Chapter 27 – Ghost worship is also a belief

Lu Yao stopped his gaze above the city of Sanilo.

The infrastructure of this ghost city reached the level of the feudal era: the ground was paved with stone slabs, various houses were built with a mixture of wood and stone, there were drainage ditches and flower beds along the edges of the ground, and even trees were planted along the streets.

The residents of Sanilo were all ghosts. They were different from normal pixelated people, with their bodies being semi-transparent, like an enlarged version of the gray people on top of the barbarian tribe. The ghost residents also had a characteristic, which was a level mark on their heads.

The majority of ghost residents were between LV1 and LV5.

The soldiers, on the other hand, ranged from LV5 to LV10. These ghostly figures wore chainmail, helmets, and wielded spears, completely different from the attire of ordinary citizens. They were true professional soldiers.

Leading the soldiers was a “Commander” named Alex. His level was as high as LV12, wearing silver half-plate armor and wielding a shield and a one-handed sword.

All ghosts had an ability called “Evade.”


Can evade some of the damage caused by attacks. Compared to their weak life, this probability is higher.

Sandworms also had this ability.

For ordinary people, this ability was overwhelming.

The level mark on the heads of the pixelated ghosts represented their superiority over ordinary people. In other words, each ghost had the strength of a hero or a monster.

A city with tens of thousands of ghosts was a nightmare-level force for the surrounding tribal civilizations.

However, who said that he didn’t have an Apostle?

Lu Yao looked at Isabella, who was surrounded by Mayor Chapman and Commander Alex.

With her own strength, she broke through the defense system of Sanilo City. That was Isabella’s charm.

Mayor Chapman poured out his grievances.

“Due to the existence of the divine totem, the flames of other gods’ beliefs cannot be ignited here.”

“Also because of the influence of the totem, the ghosts of Sanilo cannot leave, and foreign ghosts cannot enter. Instead, some monsters can come here to destroy and kill.”

“Sometimes the sandworms in the desert also launch attacks on the city, and every time we resist them, it is very difficult.”

“There are also sea monsters in the sea, and sometimes they attack the port.”

“In recent years, the number of ghosts in the city has been decreasing. If this continues, Sanilo City will eventually perish.”

Commander Alex also said, “The number of soldiers in the city keeps decreasing. Now there are only 58 soldiers left. The defense force continues to weaken. Although I have been training ordinary citizens to become soldiers, the effect is not very good.”

Isabella fell silent for a moment. “In other words, the key to the curse of Sanilo is the divine totem. As long as the totem is gone, this city will no longer have constraints in terms of belief and population.”

“You’re right.”

Mayor Chapman immediately requested, “But it is impossible for humans to destroy the divine totem. It is the mark left by the gods. Even if the statue carrier is destroyed, the mark still remains.”

“Only gods can counter gods.”

“Sanilo has always hoped that a god would come to save our city. We are willing to offer our faith, just like we used to serve the Forest God, and spread the blessings and name of the gods to the places we have been.”

Isabella looked towards the screen and knelt down on one knee.

A dialogue box appeared above her head, visible only to Lu Yao.

“Sir, should we accept the souls of Sanilo?”

– Can ghosts provide faith?

“They can.”

Isabella said, “All beings with intelligence or wisdom in the world have the power of faith.”

Then what else is there to say?

I want the whole city!

Lu Yao shifted his gaze to the square of Sanilo City.

The square was the center of the city, where all the streets converged. The circular square was guarded by buildings resembling a city hall and an observatory, and in the center of the square stood a blue sculpture.

Lu Yao took a closer look.

Oh, isn’t this the familiar Pray to the Gods totem?

Since he had already destroyed one in the East River Tribe, he had no psychological burden in dismantling this second one.

Lu Yao selected the lightning from the “Miracle” and aimed it at the totem.

The lightning fell from the sky, but disappeared when it approached the city.

– Because of the protection of the divine totem, your miracle cannot take effect.

The defense of the totem didn’t surprise Lu Yao, but what surprised him was that even after striking it with ten lightning bolts, the totem only showed some cracks and remained standing.

