The usual practice is for players to use the Temple of the Gods to lower their dimensions and enter the low-dimensional world. By moving the low-dimensional world they control, they can overlap or interfere with other low-dimensional worlds.”

“It’s like two people living in different countries, they cannot move their entire house and city, so they can only go out and meet through movable transportation.”

Song Shiyi quotes many existing conclusions and finally makes a summary, “The safe zone is like the deep sea, and the crawling zone is like the shallow sea.”

“The pressure of the deep sea makes it difficult for shallow sea creatures to survive. The various abilities they pride themselves on will be ineffective here, and they may even suffocate themselves.”

“Even if players from high-dimensional spaces manage to come to the safe zone, they must sever their own abilities in the crawling zone and lose everything. In doing so, they are no different from ordinary people or animals here, and they may even put themselves in extreme danger.”

Mary says, “There are exceptions to everything.”

This seemingly light sentence makes Song Shiyi think a lot.

The theory of the safe zone is a conclusion drawn from extensive practice.

But as the committee’s research on simulators deepens, new perspectives and thoughts have been constantly emerging.

Any risks that arise from the security theory barriers of the safe zone are difficult to bear.

Even though the possibility is very low, precautions must still be taken. This Mary who has revealed this information to herself is definitely not here for leisure.

“Thank you for the information, Miss Mary.”

Song Shiyi says seriously, “I will report this matter to the committee as an anonymous source.”……

Lu Yao let out a sigh in his room.

Every organization has its own security anxieties. All it takes is to point out the theoretical risks and release some seemingly significant news, which would make them somewhat skeptical.

This time, he was actually just for a single sentence.

“Is the safe zone really safe?”

For this vinegar dish, Lu Yao had to wrap a plate of dumplings.

Since the safe zone is secure, and other dimensional gods cannot come for a real-life PK, Lu Yao has nothing to fear.

What about the “Whistleblower” and the “Skin Peeler”?

It’s still the same sentence.

On the territory of the Garlic Tribe, if any of you dare to show up, I’ll beat you up every time I see you.

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