Chapter 95 – Guo Yuanming, who is fearless because he has the support of the people, dares you to kill me while they are held hostage?

“Guo Family Head, I need you to give me a reasonable explanation.”

Old Hua’s dignified gaze turned towards Guo Yuanming, his calm tone laced with fury.

Guo Yuanming’s actions were despicable to the extreme, and upon closer thought, utterly terrifying.

Was his plan to abolish the national Biotics Man power his own idea, or did it represent the entire martial arts world?

If it’s the latter, then China is facing not only the threat of Alien Beasts but also the internal danger of the martial arts world’s wolfish ambitions.

If there were any other way, the higher-ups would never seek help from the martial arts world, let alone cooperate with martial artists.

For three years, every high-ranking official has been haunted by the fear that an Alien Beast of National level or even stronger might crawl out of the spatial rifts.

Without cultivating more and stronger Biotics Men, the nation could face the threat of annihilation at any moment.

Therefore, even though every high-ranking official was wary of Guo Yuanming, they had no choice.

And now, the facts proved that their vigilance was justified.

“Heh heh…”

Guo Yuanming suddenly let out a cold laugh, looking at Chu Yi with extreme disappointment: “Senior, I misjudged you. I didn’t expect you to betray the martial arts world.”

“I’ve said it before, the martial arts world has nothing to do with me. What have I betrayed?”

Chu Yi said with amusement: “It’s you who have betrayed, isn’t it? Designing such a vicious plan to scheme against the nation?”

“Heh, betrayal? What betrayal?”

Guo Yuanming suddenly became agitated, and since he was exposed, he stopped pretending, waving his hand fiercely: “China has always belonged to us martial artists!”

“It was those bandits who took it from us with their strong ships and powerful cannons, forcing us to hide like rats in the gutter for decades! Why can’t we take it back?”

Old Hua shook his head and sighed: “Originally, the martial arts world could have coexisted peacefully with modern China.”

“It’s your ambition that’s too great, longing to return to the era of controlling the court, wanting to continue being an existence that lords over all. Tell me, even if we allow it, would the people allow it?”

Chu Yi nodded in agreement. Although modern society still has its injustices, it is countless times better than the feudal era.

“Hmph, self-righteous…”

Guo Yuanming scoffed disdainfully.

Chu Yi impatiently said: “Stop your nonsense, hurry up and leave your last words!”

At this statement, both Guo Yuanming and Old Hua’s expressions changed.

“Senior, since you care so much about the nation, do you dare to kill me?”

Guo Yuanming frowned at Chu Yi, his expression a mix of fear and confusion.

Chu Yi frowned: “Why wouldn’t I dare?”

Old Hua explained bitterly: “Mr. Ji, the Guo family of Qingcheng has a branch family in the urban area of Jiangyan City, Sichuan Province, with an SSS-level martial artist in residence.”

This is the reason why the martial arts world has been able to maintain a deterrent balance with the nation.

You could use an intercontinental missile to wipe out my entire clan, but I have also set up a “big killer” in the city, making you hesitate to act.

If it comes to it, we’ll both go down together.

I can completely take thousands of ordinary people with me before I die.

Therefore, even though Guo Yuanming was exposed, he was more annoyed than fearful, and that little fear was only because of Chu Yi.

He wasn’t worried at all that the nation would dare to do anything to him.

He was only afraid that Chu Yi would kill him without regard for the bigger picture.

“Hisss… this is indeed a bit tricky.”

Chu Yi’s frown deepened, this was something he hadn’t anticipated.

For the first time, he experienced what it meant to hesitate because of concerns about collateral damage.

What to do? Kill Guo Yuanming regardless of the lives of ordinary people?

The authorities would definitely not allow it.

But… while this might be impossible for the nation, Chu Yi actually had a solution.

Seeing Chu Yi’s reaction, Guo Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this senior also cared about the safety of ordinary people.

He became even more fearless, with a smug cold smile saying:

“Not only that, but at this moment, I have three disciples, each stationed at a branch of the Alien Abilities Administration. All three of my disciples are at the peak of internal strength, what you call SSS-level.”

These three were the martial artists who had replaced Wang Yunlong and the others during this time.

Hearing this, Wang Yunlong and the others’ faces turned extremely ugly.

Damn it, can you be any more shameless?

Really not a shred of decency!

So, did they really have no way to deal with Guo Yuanming?

At this moment, all the SSS-level and above Biotics Men in the country were in this conference room.

How could the Biotics Men in those three branches resist Guo Yuanming’s three SSS-level disciples?

If it really came to a fight to the death, the nation’s losses would be unimaginable!

Wang Yunlong and the others felt extremely frustrated, only able to glare angrily at Guo Yuanming.

Chen Xiaobai couldn’t help but curse: “You old bastard are truly shameless! Once I advance to National level, I’ll scatter your family’s ashes!”

Guo Yuanming glanced at Chen Xiaobai and sneered: “Senior, your disciple is really poorly taught, just like you, birds of a feather.”

After speaking, he leisurely walked to the shattered floor-to-ceiling window, his black robe fluttering in the night wind, turning his head to mock with a smile: “If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

Ridiculous to the extreme, even if you’ve exposed me, what can you do?

Think I haven’t prepared a contingency?

And this martial arts senior, I, Guo Yuanming, will remember today’s grudge.

Since there’s one earth immortal who has survived until now, there will definitely be a second, a third.

You don’t want to help the martial arts world, but there will always be other ancestors who will.

When the time comes, the martial arts world, with several earth immortals, will come to seek revenge. How will you deal with it then?

The thing the martial arts world hates the most is a traitor. You’d better pray for good fortune.

Guo Yuanming sneered in his heart, lifting his leg to fly out of the conference room.

“You can’t leave.”

Suddenly, Chu Yi’s voice came from behind.

At the same time, Guo Yuanming felt an immense spiritual force, vast like the ocean, enveloping him, making him feel as if he was suddenly stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

The action of lifting his leg froze right there.

“What… what are you going to do?!” Guo Yuanming was shocked in his heart.

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