Chapter 36 – Fool

Chen Muye glared at Wen Qimo.

Wen Qimo said seriously, “Madam, it’s like this. Lin Qiye originally applied to go to Qiqihar, but later he was reassigned to Wulumuqi.”

Auntie looked half-believing, “What about his documents?”

Wen Qimo took out a thick stack of documents from his briefcase and placed them on the table in front of Auntie.

“Lin Qiye’s procedures are all here, please keep them safe.” Wen Qimo thought for a moment and continued, “There may be some more documents coming later, and we will visit again then.”

Auntie squinted her eyes and took the documents from afar, reading each word carefully, afraid of missing any important information.

After a long time, she finally put down the documents and sighed.

“This child, his eyes have just recovered, I’m afraid something will go wrong during his time in the army…”

“Please rest assured, we have conducted a detailed examination of Lin Qiye’s eyes, there won’t be any other problems, he is very healthy.” Wen Qimo’s voice gradually softened, “And, as children grow up, they need to leave the family and experience some challenges, don’t they?”

Auntie opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she could only sigh helplessly.

“Madam, here is the subsidy for Lin Qiye’s military service, please accept it.” Chen Muye took out a thick envelope and pushed it in front of Auntie.

Auntie lifted a corner of the envelope and trembled all over, looking at the two in shock.

“This…this is too much!”

“The country provides good benefits for soldiers now, and the team where Lin Qiye is located is relatively special, so the subsidy is relatively higher than other places.” Wen Qimo explained.

“Special? Is it dangerous?” Auntie’s face changed.

“No, the ‘special’ here means…it’s far away.” Wen Qimo said seriously, “After all, it takes a long time to travel from here to Wulumuqi.”

“I see.” Auntie held the envelope in her hand, feeling uneasy.

It was the first time she had seen so much money.

“Comrade, can you help me send this money to him?” Auntie worriedly asked, “He is going to such a far place alone, what if he doesn’t have money? And I’m also worried about keeping so much money at home!”

“The army doesn’t need that much money, and we have regulations that this money is for the family, so please be sure to accept it.” Wen Qimo narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice becoming more serious, “As for safety…rest assured, as long as we are here, no one can harm you.”

“When will he come back after he leaves?”

“Ten years.” Chen Muye suddenly spoke, his eyes full of seriousness, “After ten years, he will definitely come back.”

“Ten years…” Auntie muttered these two words, turned to look at Yang Jin, and murmured to herself, “After ten years, Jin should be in college…”

Wen Qimo and Chen Muye chatted with Auntie for a while, and when it was almost time, they got up to say goodbye.

“By the way, can you make phone calls there?” Auntie suddenly remembered something.

“Of course.” Wen Qimo nodded, “I will give you a phone later, as long as it’s not during training time, you can contact him.”

“Okay, okay.”

Auntie saw them off, then stood alone at the door for a while before slowly returning to her room, staring blankly at Lin Qiye’s room.

Her eyes gradually turned red.

“Mom…it’s a good thing for Brother to join the army.” Yang Jin walked up with Little Black Pox in his arms, comforting her.

“Mom knows.” Auntie wiped her eyes, “Children need to go out and see the world when they grow up, it’s a good thing for him to experience the military.

When he comes back, he will be a veteran, and when it’s time for me to find a daughter-in-law for him, there will definitely be many people vying for him!”

Yang Jin:…

“Mom just…can’t let go.” Auntie looked up at the window, lost in thought.

“It’s time to go.”

Chen Muye walked downstairs and patted Lin Qiye, who was secretly watching from the window, and said.

Lin Qiye stared at Auntie on the balcony and spoke softly, “How is she?”

“She believes.”

“That’s good…did you give them the money?”

“I did.” Chen Muye paused, “That’s all your subsidy and one year’s salary in advance. What will you do?”

“I’ve saved some money over the years, I can manage for a year.”

Seeing this, Chen Muye fell silent for a moment and added, “If you have nothing to do, you can come to the office for meals.”

“Temporary members don’t have food and accommodation provided, right?”

“Temporary members don’t have food and accommodation, but…” Chen Muye patted his shoulder and walked towards the nearby van, “I’ll make an exception for the food I cook.”

Lin Qiye was taken aback, a smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.


Just then, the newly equipped phone in Lin Qiye’s pocket rang.


“Little Qi? Is that you, Little Qi?”

“It’s me, Auntie.”

“You child, you went off to join the army without even telling me. If you wanted to go… I wouldn’t have stopped you! Are you not considering me as your aunt anymore? Hmm?”

“I’m sorry, Auntie… I, I was wrong.”

“Sigh… Are you on the train?”


“How long until you arrive?”

“I heard it will take two days, the green train is a bit slow.”

“After you get to the camp, make sure to eat more, don’t wear yourself out!”

“I understand, Auntie.”

“Also, I’ve received all your subsidies. I’ll keep them for now, and when you come back, they can be used for your wedding.”

“Auntie, our military treatment is very good, we get a lot of money every year. You can use that money first.”

“You child, you don’t know how to save at all. Keep that money for yourself, you must live well, do you hear me?”

“I hear you, Auntie.”

“Alright, if there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up first.”

“Okay, goodbye Auntie.”

“Remember… after you arrive at Qiqihar, let me know you’re safe.”

“I definitely will, goodbye Auntie.”

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, before Auntie’s slightly hoarse voice rang out again.

“Alright, goodbye…”

Beep, beep, beep…

The busy tone came from the other end of the phone. Auntie tightly gripped the phone, sitting still like a statue.

Then, two lines of hot tears flowed from her eyes.

She slowly leaned on the table, burying her face in her shoulder, crying silently…

Beside her, Yang Jin sighed softly,

He turned to look out the window, murmuring to himself:

“Brother, you’re such a fool…”

Outside the old residential area.

“Qi Ye, it’s time to go.” Chen Muye turned his head and said calmly.

Lin Qiye put away his phone, took one last look at the distant low houses, and hummed in agreement.

The wind was picking up.

The black hair on Lin Qiye’s forehead was slightly blown up. He reached out to tighten his collar and turned to walk into the wind.

Their clothes rustled in the wind!

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