Chapter 224 – Su Family come

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

"Just be careful, Your Highness, and make sure His Majesty doesn't learn of such intentions," the page boy cautiously reminded.


"Mm," Yin Zixuan nodded gravely.


Because of his own experiences, Yin Fengqi was particularly averse to such matters.


Yin Fengqi didn't mind his children openly vying for power, but anyone who emulated his own secretive past actions would face no leniency from him.


The carriage slowly disappeared into the distance.




Today's events had caused a stir throughout the entire Zhenguo Mansion.


The Prefect of Zhenguo Mansion was arrested.


A new Prefect would soon take office.


But none of this mattered to Li Hengsheng, who, having slain many from the Mu residence and Hua family, was now overwhelmed with the chaos at the Inspector's mansion.


The incident had a profound impact on White Snake Path.


Seeing that there was nothing more to attend to here, Wan Gui Feng had already returned.


The Mu residence had completely ceased all activities.


Not daring to make a single move.


The Hua family, too, showed no reaction, and even Caohe Manor was being exceptionally cautious, fearing Li Hengsheng's attention might turn towards them.


Li Hengsheng took the opportunity to make sweeping reforms along White Snake Path.


He also didn't forget to write to Li Changqing, reporting his achievements.


Li Changqing was delighted to receive the letter.


Every day, he still had Zhen Wanshou monitor the situation there, and during the day, he would go to Yin Qing's residence to teach her.


Recently, Yin Zixuan had been visiting more frequently, sometimes even listening to Li Changqing's lectures alongside Yin Qing.


Li Changqing could sense Yin Zixuan's thoughts but said nothing, as he had no intention of getting involved in the power struggles of North Cold Country.


He certainly didn't want to be used as a pawn, especially not for the Sixteenth Prince, who lacked any real ambition.




Dao Mountain Ancient Land.


Xue Qianbai received a package.


Curiously, it was sent by Li Changqing, but not through the usual Cangyuan Courier Agency; it was delivered by someone from Changqing Trading Company.


What could be inside that required such caution?


Xue Qianbai knew Li Changqing well; if he was this careful, even distrusting the courier agency, then the contents must be extremely valuable.


Taking the item from the Changqing Trading Company's messenger, Xue Qianbai returned to his cultivation spot on Qianxue Peak.


Here, his sword energy barrier was in place.


No need to worry about being discovered.


When Xue Qianbai opened the box, the air in his cultivation cave seemed to turn icy cold.


He was startled.


A treasure!


Inside the box was a wooden carving.


Having known Li Changqing for so long, Xue Qianbai was familiar with his wood carvings.


They were comparable to paintings but more three-dimensional, offering a direct and intuitive experience of their value.


Li Changqing's carvings were all priceless treasures.


Xu Muhai had even reached the Grandmaster realm with the help of a wooden cauldron gifted by Li Changqing.


Xue Qianbai hadn't expected another carving from Li Changqing.


But upon examining it, he was still shocked by the craftsmanship.


It was a landscape carving.


Compared to paintings, landscape and figure paintings required at least a high-level Painter to create, and those with actual effects were even rarer.


Capturing the ever-changing essence of nature was a challenge.


How could one truly depict such natural scenery?


Thus, compared to weapons or beasts, this was a truly high-end treasure.


The carving in Xue Qianbai's hands was so captivating that he couldn't look away.


He realized this landscape carving was actually a Painting Treasure!


Distant mountains stretched on, a river flowed nearby, and an old man in a straw raincoat sat fishing by the river, with snowflakes drifting through the air.


Such a scene conveyed a profound artistic conception to Xue Qianbai.


When he saw a poem inscribed next to the carving, he was even more astonished.


A thousand mountains without a bird in flight,

A myriad paths without a trace of man.

A solitary boat, an old man in a straw cloak,

Fishing alone in the cold river snow.


After reading the poem, Xue Qianbai was completely immersed in its mood!


The world around him seemed to change!


He became the old man by the river in the straw raincoat.


