Chapter 100 – Superman’s weakness disappears

Beep beep beep!

The red and blue flashing police lights were blinding, accompanied by the sharp sound of the police sirens, a large number of heavily armed riot police arrived at the scene in less than two minutes, three blocks away.

“Hurry, guys, that guy is up there. He knocked down the others and took Mr. Glenmorgan hostage.”

“He didn’t leave immediately. Is he waiting for us on purpose? Is he trying to provoke the police?”

The leading police chief led a group of SWAT team members to rush upstairs, his face extremely grim.

“Guys, be careful. The person being held hostage upstairs is none other than Mr. Metropolis. We must be cautious, as he could easily turn the tables on all of us with just a word.”

As they reached the floor where the incident occurred, several gangsters were sprawled on the ground in disarray, some thrown out of the room as if crashing through a broken door, and others locked together with a broken window railing, looking both disheveled and ridiculous.

“Help, that guy is in there!”

One of the gangsters, as if seeing a lifeline, pointed shakily towards the inner room.

Seeing the scene of violent destruction, the police chief’s face turned ugly. He waved his hand to signal tactical movements, and his team members quietly approached from both sides of the door.

“He jumped to the twenty-ninth floor, faster than the wind, tossing us around at will. He even shot lasers from his eyes!”

Upon seeing the police, whom they usually avoided at all costs, someone was so frightened that they couldn’t help but shout in panic.

“Be careful, what we’re facing this time is unprecedented!”

With that, the police chief, leading the way, rushed into the house with a gun, followed closely by the team members on both sides, their faces solemn and their hands holding submachine guns, demonstrating their well-trained tactical skills.

“Don’t move!”

“Release the hostage and surrender immediately!”

“Step away from where you’re standing.”

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The slightly chilly night wind blew in through the windows, causing the curtains on both sides to flutter.

A young man in a blue T-shirt stood steadily on the balcony railing of the high-rise building, effortlessly lifting a terrified man with one hand, as if he were lifting a weightless feather.

“Mr. Glenmorgan?”

“Save me, please save me!” Looking down at the seemingly inconspicuous little box of a car below, Glenmorgan’s face turned pale.

From a small-time gang leader to a big-time gang boss, and then to the well-known philanthropist and Mr. Metropolis of the entire city, he had encountered countless adversaries and had been shot at countless times.

But this time was different. This guy was no ordinary person; not even bullets could harm him.

“Put him down, you lunatic!”

Everyone was stunned by the scene, whether it was someone standing carelessly on the twenty-ninth floor balcony railing, where one wrong move could result in a fatal fall, or someone effortlessly lifting another person with one hand.

“Of course, officer, I will put him down immediately.”

Even though he couldn’t see, it was clear how many dark gun barrels were pointed at him, Clark still maintained a smile.

“Provided that he confesses to the crimes he has committed and receives the appropriate punishment.”

“There should be no distinction between rich and poor in the eyes of the law, right?”

With that, he gave his arm a little shake, scaring Glenmorgan so much that his heart almost jumped out of his throat, but he didn’t confess and instead began to scream hysterically.

“Come protect me, he’s a monster!”

“Put Mr. Glenmorgan down, or we will open fire!”

“Young man, think about your family!”

The SWAT team members angrily aimed their guns.

“Still not willing to talk?”

The ear-piercing shouts made a cold, stern expression appear on Clark’s face.

Not long ago, he had unexpectedly saved a female police officer from a group of criminals, only to find out that someone had dared to kidnap the witness, the female police officer, from the rooftop of the courthouse using a helicopter. The audacity of the act was jaw-dropping.

He had tracked down the culprits and, after a few days of surveillance, discovered that the mastermind behind it all was none other than the well-known philanthropist of Metropolis, Glenmorgan.

“You had your chance, Glenmorgan!”

Clark said nonchalantly as he tossed him aside. Glenmorgan, like a kite with a broken string, arced through the air and hurtled towards the ground, screaming as he plummeted towards the hard asphalt road dozens of meters below.

“You lunatic!”

The police chief’s eyes widened, unable to believe what he had just witnessed.

Hadn’t it been said that Superman had never used excessive force against any robbers in the past month?

“Ah… Ahhh!”

The sound of the wind whistling past his ears, Glenmorgan’s heart rate skyrocketed to over two hundred, his soul nearly escaping his body, consumed by extreme terror.

