Chapter 192 – Father and son meet for the first time

Thinking about meeting his son, Li Changqing was surprisingly nervous at this moment.

Although it was not the first time he had seen his son, it was the first time he was meeting his son as Li Changqing, not as the Qinglian Sword Sovereign. The feeling was completely different.

Li Changqing quickly asked Zhang Fuguang to find Yan Botao.

This meeting could not afford any mistakes.

So, he had to give Yan Botao a few instructions.

At this time, Yan Botao had just received a message from his daughter, Yan Yuyun, informing him that Li Hengsheng was heading towards Changting Town. He was about to go and inform Li Changqing about this news.

However, Zhang Fuguang arrived at that moment, saying that Li Changqing had something to discuss with him. So, Yan Botao hurriedly rushed over.

Li Changqing and Yan Botao discussed the matters that needed attention.

In addition, he asked Yan Botao for a few seemingly worthless paintings from his mansion, found a few more from the previous Changqing Painting Workshop, and hung them up in the room.

After all, in his son’s mind, he was a painter. It would be hard to explain if there were no paintings at home.

After everything was prepared, Li Changqing also instructed Zhang Fuguang and his daughter, Zhang Siyao. If Li Hengsheng asked, they should say that he was painting at home every day.

Although Zhang Fuguang and Zhang Siyao didn’t know why they had to say this, since it was Li Changqing’s instruction, they would definitely follow it. Zhang Siyao, being sensible, nodded her head, indicating that she would definitely not let anything slip.

After everything was prepared, Li Changqing also found some notes he had recorded before.

Then he looked at the information about Li Hengsheng, some childhood anecdotes, to see if there were any omissions in his memory. After all, their correspondence had already shown Li Changqing how cunning his son was.

Sometimes he would test him in the letters, and he almost gave himself away several times.

Fortunately, he had Lu Qiaoqiao providing him with information, so he knew some things about Li Hengsheng. Plus, Lu Qiaoqiao would sometimes help him analyze his son’s actions, otherwise he would definitely fall into the trap.

After reviewing everything, Li Changqing finally breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, if he really met his son and was caught off guard, he might give himself away in no time.

As evening approached, Purple Lightning entered Changting Town.

The huge size of Purple Lightning also attracted many onlookers.

The carriage was not bumpy. Li Hengsheng was lying in the carriage, seemingly smelling the scent of his hometown, so he slowly opened his eyes, then moved his body and sat up.

“Senior Brother, you’re awake.” Wu Santong said with a smile, “You seemed to have slept well on the way.”

“Have we arrived at Changting Town?” Li Hengsheng lifted the curtain and looked outside. It was a clean street, a very familiar one.

“Yes, we just entered the town.” At this time, Wu Santong also lifted the curtain and looked outside, then laughed and said, “I didn’t expect this to be the place where you grew up, Senior Brother. Although the town doesn’t look big, the atmosphere is quite good, better than our small town.”

“Yes, Changting Town is not bad. There aren’t many people on normal days, but it lacks nothing.” Li Hengsheng nodded.

After a while, Xu Kui stopped the carriage and said, “Young Master, we’re here.”

Wu Santong quickly got up and got off the carriage, then lifted the curtain for Li Hengsheng.

Li Hengsheng got out of the carriage and looked at the Yan family’s residence in front of him. He had been here not long ago, but it felt as if it was a lifetime ago, and everything had changed.

“Master Li, you’re back!”

The guard at the door saw Li Hengsheng coming and quickly came over to greet him since he had seen him before.

“Please inform them that Li Hengsheng from Dao Mountain Ancient Land has come to visit.” Li Hengsheng said to the few people.

“No need to inform.”

The disciple of the Yan family at the door laughed and said, “The clan leader has already instructed that Master Li should feel at home when he comes. There’s no need to inform. Please come in.”

“Alright then.” Li Hengsheng nodded and then walked in with Wu Santong.

“Where is your stable?” Xu Kui came forward and asked.

“I’ll take you there.” A guard quickly said.