Without realizing it, Xue Qianbai found himself lost in this world, his fishing rod transforming into his Qianxue Sword.


Without any intention, the carving helped Xue Qianbai step onto a new path.


And as he entered this state of sudden enlightenment, he lost track of how many days had passed.




Life was pleasant; Li Changqing continued his routine, and Li Hengsheng's Tushan City was improving.


But one day, Yin Fengqi personally visited Li Changqing at Changqing residence.


"Master Changqing," Yin Fengqi bowed respectfully before saying, "News has arrived; the Su Family is headed towards North Cold Country."


"What's meant to come will always come."


Li Changqing wasn't surprised; with the Su Family's capabilities, if they really wanted to find someone, they would certainly do so quickly.


Li Changqing once again envied the intelligence capabilities of Cangyuan Pavilion.


"Cangyuan Pavilion's intelligence is truly formidable," Li Changqing couldn't help but remark.


"Yes," Yin Fengqi said, "I once tried to turn a member of Cangyuan Pavilion to serve me, but ultimately failed."


"Your Majesty knows someone from Cangyuan Pavilion? Aren't they all incredibly secretive, rarely showing themselves?" Li Changqing was intrigued.


"Cangyuan Pavilion's people are mysterious, but not entirely without flaws," Yin Fengqi explained. "The person was on the Black List, committed a crime in North Cold Country, and was captured by us. Only when Cangyuan Pavilion came to demand his release did I realize he was one of theirs, responsible for gathering intelligence in the vicinity of North Cold Country."


"After his capture, he turned to banditry in a mountain range near North Cold Country. I sought him out twice, hoping he would work for me, but he refused outright," Yin Fengqi sighed, "Cangyuan Pavilion has real talent; those who join rarely betray."


"According to Your Majesty, this person is just an external intelligence gatherer and of no help to you, right?" Li Changqing was curious.


Even if one wanted to turn someone, it would have to be someone who could bring intelligence from inside Cangyuan Pavilion.


"Master Changqing may not be aware," Yin Fengqi explained, "Generally, those in Cangyuan Pavilion prefer to work as intelligence officers, enjoying relative freedom, rather than processing intelligence within the Pavilion. So, if he were willing, someone else would take his place here."


"I wanted him to return and work on intelligence within Cangyuan Pavilion. If North Cold Country had access to their firsthand intelligence, it would be immensely beneficial to us."


Yin Fengqi looked regretful.


Li Changqing also wished for such an intelligence officer within Cangyuan Pavilion.


But if even Yin Fengqi couldn't manage it, what could he do?


However, Li Changqing would soon have to leave North Cold Country.


With the Su Family heading towards North Cold Country, they were undoubtedly seeking Lu Shiran.


His son was there.


The Su Family already had a grudge against Li Hengsheng, especially Su Xianci.


So, Li Changqing decided to go there and protect his son.


Firstly, he couldn't let them easily take away his daughter-in-law, and secondly, he couldn't let them harm his son.


Thirdly, Li Changqing wanted to find a way to lift the Zhenxian Seal.


To help Lu Shiran regain her strength and divine body.


As for the fourth reason…


The Su Family had previously sought trouble with him in Changting Town.


Well, since they were coming to him, he might as well return the favor.


After explaining to Yin Qing and leaving her some homework, Li Changqing left North Cold Country and headed for Zhenguo Mansion.




Zhenguo Mansion, White Snake Path.


This wasn't Li Changqing's first visit; he had been here once before when looking for his son, but this time he could feel that White Snake Path had improved since his last visit.


At least the smiles on the faces of the people were more genuine.


Li Changqing didn't alert anyone and simply checked into an inn to wait for the arrival of the Su Family's grandfather and grandson duo.


Unbeknownst to Li Hengsheng, his father had already arrived.


These past few days had finally brought some relief.


Many matters were now delegated to his subordinates, and the recent recruitment at the Inspector's mansion was overseen by the elder Yan Wanghou.


There was no shortage of applicants, with hundreds lining up every day.


