Chapter 17 – Friends bound by life and death, seeking the Ghost Doctor

The Seven Dust Star, Pu Xu City.

Chen Qingyuan had some impression of this place and remembered a friend.

“Pingyan, go to the nearby Sacred Ground of Qianlan and deliver this letter to a man named Han Shan.”

The letter contained some content, and Chen Qingyuan handed it to Lin Pingyan.

“Junior Master, what about you?” Lin Pingyan’s face showed some concern. “I can’t leave you here alone, I’m worried.”

“I’ll stay here and not go anywhere. If you’re worried, then set up a few prohibitions,” Chen Qingyuan said.

“Is this letter very important?” Lin Pingyan asked.

“As long as you find that acquaintance, it will be much more convenient to handle things here, and there will be a better chance of finding the Ghost Doctor,” Chen Qingyuan nodded slowly.

“Alright, I’ll go and come back quickly.”

When leaving, Lin Pingyan really locked Chen Qingyuan in the stone car and activated a special protection mechanism.

After Lin Pingyan left, Chen Qingyuan’s face showed a hint of seriousness, muttering to himself, “I have to find a way to trick Xiaoyan back so I can go about my business.”

Up to now, Chen Qingyuan had not told anyone about the reconstruction of his spiritual root. Only when he became stronger would he not be targeted, and would not cause unrest.

“Let Han Shan set up a trap, and he can definitely fool Xiaoyan.”

Chen Qingyuan made up his mind and lay in the car, closing his eyes and waiting for time to pass.

Several days later, Lin Pingyan, dressed in white, brought back a young man in black.

This young man in black was Han Shan, and he knew at first glance that the letter was written by Chen Qingyuan, and the content was all about the details of a past event, so it couldn’t be faked.

Therefore, Han Shan put down all his affairs and hurried over.

“Chen, it’s really you!”

At the first sight of Chen Qingyuan, Han Shan was both surprised and delighted.

The Tianyuan incident a hundred years ago caused a sensation, and even Han Shan in the distant Yunhai Star Domain heard the news. When he learned that Chen Qingyuan had died in Tianyuan, Han Shan lamented for a long time.

When he saw the letter just now, Han Shan was dumbfounded. After Lin Pingyan’s explanation, Han Shan learned that Chen Qingyuan had faked his death and escaped, and was lucky.

“Old Han, I saved your life back then, you should repay the favor.”

Chen Qingyuan cut to the chase, not bothering to reminisce with Han Shan.

A hundred years ago, Chen Qingyuan came to a certain area of the Yunhai Star Domain and accidentally met Han Shan, and they entered a secret realm together to explore. The secret realm was very dangerous, and Han Shan almost lost his life, but Chen Qingyuan saved him.

“Of course, I must repay the favor.”

Han Shan nodded heavily.

“Come in and talk!” Chen Qingyuan pointed to the stone car.

The scene changed, and the three of them sat in the stone car, drinking tea and talking in detail.

To ensure that the conversation did not leak, Lin Pingyan added several prohibitions.

Half a time later, Han Shan probably understood the reason for the matter.

During the conversation, Chen Qingyuan looked at Han Shan with deep meaning in his eyes and said with emphasis, “Old Han, you are the local big shot of the Seven Dust Star, can you definitely find the Ghost Doctor?”

“I’ll do my best.” Han Shan and Chen Qingyuan locked eyes, looking serious.

Through Chen Qingyuan’s eye signal, Han Shan seemed to understand something and tacitly agreed.

“About the whereabouts of the Ghost Doctor, I have heard something. It is said that the person is hiding in Pu Xu City, and many powerful figures have come to visit, but unfortunately to no avail.”

Han Shan slowly said, “You can temporarily stay in the city, give me some time to inquire about the news. Once there is a clue, I will definitely inform you.”

“Alright.” Chen Qingyuan nodded.

Lin Pingyan got up and clasped his fists, “Thank you, Dao Friend.”

“Don’t be polite.”

Before leaving, Han Shan looked at Chen Qingyuan a few more times.

After Han Shan left for a while, Lin Pingyan’s face showed a hint of worry, and he asked softly, “Junior Master, can this person be trusted?”