“This Yan family is really grand.” After entering the Yan family’s residence, Wu Santong looked around. Although it was just a family in a small town, the scenery here was very good, and overall, it exuded a luxurious atmosphere.

“It’s normal for them to be grand. After all, even the Changqing Trading Company belongs to them.” Li Hengsheng looked around and nodded.

“Oh, right.”

Wu Santong then remembered that the Changqing Trading Company belonged to this family in Changting Town, and Yan Botao of the Yan family was even the president of the Changqing Trading Company.

In this case, it was perfectly normal for the Yan family to be so grand. After all, the Changqing Trading Company was thriving in the entire Eastern Desolate Land, and they had made a fortune with their goods.

Before they had walked a few steps, Yan Botao came over and ‘accidentally’ ran into Li Hengsheng.”Nephew!” Yan Botao feigned surprise, “How come you’re back? Why didn’t you send a letter before you came? I could have sent someone to pick you up.”

“Chief Yan.” Li Hengsheng politely replied, “I’m sorry for the intrusion.”

“You’re being too formal again. How can you call it an intrusion? I’ve told you before, coming here is like coming home.” Yan Botao said with a chuckle.

“Is my father here?” Li Hengsheng quickly asked.

He hadn’t seen him the last time he came. He couldn’t possibly miss him again this time, could he?

“He’s here, he’s here.”

“Come, I’ll take you to him.”

Yan Botao said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Li Hengsheng nodded, then took a deep breath, a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Under the tranquil dusk, the setting sun’s afterglow sprinkled on the secluded path.

The reflection of the trees covered the green stone slabs in the forest, the green path stretching into the distance, seemingly endless.

The autumn wind blew, causing the leaves to rustle, like an autumn symphony, always giving people a sense of melancholy.

Wu Santong followed behind Li Hengsheng. He noticed that since he saw Li Hengsheng yesterday, there was hardly any smile on Li Hengsheng’s face.

All he saw was a touch of fatigue and indifference.

The fact that Zhou Jun was an undercover agent for the Longevity Sect was no longer a secret. It had spread throughout the Dao Mountain Ancient Land, causing many people to curse Zhou Jun behind his back. Even some disciples who had a good relationship with Zhou Jun began to distance themselves from him.

Wu Santong thought it was probably this that had caused Li Hengsheng’s bad mood.

After all, everyone in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land knew about the good relationship between Zhou Jun and Li Hengsheng.

But what Wu Santong didn’t know was that the heaviness in Li Hengsheng’s heart was not just because of Zhou Jun.

“It’s just ahead.”

At this moment, Yan Botao said, “The small courtyard ahead is where your father lives.”

“Chief Yan.” Li Hengsheng looked at Yan Botao, “The three of us who came together may need to stay at the mansion tonight. Is that okay?”

“Of course, the Yan family may not have much, but we do have plenty of rooms. Rest assured, I’ll make sure everything is arranged for you.” Yan Botao laughed, “You go find your father. I won’t disturb your reunion. I have some matters to attend to in the clan, so I’ll leave first.”

“Thank you, Chief Yan.” Li Hengsheng bowed with a fist.

“I’ve told you, just call me Uncle Yan. You’re still so formal.” After saying this with a chuckle, Yan Botao left.

Watching Yan Botao walk away, Wu Santong said in surprise, “Brother Li, Yan Botao is the head of the Yan family and the president of the Changqing Trading Company. Why does it feel like… in front of you, he’s more like a housekeeper? So obsequious?”

“Perhaps it’s because I’m a direct disciple of the Dao Mountain Ancient Land?”

Li Hengsheng glanced at him and said, “If he knew that I’m leaving the Dao Mountain Ancient Land now to serve as an inspector in the Kingdom Zhen, facing immense danger and possibly not returning, you’ll see, his attitude towards me won’t be the same, right?”

Wu Santong nodded thoughtfully. After all, he had seen too much of the coldness and warmth of human relationships.

Standing at the entrance of the small courtyard, Li Hengsheng calmed his emotions, then stepped forward and walked in.

Li Changqing’s small courtyard was very elegant, even the bushes were neatly arranged.