He realized that the totem might also have different levels.

The totem here was much stronger than the one in the East River Tribe.

Lu Yao glanced at the top right corner.

Population: 401 Faith: 522

There was still faith ammunition.

Isabella watched beside him, as did the ghost residents of Sanilo City. The face of his god was still important. In a broader sense, it was related to his future authority and the firmness of the ghosts’ faith.

Since it had come to this point, he had to strive to take it all at once.

Lu Yao rapidly selected the lightning.

He discovered that there was a number behind the lightning.

It turned out that he could select the quantity—or rather, the intensity—of the lightning at once.

Lu Yao set it to the maximum.

Lightning x25!

He locked the selected range above the totem and clicked the mouse.

A blue arc of light constantly flickered in the pixelated sky, gathering into a lightning pillar that struck down on the Pray to the Gods totem!

This time it went smoothly. The totem was instantly turned into ashes, and there was a large blackened area where the sculpture had been.

As the totem shattered, all the residents of Sanilo City cheered.

“The curse is lifted!”

“Hail God Yao!”

“We have a new god!””Sanilo is free!”

“Praise God Yao! The great God Yao!”

Mayor Chapman also showed a smiley face symbol above his head.

He said to Isabella, “On behalf of all the citizens of Sanilo, I sincerely thank the mercy and tolerance of the deity. From now on, we in Sanilo will believe in God Yao and offer our faith and loyalty.”

Commander Alexis also knelt on one knee, “Loyal to God Yao!”

The soldiers behind him also followed his example, kneeling to show their loyalty.

“Loyal to God Yao!”

“Loyal to God Yao!”

At this time, Lu Yao was staring at the upper right corner of the game interface.

The faith value remained still, staying at 22 points.

He was puzzled.

Could it be a scam?

Just as he was anxious, the faith value suddenly skyrocketed!

The faith value jumped directly from 22 points to 10,754 points!

Lu Yao couldn’t help but punch the air in excitement!


This is the fast-paced gameplay of “Deity Simulator”. Find large groups of people everywhere, regardless of whether they are human or not, as long as they have faith, they can be included. This is called expanding the audience and external demand.

After recovering from the joy of becoming rich overnight, Lu Yao noticed that the population next to the faith value also skyrocketed.

Population: 11,133 Faith: 10,754

Ghosts indeed have faith, and they are also considered part of the believer population.

Lu Yao moved the mouse to the population column.

For the first time, a detailed list appeared below.

Ghosts occupied the majority of the population, and the living became the minority.

However, the next problem also arose.

How to deal with Sanilo?

Mayor Chapman made a request to Isabella, “Apostle, the residents of Sanilo are all ghosts. Ordinary people can’t see ghosts. Ghosts can only be seen by other ghosts or other special extraordinary beings.”

“Normal city development may no longer be suitable for Sanilo.”

“But ghosts also have their advantages.”

“We don’t need food, we don’t need rest, and we have a long life. The more ghosts in Sanilo, the stronger everyone’s power… and higher-level ghosts can be born.”

“There are often accidents at sea, so there are many lost souls. We want to bring them into Sanilo, which can not only develop more believers for the deity, but also further expand the city scale.”

This proposal was strongly affirmed and praised by Lu Yao.

This Mayor Chapman has some good ideas.

In the pixel world, population is the primary productive force!

Lu Yao gave his own suggestions through Isabella.

– Suggest to search in the desert, there should also be many ghosts there. Also, go north along the desert, there are lost souls around the Garlic Tribe and in the forest.

Seeing his suggestion being accepted, Mayor Chapman showed a smiley face symbol above his head, “Okay, okay, we will send soldiers to receive these ghosts later.”

In Lu Yao’s mind, he had a plan for the future development of the ghost city Sanilo.

As the saying goes, old people have old methods, new people have new methods.

The dead from the Garlic Tribe and surrounding tribes, their ghosts enter Sanilo, continue to shine and contribute faith, and build the world in another way after death.

The strength of the ghosts is also directly related to the number of the group, this is a win-win situation.


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