Chapter 13 – Bounded dimension

The next day was Sunday.

“Are you really going out with me?” Lu Yao looked at the girl in front of him.

“Sir, there are demons lurking around you. I must stay by your side to ensure your safety,” Isabella said firmly.

“Going out is necessary. We need to stock up on enough food and minimize contact with other suspicious individuals. This way, we can avoid being poisoned by demons or participating in demonic rituals,” she explained.

Lu Yao agreed with her reasoning.

However, Isabella accompanying him would bring some other troubles.

Firstly, her peculiar attire might attract attention, although it was much better than the black-robed blind monk costume.

“Now I will create a simple background story for you, and you must remember it well.”

“Sir, what is a background story?”

“It’s a description of your identity.”

“I see.”

“Good. Your name will still be Isabella, but you come from a small country. Our families know each other, so we have been friends since childhood. You can also speak Chinese since you were young.”

Isabella nodded.

“You are 18 years old this year and came to this city for a vacation to relax.”

“I will be your guide and show you around. You can call me Lu Yao. If you encounter any questions that you cannot or do not want to answer, just remain silent.”


With the preparations complete, Lu Yao took Isabella out of the house.

“Let’s buy you a pair of shoes first.”


Isabella had small feet and couldn’t fit into Lu Yao’s shoes, so she had to wear slippers, which made her movements inconvenient.

Lu Yao took her to a mall and had her try on a pair of canvas shoes. He also wanted to buy her a set of affordable clothes.

Isabella kept insisting that it was unnecessary.

“Lu… Lu Yao, I can cut and sew clothes from fabric myself. I used to do it this way.”

“As long as there is leather and fabric, I can make shoes.”

“Or I can cover my body with a piece of fabric, so I won’t feel ashamed. It can also be used as a blanket at night, very convenient.”

With Isabella’s serious and sincere face, Lu Yao couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for her.

Being an apostle was not easy either.

When they reached the fresh vegetable area, Lu Yao bought a lot of meat, potatoes, rice, and noodles, which could last them for half a month.

“Lu Yao.”

Someone suddenly called out to him.

Oh no, an acquaintance!

It was Sister Peng. She was pushing a shopping cart with her boyfriend, Fu Chenggang, and it was filled with ingredients for hot pot.

Lu Yao could only greet her reluctantly.

“So, you’re also here to buy groceries,” Sister Peng said openly. “This is my boyfriend, or more accurately, my fiancé, Fu Chenggang. This is Lu Yao, the handsome guy from our unit that I told you about. He’s a good person.”

Fu Chenggang was a tall man with slightly dark skin. He was wearing a stiff jacket and had a square face and a broad nose, exuding a masculine aura.

“Hello,” he smiled and greeted Lu Yao.

“Lu Yao, introduce the person beside you,” Sister Peng said with a smile.

“Isabella, she’s a friend of mine.”

“Wow, a foreign girl. How did you two meet?”

“Our families know each other, so we have known each other since childhood.”

Lu Yao maintained a calm expression.

Isabella remained silent.

Sister Peng glanced at her and then stopped asking further questions. “Well, I won’t disturb you then.”

Fu Chenggang suddenly said, “Do you live in the motorcycle factory dormitory in Jiuyuan Community?”

“I’m from the City Criminal Police Brigade. There was an incident in the alley outside the motorcycle factory dormitory that day, and I went to the scene. But it was my colleagues who interviewed you, not me.”

So he was a police officer.

Lu Yao nodded.

“What happened? Is the case related to Lu Yao and the motorcycle factory dormitory?” Sister Peng was surprised. It seemed that she didn’t know about this.

“Lu Yao was one of the witnesses. He called the police at the time, and my colleagues interviewed him.” Fu Chenggang briefly explained.

Lu Yao took the opportunity to ask, “Officer Fu, have they caught the pervert?”

“I can’t disclose that information.”

“He hasn’t been caught yet?” Sister Peng didn’t care about the confidentiality and complained, “That person is too terrifying. He stripped people naked and hung them up, treating them like animals waiting to be slaughtered. The victims will have psychological trauma for the rest of their lives. I’ve seen many people online saying that he’s a butcher with special fetishes.”

Fu Chenggang felt a bit awkward. Bound by police discipline, he couldn’t reveal any insider information and could only say, “We will definitely bring him to justice. Let’s wait for the official announcement.”

After parting ways with Sister Peng, Lu Yao and Isabella carried their bags of groceries and took a taxi back to the community.

The task of sorting and organizing the groceries was left to Xiao Huo.Lu Yao couldn’t wait to sit in front of the computer desk and start operating the “Deity Simulator”.

Isabella sat next to Lu Yao, watching him click the mouse, and couldn’t help but whisper, “So this is what the low-dimensional space looks like from the high-dimensional space.”

“It’s easy to understand.” Lu Yao moved the mouse and made a comparison, “From a high altitude, each of us looks as small as an ant. It’s just a matter of perspective.”

Isabella seemed thoughtful.

She sat upright, looking as if she was watching Lu Yao play a game. In fact, she was very alert, paying attention to any movement in the cabin.

“By the way,” Lu Yao voiced his idea, “Isabella, since I can summon you here, can I also use the temple to bring other tribe members here?”

“Sir, please don’t do that, it’s extremely dangerous.”

Isabella said seriously, “When a low-dimensional life enters the high-dimensional space, it will be distorted by the power of the rules due to its lack of foundation and form in the high-dimensional space. Without the protection of the divine flame of faith, these lives will undergo unpredictable irreversible changes and eventually become grotesque monsters.”

“Only Apostles, because they have the divine flame of faith given by the gods in their bodies, can stay in the high-dimensional space for a short time, but they will also be affected over time.”

Dimensional restrictions?

Lu Yao pondered. It seemed that the real world was the high-dimensional space, and the pixel world was the low-dimensional space.

He pointed to the busy cactus behind him, “What about it? It seems that the little fire is not affected at all.”

“The cactus follower is special.”

Isabella said calmly, “It was born in the high-dimensional space and was thrown into the low-dimensional space by the gods. Plus, it is a very simple form of life, capable of adapting to many environments.”

Lu Yao asked, “How long can you stay here?”

“The limit is probably 15 days. Please make sure to let me return to the low-dimensional space, otherwise I may be distorted by the power of the high-dimensional rules, become very strange, or even become a monster.”

“So, if you go back and use the temple to summon you again, there will be no impact, right?”

“There will be no impact. However, it’s best to let me stay in the low-dimensional space for at least 3 days, so that my foundation and form can resynchronize with the power of the low-dimensional rules…”

Lu Yao understood.

This was a bit like charging, and a bit like getting a vaccine.

If Isabella stayed here too long, she might mutate into a monster. But as long as she could regularly go back to take medicine, she could maintain her current stable form.

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