After a brief, rapid descent, he was about to crash onto the hard road below, turning into a burst of flesh and blood with the sound of bones shattering.


His terrified and contorted face tightly shut his eyes, with less than ten centimeters left between him and the ground.

A strong, iron arm grabbed hold of his clothes.

The inertia of a nearly two-hundred-pound body falling dozens of meters was instantly dissipated, not even causing the arm to sway.

“How did that roller coaster ride feel? Sir, as long as you like, I can continue.”

With lightning speed, Clark jumped down first and, like holding a little chick with one hand, lifted him up, speaking in an unhurried tone.

It was as if a ticket salesman at an amusement park was suggesting that the other person could experience their main attraction again.

“Enough, I’ll talk, I’ll tell you everything.”After turning around in front of death, Glenn Moghan’s lips turned pale, and he almost couldn’t control the urge to urinate. He lost his mind and shouted.


Clark threw him to the ground, forcing him to confess to his crimes one by one.

“I… I used to be one of the biggest gang leaders in Metropolis. I have personally killed dozens of people, bribed the city officials, and deceived everyone…”

Kneeling on the ground, the once glorious Mr. Metropolis trembled as he confessed to his bloody crimes.

Clark nodded imperceptibly.

If it were the old him, he would never have resorted to such intimidating torture.

But he had learned some lessons from his brother, and reasoning with some people was useless.

Click, click, click!

Like a shark catching the scent of blood, the reporters outside the police cordon went crazy taking pictures of Clark, with the flashlights flashing non-stop.

Several cameras were already aimed at him when he appeared.

“You understand the rules, Metropolis. Treat the citizens of this city well, or I will come looking for you!”

With the trembling Glenn Moghan in the background, Clark faced the camera, pointed his finger, and spoke sternly with a hint of anger.

Glenn Moghan had transformed from a gang leader to a philanthropist, and was awarded the title of Mr. Metropolis. The Mr. Metropolis was supposed to be an example for the citizens of the entire city to follow.

The decay revealed in this was shocking.

He did not want this city, where he had grown up, to slide into the abyss and become another Gotham just across the river!

After speaking, Clark, under the excited gaze of the citizens, leaped over the tall buildings, disappearing into the night sky.

A high-definition camera on a nearby helicopter recorded the entire incident from start to finish.

With many cameras pointed at him, Clark thought it might just be a TV station’s camera.

In fact, it was, but that TV station was affiliated with the famous Luthor Group of Metropolis.

As it approached seven or eight o’clock, when Clark returned home from Metropolis, before he even entered the house, he felt a familiar strong heartbeat in his eyes.

“David, you finally decided to come back.”

Pushing open the door, his brother, who had been away on a trip for a month, turned to face Clark, pretending not to care.

As he chatted with his parents, David, who had gone on a trip to an island that was like paradise, turned his head and raised an eyebrow.

“It seems like you’ve adapted well to the life of a journalist assistant?”

Clark, who had not seen his older brother for a month, was wearing a suit and exuded a mature aura, with a handsome face and a pair of sunglasses, giving off a sense of a story waiting to be explored.

Before the two of them could say anything else.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Clark. Let’s wash up together, it’s time for dinner.”

The dinner table was already set with food, and Jonathan embraced his two sons, looking at them from left to right, his face showing a happy redness, tinged with nostalgia and excitement.

Martha had a gentle smile on her lips as she set the table and looked at her husband and two sons.

When the family was always together, they didn’t feel anything special.

Now that the eldest son had entered society early and was not at home all day, and the younger son had gone on a trip, the house suddenly felt empty, making the couple feel a little uncomfortable.

But thinking about it, this was inevitable. Both sons would eventually enter society, have their own jobs, and it couldn’t help but make people feel a little melancholy and cherish the present life even more.

After being away from home for a month, although they had been in touch by phone the whole time, it couldn’t alleviate the longing to see their family.

David suggested leaving for a few days, leaving Diana in charge of overseeing her people’s dance practice.

Diana seemed to think that since David had completed an impossible challenge, she should follow through on her promise to honor David as king, and she couldn’t show any weakness, otherwise she wouldn’t be considered an Amazon queen.

She had been executing David’s orders very well, from practicing dancing to practicing the harp.

“Leaving Paradise Island, it seems that Diana hasn’t lost her emotional touch?”

After enjoying a warm and cozy dinner with his parents, feeling the warmth and comfort he hadn’t felt in a long time, David stood on the second floor of the attic, looking at the night sky and thinking to himself.

