Chapter 240 – The first generation of medical immortals

Li Changqing approached and saw that Su Zheng's gaze was drifting. Although his strength had returned, the current Su Zheng still lacked his former dominance, replaced by an increasing sense of panic. It seemed his mind was no longer sound.


"Su Zheng, your family will come to pick you up soon," Li Changqing said tentatively.


"Family?" Su Zheng suddenly looked at Wu Santong in front of him, then hurried over, his face lighting up with joy as he said to Wu Santong, "My dear grandson, have you come to pick up your fourth grandpa? How are you doing? Did you get into MIT?"


Wu Santong was a bit taken aback by Su Zheng's enthusiastic grip on his hand, but he noticed a hint of tranquility in Su Zheng's eyes. Had the old man truly gone mad?


Su Zheng clung to Wu Santong's hand, clearly feeling safer by his side.


Li Changqing had only thought that Su Zheng might be mentally collapsing, but who could have imagined that Su Zheng had actually gone mad? It was a pity for someone of the Great Martial Sect to end up like this.


If only Mu Qingge were stronger, Li Changqing would have liked to find someone to replace Su Zheng.


The Su Family's ancestor, also a member of the Great Martial Sect, would have been great to replace with one of his own. But for now, it seemed nothing more than wishful thinking.


Li Changqing took Su Zheng and Wu Santong straight to the Wanliu River.


By the time Li Changqing arrived, many people were already waiting at the Wanliu River. On the verdant grass, about a dozen people awaited Li Changqing's arrival. He was clad in a black robe, his face concealed by a mask.


Wu Santong and Su Zheng were both firmly held by Li Changqing.


It was today that Wu Santong learned that Qinglian Sword Sovereign was none other than Li Changqing, Li Hengsheng's father. Discovering this secret was quite a shock.


Who would believe that the son of the Sword Sovereign had been a menial disciple in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land for three years?


It was utterly preposterous.


Li Changqing looked at the people in front of him, the leader of whom was a rather handsome young man. Despite his youthful appearance, his cultivation was not weak, even comparable to Su Zheng's.


It seemed he possessed the art of eternal youth.


In reality, he was the Su Family's old ancestor, who had lived for an unknown number of years.


Behind him stood other experts from the Su Family, with no less than four Grandmasters among them!


The rest were at the peak of the Prenatal Realm.


Such a lineup was quite threatening.


Yet Li Changqing remained composed as he descended, smiling at the young man, "Although we have never met, I presume you must be the Su Family's old ancestor, Su Shi Zhong."


"Qinglian Sword Sovereign, I've long admired you."


Su Shi Zhong looked at Li Changqing with a forced smile, his gaze sweeping over Su Zheng and Su Xianci behind Li Changqing.


But there was something off about the two.


Su Zheng seemed to be hiding in fear behind the others, while Su Xianci looked confused, comforting Su Zheng in his arms.


"Did you bring the item?" Li Changqing didn't beat around the bush, "Since you're here, let's make the exchange."


"To extort the Su Family, you really are the first in history," a Grandmaster from the Su Family said coldly.


"Just a jest."


Li Changqing was unfazed, "If your Su Family hadn't caused trouble in the Eastern Desolate Land, I wouldn't have had this opportunity, would I?"


"Moreover, your Su Family should be clear: it was you who first targeted people from the Changqing Trading Company, not me looking for trouble. You're used to being arrogant in the Southern Wilderness, but you should weigh your own strength before continuing that arrogance in the Eastern Desolate Land. The fact that I spared these two lives is already giving face to the Su Family."


"Don't push your luck," Li Changqing's tone turned icy.




The others were about to retort, but Su Shi Zhong raised his hand and said with a chuckle, "The Qinglian Sword Sovereign is right; we shouldn't have caused trouble in the Eastern Desolate Land. But in the future, I hope the Qinglian Sword Sovereign also refrains from meddling elsewhere, to avoid such troublesome situations. It's unpleasant for anyone, isn't it?"


"Thanks for the reminder."


Li Changqing nodded.


