Chapter 35

Wang Bin and his family were shivering in fear at home.

Meanwhile, Yang Jian was taking a taxi to Wang Shanshan’s house.

“Driver, can you please drive faster? I’m in a hurry,” he said anxiously.

“Friend, don’t you know about the speed limit in the city? There are speed cameras everywhere, and you’ll get fined if you go over the limit,” the taxi driver replied. “I’m already driving as fast as I can. If you want to go faster, you’ll have to take a plane.”

“The problem is, I think I could run faster than this speed,” Yang Jian said.

“Friend, I’ve been driving for 20 years. My driving is as steady as a rock. Just be patient. Do you see any cars on the road that are faster than me?” the driver asked.

Looking at the speed of the taxi, Yang Jian estimated that he could arrive at Wang Shanshan’s house in time to collect their bodies.

Saving them was impossible.

“Three lives… and 500,000 yuan,” Yang Jian muttered as he touched his hand, feeling the sleeping eyes under his skin. He hesitated.

If he used the Ghost Domain, he could reach Wang Shanshan’s house in no time. But the price would be the waste of one use of the Specter’s power. Using the Specter’s power was even more powerful than taking poison. When he swallowed an eyeball to stimulate the Specter’s resurrection in school and used the Ghost Domain, he almost collapsed on his bed when he got home. Fortunately, he got a piece of red paper to cover one of his ghost eyes to suppress its restlessness.

Yang Jian couldn’t be sure how long the red paper could suppress the ghost in his body.

After thinking for a moment, he made up his mind.

“Driver, your speed is really making me anxious. Can you please move over and let me drive instead? Would you mind?” Yang Jian patted the driver’s shoulder.

“You want to drive?” The driver sneered. “Do you look down on me or my car? I’ve been driving for 20 years and have overtaken countless cars. There’s no car I can’t overtake. If you’re willing to pay more, I can get you there in 10 minutes for an extra 1,000 yuan. If you’re willing to pay 5,000 yuan, I can run a red light and get you there in five minutes.”

“Five minutes? Too slow. If I drive, one minute is enough,” Yang Jian said.

“Young man, it’s better to be humble. If you can get to the gate of the community in one minute, I won’t charge you,” the driver said disbelievingly. “I’ve been driving in Dachang City for decades. How could I not know how long that road takes?”

Yang Jian didn’t say anything else. His flesh and skin under his clothes suddenly tore apart, and his eyes emerged one by one.

A red light covered his whole body and then spread to the taxi, covering it quickly.

“This is what you said, driver. If I get to the community in one minute, you won’t charge me,” Yang Jian said calmly.

“Of course…” the driver hadn’t finished speaking when he suddenly realized he didn’t know when he had moved to the passenger seat. He instinctively stepped on the brake, but nothing happened. Meanwhile, Yang Jian suddenly appeared in the driver’s seat.

“Damn it, young man, how did you get over here?” The driver was startled, thinking he was seeing a ghost.

Yang Jian didn’t say anything. He just held the steering wheel and stepped on the gas pedal hard.

“Whoosh!” The speed of the car suddenly soared, and a strong push came from behind. The speed went from 40 to 80, then 100, and finally 110.”Mom, step on the brakes, brakes, we’re going to crash, there’s a sports car in front, we can’t afford to pay for the damages, turn the steering wheel quickly.” The driver brother’s face turned pale with fear, he didn’t expect this kid to be so fierce right off the bat.

Clearly a novice driver, he mistook the clutch for the brake.

Yang Jian’s expression remained unchanged, unfazed: “Don’t be afraid, just go through it.”

Go through it?

Are you going through it or passing it?

Before the driver brother next to him could react, the taxi roared and caught up to the back of the sports car in front, then accelerated again.

The whole car was like a phantom passing straight through the body of the sports car in front of it.

“Save me.”

The driver brother thought they were going to crash and closed his eyes in fear, screaming loudly and holding onto his seat belt tightly.

The rich second generation driving the sports car in front hadn’t even reacted yet when he saw a taxi roar past him and emit exhaust fumes onto his beloved car.