As a prince of the Amazons, Diana still had a lot of authority in front of her people.

Creak, creak.

The old wooden staircase creaked as Clark walked up like an ordinary person.

“The telescope here is gone.”

David turned around.

The place where he had been standing before was always where Clark’s telescope was placed, allowing him to peek at Lana.

“Lana left, and I ended up in my current situation.”

Clark shook his head.

That telescope had lost its meaning to him.

“Your eyes still haven’t healed?”

David furrowed his brow slightly.

A month had passed, and with Clark’s Kryptonian physique, he should have recovered from blindness if he had been sunbathing every day.

“It’s not just a simple eye injury. Could it be a curse? Or magic?”

“There’s no sign of improvement, maybe it will be like this forever.”

Clark fell silent.

As David pondered whether he knew of any way to solve this problem, he raised his eyebrows and heard a hint of nonchalance in Clark’s tone.”Do you occasionally open your eyes to bask in the sun as I told you?”

His voice was filled with skepticism.


With an unnatural complexion, the blind Clark slightly turned his head away from his brother, looking towards the night sky as if he could see something.

For ordinary people, losing sight and plunging into darkness is an extremely painful experience, but for Clark, the trouble it brought wasn’t that significant.

However, David felt there was another reason why Clark didn’t seem to care much about it.


The price of the Wishing Stone usually involved something one cherished, and Clark must have been feeling guilty and fearful lately, recklessly making a wish that could have brought great misfortune upon the family.

He guessed right.

The darkness of blindness was a punishment, which paradoxically brought Clark some relief, easing his guilt while constantly reminding him to think twice before acting.

Even though it wasn’t his fault.

“One should look forward and not be tormented by the past. That’s the meaning of life.”

David spoke slowly.

“Don’t think that just because you have a body stronger than steel and losing your sight doesn’t matter, you are now walking on the edge of danger.”

“David… did you see the news about me?”

Clark sensed his brother was hinting at something.

“No, I smelled the scent of gunpowder on you.

You were shot at by several people not long ago, bullets that could kill an Asian elephant.”

David stood with his hands in his pockets next to the railing, glancing at him.

Rushing home to see his parents, whom he missed, he hadn’t had time to pay attention to the news from Metropolis.

Becoming Superman, the Son of Tomorrow, was Clark’s destined path, not hard to guess.

“You’re always so perceptive.”

Clark sniffed his clothes, which still retained a faint smell despite changing them.

He thought his secret identity was flawless, but now, seen as a hero by many in the city and as a brother, he felt slightly annoyed at being outdone in front of his younger sibling.

However, Clark didn’t care much about the question David raised.

“Although I don’t want to bring it up, the meteorite that is my weakness has already disappeared from this world, and the guns of those evildoers can’t hurt me.”

“The weakness is gone?

That’s not necessarily true.”

David shook his head.

This was exactly why he wanted to remind Clark not to be reckless, relying on his steel body and losing the necessary vigilance.

“What… what do you mean?”

Clark was taken aback.

Luthor Tower.

In the top-floor office, Luthor, with his bald head, stood with his arms crossed in front of him, half of his face hidden in the shadows under the moonlight, flipping through the super-speed video in front of him, which wouldn’t drop a frame even if slowed down a thousand times, his eyes flickering.

Not long ago, he suddenly woke up in his manor to find that he had lost his memory of the recent past, and the Wishing Stone had disappeared.

It seemed he had already made a wish, gaining a brain with a powerful talent for scientific research.

And that very night, Luthor received terrible news: his astute and capable father, the helmsman of Luthor Corp, the formidable Lionel Luthor who made countless business rivals tremble, had died in a car accident on his way home.

When he rushed to the hospital, his father had already passed away without a chance for a final goodbye, leaving only a cold body covered with a white sheet.

“Is this the price of my wish?”

Behind the desk, Luthor, who had lost a father who was always too busy with business to care about him and now controlled a multinational business conglomerate, had a complex and ugly expression, with a hint of gloom in his eyes.

You should all have seen today’s chapter.

Last night, I didn’t expect that the other party would post an attack on me in the middle of the night without sleeping, and because I had to prove my innocence, I was entangled with that author all morning, and it wasn’t until nearly afternoon that the matter was settled, so I was delayed. However, there are still four thousand words for today.

I currently owe one chapter, which will be made up tomorrow. Sorry.

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