At that moment, Su Shi Zhong took out a small bottle and tossed it to Li Changqing.


Li Changqing opened it and indeed found three drops of dragon blood essence.


"Well, I'll leave them to you," Li Changqing said after securing the item, not minding returning the two to the Su Family.


Su Xianci had already been replaced.


Su Zheng had gone mad.


He was of no use anymore.


"I'll take my leave then," Li Changqing turned to go.


"Qinglian Sword Sovereign," Su Shi Zhong called out from behind. Li Changqing stopped and turned, "Is there something else?"


"Nothing much."


Su Shi Zhong approached with a smile, "I just wanted to inform the Qinglian Sword Sovereign that in about three months, the Black and White Forbidden Zone in the depths of Yunhuang will reappear. I hope the Qinglian Sword Sovereign will grace us with his presence."


"Black and White Forbidden Zone?"


Li Changqing was well aware of the place, known to contain the most treasures in the Cangyuan Realm, full of secrets yet extremely dangerous. Even terrestrial immortals might not return from it. Each time the Black and White Forbidden Zone opened, many experts would venture there, and it was also a time to welcome back those who survived inside.


One could potentially strike it rich overnight or even ascend to great heights.


"I will definitely be there," Li Changqing nodded, knowing full well that the Su Family wanted to lure him into Yunhuang to find an opportunity to eliminate him. But Li Changqing was no longer the timid man he used to be.


Armed with numerous treasures, he had nothing to fear.


With the Zhenxian Sword Formation, even a terrestrial immortal might be challenged.


What was there to fear?


Besides, aside from the Zhenxian Sword Formation, he had other treasures.


The Su Family prided themselves on having the most Painting Treasures in the Cangyuan Realm, but how could they know that he could create as many treasures as he wanted?


How could the Su Family compare?


Li Changqing gave Wu Santong an encouraging look, then left.


The Su Family members hurried to follow.


But when they approached, they found Su Zheng acting like a different person, filled with fear at their sight.


"Don't mess with me, don't mess with me," Su Zheng frantically hid behind Wu Santong.


The Su Family members were at a loss, but Su Shi Zhong remained calm, "Having been trapped in the Great Dream Soul Stone, he must have experienced many unknown things in the world created by the Qinglian Sword Sovereign, so he hasn't recovered yet. There's nothing to worry about, just take the old ancestor and Su Xianci back, and they'll be fine in time."


"Yes," the others agreed.




Just as Su Zheng and Su Xianci were about to be taken away, Su Shi Zhong suddenly stopped them, his gaze not on Su Zheng but on Su Xianci.


His eyes seemed to see right through Su Xianci.


Faced with such scrutiny, Wu Santong was extremely anxious.


Could it be that Su Shi Zhong had noticed something?


"Sixth Grandpa," Wu Santong said timidly. The Su Family had two old ancestors; Su Xianci, also known as Su Zheng, was addressed as "Fourth Grandpa," while the other was Su Shi Zhong, usually called "Sixth Grandpa."


"You've suffered," Su Shi Zhong suddenly said, "You must have been tormented in the Great Dream Soul Stone, and even your fourth brother has ended up like this. Once we get back, I'll make arrangements for you. Let's go!"




Wu Santong hurriedly complied, but his mind was filled with questions about what Su Shi Zhong meant.


What arrangements?


With doubts, Wu Santong still followed the many experts of the Su Family.


Wu Santong looked back towards Zhenguo Mansion and glanced at the land he had grown up in, the Eastern Desolate Land. From today, he would have to say goodbye.


A new identity, a new environment.


Wu Santong's heart was filled with excitement and nervousness.


The emotions were complex, but there was no turning back now. He had to bravely move forward.


To survive, he had to become Su Xianci.


After returning, Li Changqing found that without Zhen Wanshou around, many things had become less convenient.


Although Zhen Wanshou was now gathering intelligence for him in the Cangyuan Pavilion, close-range intelligence was not as readily available.


Fortunately, the Changqing Trading Company's own intelligence network was doing well. Li Changqing sent a letter to Bai Jingfei, who delivered the intelligence a few hours later. It was about the situation in Medical King Valley.


