Chapter 13 – Sword Girl Descends Upon Me

“Dead Crazy Sword Girl completed a sword training, and the Swordsmanship faction experience increased significantly.”

“Dead Crazy Sword Girl completed a battle, and the Swordsmanship faction experience increased significantly. Triggered talent to gain an additional 10,000% experience, and summoned the Sorcery Spirit ‘Fluctuating Sword’ by resonating with the Virtual Realm during the battle.”

“Fluctuating Sword”

“One-winged Sorcery Spirit”

“Restriction: Must use a sword.”

“Basic effect: Release a sword energy wave.”

“Passive effect: Normal sword attacks are more likely to make the target lose balance.”

“‘The sword is not trembling, it’s just thirsty.’”

Perhaps this was the first time Asho had a healthy sleep schedule since he started college. He woke up early at six o’clock, checked the development of Dead Crazy Sword Girl in the Sorcerer’s Manual, and waited with hope.

The game did not disappoint him. In just one day, Dead Crazy Sword Girl had achieved significant growth!

“Dead Crazy Sword Girl”

“Human·Female·20 years old”

“Bond level: 0 (30% experience sharing)”

“Occupation: One-winged Swordsman”

“Occupational characteristics: Reduce 10% energy consumption when using sword Sorcery Spirit.”

“Holding items: None”

“Controlled Sorcery Spirit: Fluctuating Sword”

“Swordsmanship faction: Silver level”

“Virtual Realm exploration: 0.000%”

“Water Sorcery faction: Not yet started”

Although he didn’t know what a one-winged Swordsman was, Asho remembered that the Bloodthirsty Hunter who had exploded him with one sword had three wings, which meant that she had become a Transcendent.

Since the Sword Girl had become a Transcendent, as an excellent player who had worked hard to cultivate her, he should also receive the 30% experience sharing reward, right?

However, Asho kept refreshing the game information bar, but he did not receive any enlightenment, experience implantation, or knowledge infusion. The Agent interface of the Endwatcher game also had no changes.

Asho’s current mood was like that of a naive elementary school student who tried to pay an online scammer for a permanent QQ membership but got blocked because his greedy hope was swallowed up by thick disappointment.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed a step: “Could it be that I didn’t pay for it?”

The game of their company was notorious for not having a gaming experience without paying, but even if you paid, it was not guaranteed. If a part of the gaming experience was cut off because he didn’t pay, it would be a normal thing.

If it was only because he didn’t pay, it could still be compensated.

If it was because various modules were lost during the time travel, causing the functions to fail, then the game system that Asho relied on could only be played as a dream factory for beautiful girls…

“Dear Mr. Asho Heath, the Broken Lake Prison has completed your life certification, and you can move freely in a specific area. Please refer to the attached ‘Broken Lake Prison Life Manual’ for details. Note: No more meal delivery service, please go to the restaurant for meals on your own.”At the same time, a green light lit up above the thick fist-sized door, displaying a “passage” icon. Melodious singing could be heard from outside.

“If you’re hurt enough, use a pair of hands to cut open the curse from yesterday. From night to day, the scars remain…”

What kind of song was this? Was it used to mock prisoners?

Asho was stunned and didn’t understand the situation. He opened the “Broken Lake Prison Life Manual,” and each item made him suspect whether this information was a foolish message specifically designed to tease new inmates:

“① Free activity time is from 7 am to 10 pm. The following areas are accessible: central hall, reading room, gymnasium, audio-visual room, sea-view rooftop, lover’s room (supplies provided), workroom, restaurant…”

“② The restaurant is open from 7 am to 9 am, 11 am to 2 pm, and 5 pm to 8 pm. If you want to eat outside of these hours, please use the ordering service.”

“③ Reading room: Please register with the administrator for missing books, and they will be replenished within three working days.”

“④ Audio-visual room: Currently only provides audio-visual programs that can be purchased from legitimate channels. The films and TV shows that are currently showing will not be available until after the screening.”

“⑤ Lover’s room: Please put used items in the recycling bin and do not wash them yourself.”


There were many tips and almost all of them were about how to use the various facilities in the prison. Asho almost thought he was a temporary prisoner here for a one-day prison tour.

What surprised Asho the most was that the manual wrote about what rights the prisoners had, but it didn’t mention any prohibitions that they had to follow. It was as if they were free to do whatever they wanted.

