Chapter 119 – The Longevity Sect reappears, no matter how far, we will definitely take action against them!

Upon seeing this, Li Changqing’s heart trembled. The Outer Cloud Hand technique looked formidable, stirring the void, transforming into flowing clouds, and creating thousands of palm imprints to suppress the area.

“Is he alright? Xue Qianbai wouldn’t just die like this, would he? He’s severely injured and is being attacked by so many experts, among which there are even Grandmasters at the peak of the Innate Realm.”

Li Changqing was considering whether he should step in to save Xue Qianbai. After all, Xue Qianbai was the deputy head of Dao Mountain Ancient Land.

His own son was still cultivating in Dao Mountain Ancient Land. If he saved Xue Qianbai now and established a good relationship, wouldn’t it be like a fish in water if Xue Qianbai could help him in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land in the future?

Although he thought so, Li Changqing was still somewhat apprehensive. The opponent was a master at the peak of the Innate Realm!

“Can I beat him? Since I crossed into the Cangyuan Realm, the strongest opponent I’ve encountered is probably Li Jinsong.”

If Li Jinsong were in his prime, he could definitely rival a master at the peak of the Innate Realm. However, Li Jinsong’s cultivation had regressed to that of a high-level Painter, and his combat power was at most at the peak of the Innate Realm.

“This is a real Grandmaster. It wouldn’t be good if I couldn’t beat him and ended up being killed instead.”

Li Changqing was torn for a moment. But in the end, Li Changqing gritted his teeth, “Damn it, for my son’s future, I’ll risk it!”

Xue Qianbai was only severely injured. Perhaps if he and Xue Qianbai joined forces, they could kill this Grandmaster. Even if they couldn’t kill him, he could escape on his sword, and Old Devil Xiang definitely wouldn’t be able to catch up with him.

“Fortune favors the bold. Let’s risk it!” Li Changqing was about to make his move when he looked ahead and was stunned.

He had only hesitated for a few breaths, and the scene had undergone earth-shattering changes. The sight before him was simply unbelievable to Li Changqing.

The heads of the six black-robed Innate experts had neatly flown off! They died on the spot! They didn’t even see when Xue Qianbai had drawn his sword and were directly killed by his sword.

Looking at Old Devil Xiang, one of his arms had also disappeared, and blood was spurting out like a fountain. A moment later, Li Changqing heard a thud. It was the arm that had disappeared somewhere, which had fallen and hit the eaves in front of him.

In contrast, Xue Qianbai was still standing there calmly, as if he hadn’t moved at all, and his breathing was still steady.

His long hair was dancing in the wind, and his back was against the moonlight, which made his cold aura blend more into the world. Under the moonlight, Xue Qianbai looked like a banished sword immortal, with a sword intent so sharp that it made people shudder.

Li Changqing was truly shocked. What just happened? How did so many people die all of a sudden, and what about Old Devil Xiang, wasn’t he a powerful Grandmaster at the peak of the Innate Realm?

Why was his arm cut off by Xue Qianbai in the blink of an eye? Could it be that Xue Qianbai is already a top expert at the peak of the Innate Realm?

Old Devil Xiang took two steps back, his face pale as paper. Not to mention Li Changqing, even he, the person involved, didn’t know what had just happened. His arm was just gone.

“The title of Qianxue Sword Sovereign is indeed not in vain.” Old Devil Xiang covered the cut where his arm had been severed, gritting his teeth and said, “Before I came, someone advised me not to come and seek death, not to provoke you, Xue Qianbai. I thought he was just trying to scare me, but it turns out I was too arrogant!”

“Over the years on the Black List, there have been many hunters who wanted to kill me. Xu Cong, the Emperor’s Blade, and Gu Wanxing, the Mad Fighter, these two famous Grandmasters both died at my hands. I even escaped from the joint hands of two Grandmaster-level experts, leaving them helpless against me! I never thought that today I would fall into your hands, Xue Qianbai.” Xue Qianbai didn’t seem to want to continue wasting words with Old Devil Xiang. He raised his Qianxue Sword, ready to give Old Devil Xiang a quick death.

“Wait!” Old Devil Xiang suddenly spoke, “Can I ask you a question? After I know the answer, it won’t be too late for you to kill me.” Xue Qianbai’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Speak.”

“You must have already reached the peak of the Innate Realm, right? Otherwise, how could I have lost with just one sword?” Old Devil Xiang stared at Xue Qianbai and asked.

“Not yet.” Xue Qianbai shook his head. Upon hearing this, Old Devil Xiang was first stunned, then a bitter smile appeared on his face.

If Xue Qianbai was already at the peak of the Innate Realm, he would feel a little better about losing to him. But it turned out that Xue Qianbai hadn’t reached that realm yet.