According to Bai Jingfei's intelligence, everything in Medical King Valley was normal, and Mu Qingge had returned there at noon.


Seeing this, Li Changqing's mood became complicated.


Mu Qingge had arrived at Medical King Valley.


The real crisis was about to begin.


When Mu Qingge returned to Medical King Valley, she found nothing amiss.


Seeing her return, many disciples greeted her.


Mu Qingge observed these people but found no difference from the disciples before.


If they had truly died and become corpses, Mu Qingge found it hard to believe.


But trusting Li Changqing, she continued to search for something wrong.


"Qingge, you're back."


Just as Mu Qingge was looking for discrepancies, a figure appeared before her. She greeted the person with a respectful fist and palm salute, "Seventh Uncle."


"Your father is waiting for you," the Seventh Elder nodded.




Mu Qingge followed the Seventh Elder towards Medicine King Peak.


All the way, she kept an eye on the person in front of her, who was indeed the Seventh Elder. However, Yin Changli had said that the first dead person he saw on Medicine King Peak was the Seventh Elder.


Yet here he was, appearing perfectly fine before her.


"Seventh Uncle, has anything happened in the sect recently?" Mu Qingge asked.


"Nothing much," the Seventh Elder replied, surprised by her question, "But what about you? What conflict did you have with the Valley Master that made you run away from home?"


Run away from home?


Mu Qingge pondered for a moment, then asked, "What about the Eighth and Ninth Elders?"


"They went out on a mission a while ago and haven't returned."




Mu Qingge remembered that if it weren't for the Eighth and Ninth Elders protecting her, she wouldn't have escaped Medical King Valley, and they had died at the hands of the Longevity Sect. Could it be that their deaths hadn't spread, and no one knew what had happened in Medical King Valley?


After a short walk, Mu Qingge arrived at Medicine King Peak.


Inside the Medicine King Pavilion, Mu Hengsheng was already waiting.


Seeing Mu Qingge approach, Mu Hengsheng put down the scroll in his hand and looked at her, "You've decided to come back?"


"I didn't want to return," Mu Qingge said, looking at the man who was both familiar and strange, "I came back for an answer, Father. Why did you join the Longevity Sect?"


As she spoke, Mu Qingge didn't hold back.


Even the Seventh Elder heard her, but his expression didn't change, as if he hadn't heard a thing.


This made Mu Qingge suspect that something was indeed wrong.


Mu Hengsheng chuckled and sighed, "I didn't join the Longevity Sect. I've always been part of it, and so have you, including your mother. She was once the holy maiden of the Longevity Sect."




Mu Qingge couldn't believe her ears.


Her mother was the holy maiden of the Longevity Sect?


"I did not join the Longevity Sect!" No matter what, Mu Qingge wanted to make her stance clear.


She now loathed the Longevity Sect to the bone.


"The Lord had long seen that you might not obey the Longevity Sect's control, so there was no choice but to plant the Ghost Resentment curse in you. But unexpectedly, something suppressed it," Mu Hengsheng shook his head, "In the end, you still resisted the Longevity Sect. But today, Father will tell you that our Medical King Valley is actually the Longevity Sect!"


"The Lord you saw before is none other than the Painting Immortal Gu Hanxi."


"I guessed as much, but what does Gu Hanxi have to do with our Medical King Valley?" Mu Qingge asked coldly.


"Gu Hanxi is just the Lord's second life," Mu Hengsheng shook his head, "The Lord's first life was named Yao Fengchen."


"Yao Fengchen?"


Mu Qingge felt the name sounded familiar…


In the next moment, her pupils contracted!


Yao Fengchen!


The strong man who founded Medical King Valley, known as the Medicine Immortal, was Yao Fengchen.


Legend had it that he was once a wandering doctor, traveling the seas, with a miraculous touch, even saving lives during a great plague.


He was called the Medicine Immortal!


Later, he founded Medical King Valley and was its first Valley Master.


He was the leader of the Longevity Sect?

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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