Chapter 14 – I have a friend

Dong dong dong!

“Come in.”

Lin Qiye pushed open the door and walked into the consultation room.

Sitting on the other side of the table was a middle-aged male doctor, wearing a white coat and sporting a thinning head of hair, a symbol of wisdom.

Lin Qiye sat down on the chair, and the doctor leisurely spoke, “Tell me, what’s wrong?”

“I’m not sick.”

“If you’re not sick, why are you here?”

“I’m not sick, but my friend has a serious mental illness.”

Upon hearing this, the doctor looked at Lin Qiye with a strange expression and smiled as he ran his fingers through his thinning hair.

“The friend you’re talking about, isn’t it yourself?”

Lin Qiye answered seriously, “No, it’s really a friend.”

“Alright, then tell me… I mean, your friend, what illness does she have? What are the specific symptoms?”

Lin Qiye pondered for a moment. “It’s a bit difficult to describe…”

The doctor laughed. “Then you can treat yourself as that friend and show me how it manifests.”

Lin Qiye gave the doctor a strange look, hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly nodded.

So, Lin Qiye slowly stood up from his seat and, under the doctor’s gaze, walked straight towards him.

He reached out his hand and buried the middle-aged doctor’s head in his embrace, while gently stroking the few remaining strands of hair on the doctor’s head.

His eyes were filled with kindness as he softly said, “My dear son, I’ve finally found you!”

The doctor: “……….”

In the next ten minutes, Lin Qiye used all the skills he had learned in his lifetime to explain to the doctor that it wasn’t him who was sick, avoiding the fate of being forcibly hospitalized.

“So, your friend sees everything as if it were her own child?”


“And she cries a lot?”

“She cries all the time.”

“She likes to sit in the yard and tell stories to the vase and the chair?”

“That’s right.”

“How about her sleep?”

“She doesn’t sleep.”


The doctor frowned. “Your friend is seriously ill! I strongly recommend that you bring her to our hospital for treatment.”

“Her situation is special, and she doesn’t have the conditions for hospitalization.” Lin Qiye said helplessly.

He naturally couldn’t tell the truth. If he really told the doctor that Nyx, the Goddess of the Night, was the patient and that she lived in his own mental hospital in his mind, he would immediately receive a hospitalization notice.

The doctor thought for a moment and began typing on the keyboard with both hands. “If she can’t be hospitalized, then we can only rely on medication for now. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you to give her. If her condition doesn’t improve, you must bring her to the hospital.”

Lin Qiye looked hesitant.

Can the medicine from reality be brought into the mind?

Lin Qiye didn’t know, but he felt that even if he could bring it in, mortal medicine might not be effective on deities.

“Doctor, besides medication, is there any other way to treat her?”

The doctor pondered for a moment and slowly said, “Your friend’s symptoms belong to severe delusional disorder. I’ve seen many patients with this condition before. There was a man who loved his wife very much, but she died in a car accident. After that, he often talked to the air, imagining that his wife was still by his side.”

“This kind of illness is mostly caused by a great psychological trauma, a subconscious rejection of reality, creating a false consciousness of ‘she is still by my side’.”

“If we can start from the cause of the illness and provide psychological treatment, there is a possibility of improvement. But without medication, it’s very difficult.”

“Medication and psychological treatment complement each other. Do you understand what I mean?”

Lin Qiye nodded thoughtfully.

To start from the cause of the illness… but he didn’t know anything about Nyx’s past, so he didn’t know where to start!

It seems that he needs to do more preparation.

Lin Qiye took the prescription given by the doctor but chose not to pay and get the medicine. Since the medicine from reality couldn’t work on the deity in his mind, he didn’t need to spend the money.

Besides… the medicine was too expensive!

After leaving the mental hospital, Lin Qiye boarded the bus back.

It was worth it to come to the mental hospital this time. At least it gave Lin Qiye a breakthrough.

To guide Nyx from a psychological perspective, he must have a sufficient understanding of her.

So, Lin Qiye got off at a certain stop and walked into the Cangnan City Library.

At the entrance of Erzhong Middle School.

“Hey, who is that uncle?”

“Don’t know, probably a parent.”

“I saw him when I entered the school gate in the morning.”

“I saw him too. He was wearing sunglasses, a shirt, and holding a cup of coffee leaning against the wall. I thought he looked handsome.”

“Why does he look like a beggar now? His eyes are red.”

“Do you think he has been here since morning?”

“I don’t think so. It’s almost ten o’clock now.”

“Who knows? Oh, by the way, have you heard that two students were killed on their way home yesterday!”

“Is it true?”

“Of course it’s true. I heard…”


On the curb across from the school gate, a lonely man sat there alone, surrounded by cigarette butts. The silhouette under the street lamp was filled with indescribable sadness.Zhao Kongcheng flicked the cigarette in his hand, unable to figure out where things had gone wrong.

He had been squatting from six in the morning until ten at night, sunburnt to the point of stupidity, yet he hadn’t seen a trace of that kid.

He was sure he had seen him in the uniform of the Second Middle School last night!

Could it be that the kid had guessed he would be waiting for him and decided not to show up?

Damn it… his butt was sore from sitting.

Zhao Kongcheng propped himself up with both hands, slowly rising from the curb. He casually brushed the dust off his pants and began to stretch.

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a teenager in casual clothes, leisurely strolling on the other side of the road with a few books in his hand…

That guy… he did look a bit like that kid…

A bit…


Zhao Kongcheng blinked hard.

Holy shit!


Without a word, Zhao Kongcheng sprinted towards the teenager like a gust of wind, his eyes bloodshot and his face fierce!

However, when he was about twenty meters away from the teenager, the latter seemed to sense something. He shivered and started running as well!

The two of them were now engaged in a wild chase on the street!

At this moment, Lin Qiye really wanted to slap himself. Of all the paths he could have taken, why did he have to choose this one!?

Now he was in a fine mess. He had just stood someone up yesterday, and now that person was chasing him again!

Although Lin Qiye was not slow, he was still much slower compared to Zhao Kongcheng. In a matter of seconds, he was caught up.

Zhao Kongcheng grabbed Lin Qiye’s shoulder fiercely, letting out a cold chuckle.

“Well, kid, we meet again!”

Lin Qiye stiffly turned his head and cocked it to one side:

“Who are you?”

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