He was still at the level of the peak of the Innate Realm. The same realm as himself. He prided himself on being a master, dominating the Cangyuan Realm with his Outer Cloud Hand technique, thinking that he was invincible among the Grandmasters. Even if someone could defeat him, there was no way he could lose within three hundred moves.

Who knew that he couldn’t even take a single sword strike from Xue Qianbai, who was at the same realm as him. No wonder Xue Qianbai had the title of Qianxue Sword Sovereign.

He held the eleventh-ranked Divine Weapon in his hand, yet no one dared to snatch it.

“In that case, I have nothing more to say. You can do it.” Old Devil Xiang slowly closed his eyes, ready to face death.”If you hadn’t joined the Longevity Sect, if you hadn’t mingled with these Ghost Clan members, for the sake of your family’s ancestor Xiang Yang, I might have spared you today. But you’ve chosen the wrong path, and there’s no turning back.” A hint of killing intent emerged in Xue Qianbai’s eyes.

The next moment, Xue Qianbai thrust his sword forward, piercing directly through Old Devil Xiang’s throat! However, as the sword was thrust, a look of surprise appeared in Xue Qianbai’s eyes.

Because Xue Qianbai clearly felt that something was off about the sensation of this sword thrust. Was it a fake?

“Whoosh!” Under the moonlight, a figure shot out, his lightness skill astonishingly fast. It was Old Devil Xiang!

Despite losing an arm, it didn’t hinder Old Devil Xiang from escaping. Old Devil Xiang laughed heartily, “Xue Qianbai! You are indeed formidable, but I don’t want to die at your hands. I have greater things to accomplish! Just you wait, even if I can’t kill you, it doesn’t mean that no one in our Longevity Sect can. We’ve had our eyes on your key for a long time, you can’t escape!”

“Hahaha!” Old Devil Xiang left with a flourish. Xue Qianbai watched him, his body turning into a streak of white light as he chased after Old Devil Xiang.

However, it was truly difficult to catch up with a Grandmaster-level expert who was desperate to escape. Xue Qianbai hadn’t expected that Old Devil Xiang would use a Painting Treasure to replace himself with an illusion, he had been careless.

Old Devil Xiang was particularly pleased with himself. Although he was heartbroken that his Painting Treasure was used up after this one time, being able to save his life was already a stroke of luck.

In a few breaths, Old Devil Xiang had already fled two streets away. He firmly believed that once he escaped from Beihan City and reached the outskirts, Xue Qianbai would never be able to catch up with him.

Xue Qianbai’s swordsmanship was indeed strong, but facing Old Devil Xiang who was risking his life to escape, Xue Qianbai couldn’t catch up with him for a while.

Just when Old Devil Xiang thought he was destined to escape, suddenly, he saw a figure in a green robe on a rooftop ahead, staring at him.

The man didn’t have any fluctuations in his aura, just like a passerby. But Old Devil Xiang, who had survived many life-and-death situations on the Black List over the years, instinctively felt that this man was not simple.

“Get out of my way if you don’t want to die!” Old Devil Xiang didn’t care about the man in front of him. This man was a stranger, and he didn’t recognize him from his memory of experts.

However, even if this man posed no threat, if he desperately blocked him for a moment, allowing Xue Qianbai to catch up, he would be doomed.

However, this roar, which was accompanied by a wave of energy, only caused Li Changqing’s clothes to flutter.

Li Changqing remained unmoved, his eyes filled with proud coldness. Previously, Li Changqing didn’t want to meddle in other people’s business, until he heard the three words “Longevity Sect” from Xue Qianbai’s mouth!

Li Changqing could be said to hate the Longevity Sect to the bone! The last time they poisoned his son, Li Hengsheng, almost costing him his life, the feeling of being helpless while his son was on the brink of death, every time Li Changqing thought about it, he felt a towering killing intent towards the Longevity Sect.

Hurt my family! No matter how far, I will deal with him! So when Old Devil Xiang was escaping, Li Changqing directly blocked his path.

Even if he had lost an arm now, even in his prime, Li Changqing would have wanted to fight him, even if he couldn’t beat him, he could stop him, wait for Xue Qianbai to catch up, and then join forces to deal with him.

After a roar, Old Devil Xiang was shocked to find that Li Changqing remained unmoved. This man was not without cultivation, he was a Painter!

But what about a Painter? He recognized almost all the Painting Sages in the world. This man was not a Painting Sage, at most he was a high-level Painter.

As a mighty innate expert, was he now being blocked by any Tom, Dick, or Harry?

“Die!” So Old Devil Xiang didn’t bother to waste words with Li Changqing. His palm moved, and the Cloud Hand from Beyond stirred the heavens and the earth, causing Li Changqing to feel as if the space he was in was rippling and trembling!

A palm strike came. The palm print seemed to be able to collapse the space, magnifying infinitely in his eyes, as if a storm was about to engulf Li Changqing!