“Damn, a taxi driving so fast, is it trying to reincarnate? Dare to overtake my car, do I still have any dignity as a ten-million-dollar supercar?” The rich second generation dropped his phone, shifted gears and stepped on the gas pedal.

“Vroom, vroom…”

The sound of the sports car’s exhaust exploded, and the speed instantly soared, directly catching up.

The taxi Yang Jian was driving was no longer an ordinary taxi, he had covered it with the Ghost Realm, distorting the reality of this area.

This car was already a ghost car.

And he was the ghost in the car.

But the previously stimulated rich second generation was driving a supercar and caught up.

“Beep.” The supercar honked its horn.

Yang Jian turned his head and glanced.

The rich second generation rolled down the window and raised a middle finger.

Yang Jian looked at him, stretched out two fingers outside the window and raised two middle fingers in return.

“Damn, so arrogant.” The rich second generation was provoked and also let go of the steering wheel, raising two middle fingers.

Yang Jian looked at him expressionlessly, not even looking at the road ahead.

“Bring it on, who’s afraid of who.”

They agreed that the first to put their hands down was a loser.

The two stared at each other with four eyes, middle fingers pointed at each other, without saying a word.

Three seconds, the rich second generation tensed up, ready to step on the brakes at any time.

Four seconds, the rich second generation broke out in a cold sweat.

Five seconds… The rich second generation secretly glanced ahead and slowed down.

But Yang Jian stared at him the whole time, his two middle fingers unmoving, and he didn’t even show any intention of slowing down, as for the road ahead, there was naturally a second pair of eyes watching.

Six seconds, Yang Jian suddenly moved, he pointed at the rich second generation with his finger and then pointed ahead.


The rich second generation looked and saw that the taillights of a pickup truck in front had turned red, and he quickly stepped on the brakes to slow down, then turned the steering wheel.

The sound of an emergency stop echoed throughout the street.

The supercar spun around twice on the spot before finally crashing into the nearby green belt and coming to a stop.

“Damn, this crazy driver is reckless.” The rich second generation got out of the car, still in shock.

He took a look and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw the taxi emitting a faint red light, breaking through a red light in front of it, and somehow overtaking seven or eight cars in front of it, disappearing at the end of the road.”This car is at least going 180.”

“No, it’s not a lunatic, it’s a master.”

The rich second generation lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Letting go of the steering wheel, not looking ahead, stepping on the gas and racing wildly, it was not just about driving skills, but also about courage and bravery.

He had never seen someone with such a calm gaze.

Even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, his expression wouldn’t change.

His father was right, there really are people like this in the world.

After a competition of driving skills, the rich second generation began to admire Yang Jian. If they met again, he would definitely ask for advice from him.

“I don’t know that person, why did he flip me off…never mind, saving lives and making money is more important.”

Yang Jian held onto the steering wheel, his brow furrowed.

As the saying goes, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

He drove through the traffic, through the greenery, through the houses, and finally arrived at the entrance of the community within a minute.

As soon as the car stopped, the driver crawled out of the car and vomited on the side, his eyes full of fear.

Muttering to himself, he couldn’t believe that this young man was so terrifying, and that his 20 years of driving skills were so useless. He even thought that he would fly to the sky and shoulder the sun someday.

However, after Yang Jian got out of the car, his body still emitted a faint red light. He glanced at the driver.

He didn’t let the driver see the strange scenes he had just passed through. In the driver’s eyes, he was just a normal reckless driver.

Creating illusions is the most basic ability of the Ghost Realm.

However, the maximum time limit for using the Ghost Realm after opening it is five minutes.

After five minutes, the ghost in his body would be stimulated and resurrected by one point.

So since he had already used the Ghost Realm, he couldn’t waste this opportunity.

Yang Jian called Wang Bin: “Hey, Uncle Wang? Which building and which floor is your house in? I’m coming over now.”

He hoped the person wasn’t dead yet. If they were already dead, he could only call the police to collect the body.

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