But the elimination rate was high; to join the Inspector's mansion as a guard, one needed at least some skill, even if just at the Transcendence Realm.


Li Hengsheng's recent early departures and late returns didn't bother Lu Shiran, who waited for him every day like a newlywed bride.


She would serve him freshly warmed meals upon his return, providing warmth and causing Li Hengsheng some concern.


Lu Shiran was a prodigy from Guanglan Palace, with strong cultivation talent and a divine body, destined to be a peerless powerhouse.


Yet now, she was like a little maid.


This left a complex feeling in Li Hengsheng's heart.


How could he lift the seal on Lu Shiran?


But the Zhenxian Seal was the Su Family's secret technique, not so easily broken.


Only time would tell if he could bring Lu Shiran back to Dao Mountain Ancient Land to seek his master's help.


But that was a long way off, and Lu Shiran's cultivation was being delayed.


"Are you worried about my cultivation?" Lu Shiran handed a towel to Li Hengsheng to wipe his face.


He didn't deny it, just nodded.


"I know a way that might work," Lu Shiran said earnestly, looking at Li Hengsheng.


"You know?" Li Hengsheng was surprised, "If you knew how to lift the seal, why wait until now?"


"Because I can't do it alone, I need your help. But you've been so busy lately, I didn't mention it."


Lu Shiran spoke calmly.


"Tell me, what's the method?" Li Hengsheng said helplessly, "You should have spoken sooner; nothing is more important than restoring your cultivation."


"The method is for us to cultivate together," Lu Shiran said seriously, "You also have a divine body, and when we combine, your divine body can break my seal. Then, my divine body will resonate and restore my cultivation!"


Li Hengsheng was dumbfounded by this suggestion.


Could it really work?


Don't deceive me; I'm not well-read!


"Where did you hear this method?" Li Hengsheng exclaimed in shock.


"I thought of it myself," Lu Shiran admitted without a hint of deceit, opting for a straightforward confession.


Li Hengsheng was speechless.


He looked at Lu Shiran, suspecting she was trying to trick him for his body.


Ah, women.


So direct in their desire for his body.


As they spoke, Lu Shiran's expression changed; she opened the window and looked into the distance.


"What's wrong?"


Li Hengsheng didn't feel anything.


"The Su Family has arrived," Lu Shiran said, confused, "I can sense their presence."


"The Su Family has come for you?" Li Hengsheng was also taken aback.


The Su Family was not to be underestimated; if they had indeed come, how would he protect Lu Shiran?


His Sun Moon True Fire was formidable, but he had seen the Su Family's experts in Dao Mountain Ancient Land.


They were from the Great Martial Sect!


No matter how powerful his Sun Moon True Fire was, it couldn't withstand the Great Martial Sect!


Should they flee now?


Perhaps it was already too late?


"They should be nearing the city outskirts," Lu Shiran turned back to Li Hengsheng, unsure of what to say.


The seal within her trembled, signaling the approach of the Su Family.


But how could Li Hengsheng fend them off if they truly came to take her?


"Let's meet the Su Family."


Just then, a voice echoed in Li Hengsheng's mind.


The voice was somewhat familiar.


But for a moment, Li Hengsheng couldn't recall who it was.


"I am Qinglian Sword Sovereign."


Li Changqing's ethereal voice appeared.


"Qinglian Sword Sovereign!" Li Hengsheng was overjoyed; he hadn't expected the Qinglian Sword Sovereign to be here.


With the Qinglian Sword Sovereign present, the Su Family was nothing to fear!


"Go, see what the Su Family wants. With me here, you two will be safe," Li Changqing's voice continued, "If possible, try to force them to use the Zhenxian Seal."




Li Hengsheng now had confidence.


"Shiran, let's go out of the city and confront the Su Family," he said.




Since Li Hengsheng said so, Lu Shiran had no hesitation; she trusted that Li Hengsheng might have a plan.


Or even if Li Hengsheng handed her over, she wouldn't blame him. Lu Shiran just hoped the Su Family's wrath wouldn't extend to Li Hengsheng.

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