Walking here gave off a very comfortable atmosphere.

From afar, Li Hengsheng saw a figure busily doing something.

Having not seen his father for a long time, Li Hengsheng quickly walked up, his excited emotions mixed with a sense of unfamiliarity.

Because his father had changed too much.

From a deadbeat father to a loving one.

When the happiness he had once longed for was within reach, Li Hengsheng felt a bit of fear and unfamiliarity.

He was afraid it was all a dream.

After a long absence, Li Changqing’s back seemed somewhat different from his memory.

Father has lost weight.

In the years when he was not around, his father must have had a hard time living alone.

For a moment, Li Hengsheng felt that he was unfilial. He had left without a word and hadn’t returned for so many years. Perhaps when his father was bullied outside, there was no son to back him up.


Li Hengsheng knelt down directly, “Your unfilial son, Li Hengsheng, is back.”

After saying this, Li Hengsheng heavily knocked his head on the ground.

The figure turned around.

Li Hengsheng slowly raised his head, only to see a somewhat stunned Zhang Fuguang holding a large pair of scissors, looking at him in surprise.

Li Hengsheng was also stunned. Who was this person?

“Are you the young master? Your father is cooking in the kitchen.” Zhang Fuguang pointed in the direction of the nearby kitchen.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Li Hengsheng quickly got up.

He had been too excited just now, and having not seen Li Changqing for many years, he had mistaken Zhang Fuguang’s back for his father’s and knelt down.

He was a bit too eager.

Wu Santong, who was behind him, was blushing with embarrassment.

He felt like laughing, but it didn’t seem quite right.

His senior brother was just too adorable.

Li Hengsheng looked towards the kitchen, where the sound of cooking could still be heard.

Usually, Li Changqing and the others would have their meals prepared by the house cook. However, upon learning that Li Hengsheng was returning today, Li Changqing decided to personally cook a meal for him.

He wanted his son to taste his own cooking.

Li Hengsheng walked towards the kitchen, standing at the entrance, he smelled a delicious aroma wafting out. Looking inside, he saw Li Changqing busy cooking.

It was his father.

The figure of Li Changqing matched the image of him in Li Hengsheng’s memory.

At this moment, Li Changqing was wearing an apron, stirring the pot in front of the stove. Under the intense heat of the flame, Li Changqing raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his face. Despite his lack of image, Li Hengsheng couldn’t help but feel a bit teary.


Li Hengsheng stepped into the kitchen, came up behind Li Changqing, and called out.

This call of “Dad” was something Li Hengsheng had only ever done countless times in his dreams.

At the same time, this call of “Dad” made Li Changqing, who was busy cooking, shudder. Even though he knew Li Hengsheng was back, hearing this call from Li Hengsheng, Li Changqing felt his blood pulsing!

It awakened the bond between father and son.

Li Changqing turned around and saw Li Hengsheng standing in front of him. After a moment of excitement, Li Changqing responded: “Ah!”

“My son is back!”

“Your dad has cooked a lot of delicious food today, you came back just in time. Tonight, let’s have a drink together.” Li Changqing said with a smile.

“Okay!” Li Hengsheng nodded vigorously. At this moment, the gloom in Li Hengsheng’s heart seemed to be swept away.

Seeing no awkwardness in their reunion, Li Changqing continued to stir-fry with a smile, then said to Li Hengsheng: “Son, pass me the plate over there.”

“This one?”

“The one inside, the black one.”

“Alright, the kitchen is smoky, you go out and wait. Go wash your hands and get ready for dinner.” Li Changqing said with a smile.

“Dad, let me help you. I often cooked for myself when I was at the Peak of Ten Thousand Slaughters.” Li Hengsheng rolled up his sleeves and was about to help.

“Oh, no need, don’t get your clothes dirty. They’re such good materials. You go out first, it’ll be ready soon, just two more dishes and a soup.” Li Changqing smiled and pushed Li Hengsheng out.

“Alright then.”

Li Hengsheng had no choice but to leave the kitchen first.

“This naughty boy.” Li Changqing chuckled.