Something was strange about this, but now that they weren’t delivering food, Asho couldn’t just stay in his cell and starve. Besides, he was also curious about what was going on in this prison.

When he walked to the door, the automatic door slid open by itself. Outside was a very quiet and clean corridor, and there wasn’t even a prison guard in sight. There was a very conspicuous sign on the wall:

“Central Hall ← · → Equipment Gym, Steam Room”

Just by looking at the sign, Asho could imagine that the cells next to him were probably full of muscular men who worked out and steamed every day… and then he thought of the lover’s room, and his muscles involuntarily tightened. He thought he should eat quickly and return to his cell.

He walked along the narrow corridor to the central hall, and suddenly it opened up. The central hall was a very spacious place, with a glass ceiling that allowed the morning sunlight to freely spread over the benches. There were potted plants on both sides, and several people were sitting on the benches, chatting, reading, and even sleeping… if they weren’t wearing prison uniforms, Asho would have thought he was in a park.

And the most surprising thing was that there was a guard in uniform standing next to him.

Although he seemed to be slacking off while on the job, the fact that he was there made Asho breathe a sigh of relief- at least there was someone he could call for help.Although Asho wanted to figure out how to escape, he was currently a complete weakling with no martial arts skills and all the weaknesses of an overworked office worker. Without the protection of the enforcers, he didn’t even know if he could maintain his purity – Heath’s body was quite attractive.

There was a light screen playing news in front of the hall, which seemed to be a discussion scene of some council. It sounded dull just by listening to a few words.

Asho didn’t understand what was being discussed on the screen, because the conversation between the two people sitting in the front row of chairs attracted him more:

“I didn’t expect Lorenzo to become a councilor. It seems that he has also joined the Eternal Wine Club. Andreier’s faction completely overshadows the mayor, and the mayor is likely to be kicked out after completing his term this year…”

“I don’t think so. Mayor Fenanche has the support of Bishop Enleco behind him. Just wait, Lorenzo is not a signal of Andreier’s rise, but a declaration of Andreier’s death. Within the fastest three days and the latest one month, there will be an important figure in Andreier’s faction who dies.”

“Andreier has been rooted in Camon for decades. The church side cannot take action to maintain stability.”

“Have you forgotten the suicide case of the former director of the Railway Department fifteen years ago?…”

It was already a strange experience to listen to two prisoners discussing the changes in the political upper echelons in prison, and even more strangely, these two people were a two-meter-two tall green-skinned orc and a one-meter-three short-legged goblin.

“If you are interested in politics, I suggest you go to the reading room and chat with Old Man Lien. Godor and Rudodo were just the secretary of the Political Affairs Department and the Development Department Director before they came in. Their status is neither high nor low, and they only know half of the political situation, chatting with them is just a waste of time.”

“However, the leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy, Asho Heath, also pays attention to the Camon Municipal Government?”

Asho turned his head and looked at the blond man next to him, “Do you know me?”

“Of course, after all, you were on the seven o’clock news. The front page of the news for the past two days was about you – news is the fastest way for us to get to know new companions.” The blond man smiled and said, “Nice to meet you, maybe you have seen me in the news – Igura Bokin.”

“Asho.” Asho stepped back two steps, “Are all the people here so enthusiastic?”

“Yes.” Igura said calmly, “We are all quite enthusiastic about newcomers, after all, we are companions with the same goals.”

“The same goals?”

“Yes.” Igura glanced at the on-duty guard, reached out to Asho, and whispered, “Are you interested in joining our prison break research group and becoming supportive friends?”

Asho was delighted. It was like falling asleep and meeting a warm pillow. He was just thinking of finding a way to escape, but he didn’t expect that there was already an organization in the prison that he could join. Naturally, he happily reached out his hand and said, “Of course…”

“If I were you, I would punch him.”

Suddenly, a cold female voice came from beside them.Asho glanced over and was surprised to find a girl wearing a mink coat, a super short skirt, long silk boots, and a decorative sword around her waist that seemed to add a touch of charm. She was dressed quite maturely… a young girl?

However, in the next second, he recognized her. Although her skin had changed, wasn’t this the Dead Crazy Sword Girl!?

Dead Crazy Sword Girl descended beside me?

Without any hesitation, Asho turned his head and threw a punch at Igura!

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