“Don’t worry!” Chen Qingyuan replied, “Old Han and I have a life-and-death friendship, there won’t be a problem.”

“That’s good then.”

Lin Pingyan’s concern was normal.

When you are away from home, you must not trust others easily, as it can easily lead to trouble.

Lin Pingyan put the war chariot into the Heaven and Earth Bag and walked into Pu Xu City with Chen Qingyuan.

The city was huge, accommodating tens of millions of living beings, and was very prosperous.

It was like finding a needle in a haystack to find the Ghost Doctor in the city.

The two found a safe cultivator inn to stay in. To take care of and protect Chen Qingyuan, they opened a larger cave dwelling with prohibitions on all sides, and no one else could enter.

After resting for a night, Chen Qingyuan planned to take a stroll in the city. “Since we’re here, let’s have some fun!”

“Junior Master, let’s be cautious and not go out for a stroll!” It was very far from the Mystic Azure Sect, and if any trouble arose, it could put Chen Qingyuan in danger. It was safer to stay in the cave dwelling and not go anywhere.

“Why are you so cautious?” Chen Qingyuan laughed and scolded, “There are guards in the city, and under normal circumstances, nothing will happen. It’s very safe.”

“Don’t fear ten thousand, just fear the one unexpected. It’s always right to be cautious.”

Lin Pingyan didn’t let Chen Qingyuan go out for a walk no matter what, and directly blocked all the exits.

“You’re going too far, Xiaoyan.”

Chen Qingyuan originally wanted to go out and use special means to pass a message to Han Shan, telling him how to proceed. However, Lin Pingyan directly blocked the gate, cutting off Chen Qingyuan’s idea.

“For the safety of Junior Master, Pingyan had to offend.”

Lin Pingyan put on a righteous and resolute appearance.

Seeing this, Chen Qingyuan had to give up and lay on a soft bed to rest. “Forget it, I won’t go out!”

The dull and boring life passed for half a month, and Han Shan finally arrived.Han Shan had exchanged Sound Transmission Jade Talismans with Lin Pingyan, so finding each other’s location was a simple matter.

“Junior Master, there’s news.”

Lin Pingyan was quite pleased.

“Really?” Chen Qingyuan was taken aback, his face showing a strange expression, but not much joy.

“Brother Han is currently at East Street. Let’s go find him.”

As he spoke, Lin Pingyan lifted the Prohibition, pulling Chen Qingyuan with a gentle force, and they quickly arrived at East Street.

At the entrance of a small alley on East Street.

Han Shan was standing there, waiting quietly.

“Brother Han.” Lin Pingyan appeared in a flash, greeting with a fist and palm salute.

“Brother Lin.” Han Shan returned the gesture, glancing into the alley and lowering his voice: “After extensive inquiries, I’ve eliminated most of the original residents and identified suspicious individuals who have come to Puxu City in the past decade.”

“Get to the point.”

Chen Qingyuan said.

“Currently, I have a dozen candidates, any of whom could be the Ghost Doctor. We can only try them one by one.”

Han Shan spoke earnestly.

To be honest, Han Shan had indeed made an effort to investigate the whereabouts of the Ghost Doctor, without deceit. However, all this was to dispel Lin Pingyan’s concerns and prevent him from becoming suspicious.

From the previous signals in Chen Qingyuan’s eyes, Han Shan roughly understood his intentions. Creating a false Ghost Doctor to fool Lin Pingyan. Although Han Shan didn’t understand the reason, he could only comply.

Brothers who have been through life and death, even after a hundred years, would not let their feelings fade.

Chen Qingyuan actually had multiple plans in mind. As long as he had the cover of being treated by the Ghost Doctor, he could claim to have been cured without raising any suspicions, and legitimately reveal his Cultivation Level.

Furthermore, by sending Lin Pingyan away, he could deal with his own important matters and also seize the time to cultivate.

To make everything reasonable, there was one prerequisite: he had to make Lin Pingyan believe that they had truly found the Ghost Doctor, and that the doctor had agreed to treat the injuries.

“Let’s go in and take a look.”

Han Shan led the way, with Chen Qingyuan and the others following closely behind.

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