Then his whole person seemed to settle down, he took a deep breath: “It’s so good to have a precious son.”

After a while, Li Changqing’s dishes were ready.

He carried a plate in one hand and trotted out. Li Hengsheng was already waiting at the stone table, and Wu Santong was standing by.

Seeing Li Changqing come out, Wu Santong and Li Hengsheng quickly went up to take the plate.

“There’s one more soup, serve it and we can start eating.”

“Fuguang, go get some wine.”


Zhang Fuguang went to find the wine.

Li Changqing ran back in to get the soup.

Looking at the busy Li Changqing, Wu Santong couldn’t help but express his envy: “Senior brother, how nice, your father cooked so many delicious dishes for you. I haven’t eaten a home-cooked meal in a long time.”

“My home is your home, eat more later.” Li Hengsheng said to Wu Santong.

“Uncle is really a good person.” Wu Santong sighed.

Hearing this, Li Hengsheng fell silent for a moment, thinking about his childhood, then smiled: “Yes, my dad is a very good person.”

“He’s a painter. Although he can’t paint any remarkable works, he’s still striving for a goal.” Li Hengsheng said leisurely: “Perhaps to this Cangyuan Realm, my dad is just an insignificant little person, but to me, he’s actually very great.”

“All fathers are great.” Wu Santong said thoughtfully, also thinking of his own father.

The man who opened a martial arts school with his disabled body and supported his family by teaching others to fight with two ordinary paintings.

“Dinner’s ready!”

Li Changqing brought out the last soup.

There were a total of ten dishes, all made by Li Changqing.

Li Changqing had made them very carefully.

“Let’s eat.”

Zhang Fuguang originally didn’t want to join them at the table, but was pulled up by Li Changqing, as well as Zhang Siyao.

Li Hengsheng naturally didn’t mind.

“This is so delicious!”

Wu Santong took a bite of the food and was shocked.

This food was even better than the pre-made food they had at the festival.

Li Hengsheng tasted a bite and found it very good.

He didn’t expect that after not seeing each other for several years, his dad’s cooking skills had improved so much.

The meal was very harmonious, and Li Hengsheng and Li Changqing, father and son, drank freely.

Li Hengsheng kept pouring one cup after another, and Li Changqing was not to be outdone, resulting in both of them getting a bit drunk in the end.

But Li Hengsheng enjoyed this feeling very much.Li Changqing was the same. In his previous life, he had wanted to have a good drink with his son, but that rascal son of his rarely ate at home and was always out causing trouble. There was no chance for a heart-to-heart drink between father and son.

As the meal went on, Zhang Fuguang took Zhang Siyao back to study.

Wu Santong also tactfully left.

Only Li Hengsheng and Li Changqing were left at the dining table.

The two of them chatted happily. Li Hengsheng had a lot to say to Li Changqing, and Li Changqing responded fluently. He could even recall some of the past events that Li Hengsheng brought up.

For those he was not quite clear about, he could simply say he didn’t remember.

Li Hengsheng didn’t suspect anything.

As they talked, Li Hengsheng’s expression became heavy, and his mood fell.

“Dad, I’m a bit tired,” Li Hengsheng’s voice was heavy.

“If you’re tired, go back to your room and have a good sleep,” Li Changqing patted Li Hengsheng’s shoulder.

However, when Li Changqing’s palm touched Li Hengsheng’s shoulder, he found that Li Hengsheng was leaning on the table, his shoulders shaking.

Soft sobs came.

His son was crying…

Li Changqing was shocked.

His son was actually crying.

Li Changqing’s hand paused for a moment, then moved to Li Hengsheng’s back. He had also learned the general situation from Xue Qianbai’s letter.

Zhou Jun was an undercover agent of the Longevity Sect.

At the same time, Zhou Jun had always been taking care of Li Hengsheng. During the Ghost Devil trial, Li Changqing could see that they had the best relationship. His son almost regarded Zhou Jun as his brother.

Now that such a thing had happened…

Li Changqing could understand Li Hengsheng’s feelings.

After all, he was just a teenager.

His life was not much more than a blank sheet of paper.

