Chapter 9 – His choice

When Su Qianyi saw Ruan Nianxi, she was speechless for a moment.


She forgot to conceal her gaze and just stared straight ahead. It seemed that she had already seen Xie Shu leaving her for Ruan Nianxi again.


Xie Shu noticed her gaze and then turned to look.


After seeing that it was Su Qianyi, he silently turned his head again.


"Since you don't mind, why don't we go together? They are all good friends of mine from college, I want you to meet them too."


Xie Shu's three friends were still in shock and hadn't noticed the exchange of glances between the two of them, nor had they noticed Su Qianyi over there.


They immediately nodded as soon as Xie Shu spoke, "Yes, yes, we are good buddies with Xie Shu, let's have a meal together and get to know each other."


The group headed towards the cafeteria. Xie Shu had originally wanted to pull Ruan Nianxi in, but considering that their relationship hadn't progressed, he restrained himself.


Worried that Ruan Nianxi might not be used to it, he walked ahead and let Ruan Nianxi follow.


And so, the group entered the cafeteria.


On the side of the cafeteria road, Su Qianyi watched as Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi entered. Her fists clenched, unable to contain her anger.


What did Xie Shu mean by this?


Why was he with Ruan Nianxi?


He knew she disliked Ruan Nianxi, yet he was getting so close to her?


And, he clearly saw her just now!


Their eyes met!


Was he pretending not to see her on purpose?


Who did he think he was, treating her like this?


Didn't he like her?


Would someone who liked another person act like this?


He… he!!


Su Qianyi's heart was filled with alternating anger and grievance. Her red lips were pressed into a straight line, and her hands clenched tighter in her pockets.


"Qianyi, what's wrong?"


After looking at her phone for a few seconds, An Tian noticed that Su Qianyi was no longer beside her. She turned around and found Su Qianyi standing there, looking a bit off. An Tian immediately walked over to ask about her condition.


An Tian's voice brought Su Qianyi back to her senses.


She shook her head, composed herself, and calmly said, "Let's go to the other cafeteria over there. I don't want to go to this one."


"Oh, this one is closer."


"There are more people here, and I don't want to be crowded."




So the two of them continued walking and went to the nearby second cafeteria.


An Tian had no idea what had happened, and Su Qianyi didn't show any obvious signs. She just thought to herself that she would never forgive Xie Shu, no matter how he tried to explain later.


In the first cafeteria, Ruan Nianxi followed Xie Shu step by step. As time passed, her hand, which had been clenched into a fist on her thigh, slowly relaxed.


Xie Shu just saw Su Qianyi, right?


But he ignored her.


And he even introduced her to his brothers.


Although Ruan Nianxi didn't know why Xie Shu did this, subconsciously, she was very happy.


Before her smile could last a few seconds, Xie Shu, who was walking in front of her, suddenly stopped. She couldn't stop in time and accidentally bumped into his back.


She instinctively exclaimed and took a small step back, then her arm was grabbed by someone.


"Be careful, it's crowded in the cafeteria at this time."


Xie Shu pulled Ruan Nianxi towards him a little, then let go of her arm and said softly.


"Um, th… thank you." Ruan Nianxi's cheeks turned slightly red, and she dared not look directly into Xie Shu's eyes.


"What do you want to eat?"


"You decide."




Xie Shu looked around the crowded cafeteria and then at his three friends.


The three hardest things in life: what to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, and what to eat at night.


They had already solved the morning issue, and now it was the second difficult problem.


Because Ruan Nianxi was with them, they didn't think for long and quickly chose a restaurant with good overall ratings to start queuing.


They were lucky, as there were only a few people in front of them, and the cafeteria staff were also very efficient, so they were served quickly.


When it was Xie Shu's turn, he found that there was not enough balance on his card. Fortunately, he had a friend next to him who helped him swipe the card.


This small incident didn't bother Xie Shu, as he was used to it.


He had always used up the money on his card quickly. He used to help Su Qianyi buy meals often, sometimes for breakfast, and sometimes for all three meals. Because he liked Su Qianyi, he would always offer to pay for her, and she never asked to repay him or anything like that.


A few meals weren't very expensive, but it added up over time.


While others could use their meal money for a month, he usually used it up in about two weeks.


He didn't pay much attention to the balance on his card before, so he often ran out of money. His friends had helped him pay for meals many times.


Not only was he used to it, but even his friends were used to it, and no one cared about this small incident.


Although Xie Shu didn't pay attention, Ruan Nianxi took it to heart.


She didn't say anything, and after getting their food, she followed Xie Shu and his friends to find a place to sit.


After sitting down, she took out her phone and entered the campus recharge system.


She had just seen Xie Shu's student ID on his card, and she also knew his college, major, and class…


After filling in the required information, she entered the amount she wanted to recharge.


"Nianxi, are you busy with something?"Xie Shu noticed Ruan Nianxi looking at her phone as soon as she sat down and asked her out of curiosity.




Ruan Nianxi looked up nervously. She had forgotten how many zeros she had pressed and quickly hit the recharge button. After entering her password, she turned off her phone.


The meal was much quieter than usual with the addition of Ruan Nianxi, as the group who typically chatted and boasted while eating were now considerably more subdued.


Everyone, except for Xie Shu, was rather tense.


His roommates were nervous because it was their first time having a meal with a girl they weren't very familiar with.


Ruan Nianxi, on the other hand, was nervous because Xie Shu was sitting next to her.


In any case, lunch ended in silence.


Afterward, Ruan Nianxi had to leave soon and reluctantly because she received a phone call and had other matters to attend to, without spending much time with Xie Shu.


Then Xie Shu and the others returned to their dormitory.


They had no classes in the afternoon, so after returning and setting down the things they had carried all morning, they started to entertain themselves.


Xie Shu was no exception.


In his previous life, he had been a corporate slave for several years, and no matter how he thought about it, his college days were the most carefree and comfortable.


Life is short, so slack off while you can.


Take a shower, look at the watch, and enjoy every second.


So, after they returned to the dormitory and put their things down, they started to arrange fights in the dota.


But before that, he still took some time to send a message to his parents.


He had messaged them on his way back to school yesterday, but they might have been busy with work and didn't reply. They did respond in the morning, but they were in a hurry to get to work and after a brief reply, there was no further message.


Now at noon, they were probably resting and had just replied to him.


Thinking of his parents, Xie Shu's heart was filled with mixed emotions.


In his previous life, after being diagnosed with late-stage cancer, he didn't dare to tell them because he knew that even if he was beyond saving, they would spend all they had to save him.


Spending money to prolong life was all it was, and the end result would be the same.


Telling them early would only make them worry.


Fortunately, everything had started over again.


Next holiday, he should still go home for a visit.


Xie Shu chatted with them briefly, and out of concern for not disturbing their rest, he didn't continue the conversation, knowing that their work was exhausting too.


After finishing the chat with his parents, he then logged into the valley.


Upon entering the game, Xie Shu found that Su Qianyi was also online.

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