“Cloud Hand from Beyond!” Old Devil Xiang roared, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

“Screw you!” Li Changqing also roared in anger, the Lion’s Roar of Hong Zhen burst out from his mouth. Behind Li Changqing, a huge lion’s head crushed down, like a heavenly law!

At the same time, above the lion’s head, a dragon’s roar shook the heavens. Li Changqing raised his palm, and the Dragon Seizing Hand turned into a huge dragon claw sweeping across.

It collided with the Cloud Hand from Beyond! The palm print instantly turned into ashes, the Lion’s Roar of Hong Zhen made Old Devil Xiang’s head ache as if it was about to split, and his body’s true essence seemed to be boiling because of Li Changqing’s roar.

There was a buzzing sound in his mind! At the same time, the Dragon Seizing Hand suppressed down, directly smashing Old Devil Xiang into the ground.

The bluestone slabs on the street were shattered by this palm! Old Devil Xiang’s body was directly smashed into the ground.”Argh!” Old Devil Xiang felt a sweetness in his chest and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. He never expected that a random person he met on the road would have such terrifying cultivation.

What on earth was that dragon claw just now!

“Painting Sage! I can’t beat him, I need to run!” Old Devil Xiang never thought he would be so unlucky to encounter a Painting Sage.

But how come he had never seen this Painting Sage before? Was he a newly promoted one? With a palm strike on the ground, Old Devil Xiang shook himself out of the deep pit and prepared to run from the other side.

This surprised Li Changqing a bit. The body of a cultivator at the peak of the Innate Realm was so strong that he shattered the bluestone slab on the ground, yet this old fellow could still get up.

It seemed that he had only suffered some minor injuries.

“Trying to run?” Li Changqing had no intention of letting Old Devil Xiang go. With a shake of his robe, the knife he was carrying on his back flew out and slashed at Old Devil Xiang through the air!

Bang! Another muffled sound, the knife was stuck in Old Devil Xiang’s back. Old Devil Xiang staggered and spat out another mouthful of blood, but the scene Li Changqing imagined where Old Devil Xiang was split in half by a single knife did not happen.

Instead, the knife he bought was broken at this moment, stuck directly on Old Devil Xiang’s bone.

“What hard bones!” Li Changqing was too shocked. Was this still a human? Impervious to swords and spears! Old Devil Xiang glared back at Li Changqing fiercely, but he knew he was no match for Li Changqing, so he decided to run.

However, the moment he turned around, Old Devil Xiang truly despaired. Xue Qianbai had already appeared in front of him.

A sword light came slashing. The speed of this sword was so fast that Old Devil Xiang couldn’t dodge it. Old Devil Xiang’s head was finally separated from his body.

His head rolled on the ground, along with his eyes that hadn’t closed. In the last moment of his life, Old Devil Xiang regretted greatly. He joined the Longevity Sect, wanting to prove himself, so he accepted a platinum-level bounty from the Longevity Sect.

Whoever could complete the platinum-level bounty could directly be promoted to an elder of the Longevity Sect. One of the bounties was Xue Qianbai.

He never expected that when he faced Xue Qianbai, he had no power to resist.

“What a powerful sword.” Li Changqing also came to Old Devil Xiang’s side at this moment, pulling out his broken knife.

The bones of a cultivator at the peak of the Innate Realm were so hard! But Xue Qianbai’s sword could sever this man’s head with a single stroke.

What a powerful Divine Weapon.

“Is he completely dead?” Li Changqing was still worried that Old Devil Xiang would play some tricks.

“He’s dead.” Xue Qianbai carefully examined Old Devil Xiang’s body and confirmed that Old Devil Xiang was indeed dead.

Only then did he look at Li Changqing. If it weren’t for Li Changqing’s intervention just now, Old Devil Xiang might have really escaped.

“Thank you.” Xue Qianbai nodded at Li Changqing.

“It’s nothing. Are your injuries okay?” Li Changqing looked at Xue Qianbai’s abdomen. His white clothes had been dyed red with blood, and the amount of bleeding was astonishing, and it didn’t seem to have stopped.

“It’s nothing.” Xue Qianbai shook his head.

“The city patrol team will be here soon.” Xue Qianbai said, “We should leave here quickly to avoid running into that troublesome person.”

“Oh, okay.” Although Li Changqing didn’t know who the troublesome person Xue Qianbai was talking about, since even Xue Qianbai didn’t want to meet him, he must not be easy to deal with.

Just as he was about to leave, Li Changqing looked at Old Devil Xiang’s head on the ground and decided to take it with him by grabbing the hair.

“What are you doing with that?” Xue Qianbai asked.

“Exchange it for money.” Li Changqing said, “This man is so famous on the Black List, he should be worth a lot of money.”

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