In the Ghost Devil trial, Li Hengsheng carried Lu Shiran on his back and fought his way out of the Ghost Clan, bathed in blood, without shedding a single tear.

But now his son was sobbing.

Although it is said that men should not shed tears easily, that’s only because they haven’t reached the point of heartbreak.

“Dad knows you’re tired,” Li Changqing didn’t offer much comfort, he just moved closer and said with a light laugh, “You will encounter many things in life, and you can’t choose what happens. Just accept it and you will gradually let go. Compared to many people, you still have a choice.”

“If you’re really tired and don’t want to continue adventuring, just come home. Dad has said before, I can afford to support you.”

Li Changqing gently patted Li Hengsheng’s back.

Li Hengsheng didn’t say anything, but his sobbing became much quieter.

Turning around, Li Hengsheng directly leaned into Li Changqing’s arms.

Li Changqing reached out to stroke Li Hengsheng’s hair. Although he spoke simply, how could Li Changqing not feel heartache?

Fifteen years old.

In his previous life, a child of this age would still be in junior high school.

Growing up under the care of his parents, receiving pocket money from them every day, buying the food he liked, any bumps or bruises at school would have parents knocking on the door.

But here, his fifteen-year-old son had already experienced life and death, deception, and separation…

“Don’t be afraid, if the sky falls, Dad is here.”

Li Changqing said in a gentle voice.

At this moment, Li Hengsheng felt an unprecedented warmth.

When he was little and felt wronged, he often wished he could throw himself into his father’s arms for comfort.

But that was just a wish.

Now he realized how good that feeling was.

His father’s broad palm on his head, at this moment, Li Hengsheng felt like a child again.

Gradually, Li Hengsheng fell asleep unknowingly.

A dreamless night.

Li Hengsheng felt that this was the best sleep he had had in many years.

When he woke up, Li Hengsheng looked around. The surroundings were unfamiliar yet warm.

Stepping out of the room, he was still in Li Changqing’s courtyard.

At this time, Li Changqing had already prepared breakfast.

He cooked porridge, fried dough sticks, and bought pickles from outside.

“It smells so good.”

Li Hengsheng walked up and said shyly, “Dad, I’m sorry, I fell asleep last night. Did I drink too much and talk nonsense?”

“What’s there to be embarrassed about with your dad?” Li Changqing laughed, “Have a few more bowls of porridge to sober up.”

“Okay, I’ll have two big bowls,” Li Hengsheng smiled and sat down.

“Two bowls are not enough. When you were little, you drank six bowls in one go after getting sick. Today, bring out that spirit. I cooked a lot.”

After saying this, Li Changqing went back to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

But as soon as he said this, Li Hengsheng was taken aback.

Six bowls?

Li Hengsheng looked towards the kitchen, his expression gradually stiffening.

He remembered that once in Dao Mountain Ancient Land, he had breakfast with Lu Qiaoqiao. Lu Qiaoqiao and Xu Yueyue had teased him, asking how a big man could be full after only two bowls of porridge?Xu Yueyue said, “Brother Li, you’re not doing well either. Look at Wei, he’s already had four bowls. Look how strong he is. You’re eating so little, you won’t even be able to beat Sister Lu at this rate.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Qiaoqiao couldn’t help but chuckle.

Perhaps feeling belittled by Lu Qiaoqiao, Li Hengsheng immediately made up a story, “Who said that? I just don’t have an appetite today. When I was young, I once got sick and when I recovered, I had a huge appetite. I drank six bowls in one go!”

“Six bowls? Really?” Xu Yueyue and Lu Qiaoqiao both said in disbelief.

“Of course it’s true!” Li Hengsheng stubbornly insisted.

Hearing about these six bowls of porridge again, Li Hengsheng couldn’t help but think that this was clearly a story he had fabricated. Only Lu Qiaoqiao and Xu Yueyue knew about it.

Why would his father say such a thing?

For a moment, Li Hengsheng’s mind was in turmoil.

Something was off…

After seven hundred thousand words, the father and son finally met. Please vote for the monthly ticket, dear readers.

(End of the chapter)

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