Chapter 92 – Three moves

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

A rain-soaked night, so endlessly long.


On the streets of the Capital City, a young figure dashed past, hurrying towards the direction of the Imperial Academy.


Little Red Riding Hood, please be safe!


Li Ziye's face was etched with extreme urgency, his speed ever increasing.


Raindrops fell behind him, splashing water high, a long night that seemed to have no end.


"Tap tap!"


Footsteps pattered on the wet surface, as urgent as Li Ziye's heart, beating rapidly with worry and anxiety.




In front of the Imperial Academy, the monk Fahai, clad in blue robes, seemed to sense something, his gaze fixed on the end of the street.


"Flying Immortal Technique!"


In the darkness, a sword's light was blinding, dazzling beyond compare.


With the sword's release, a blade as cold as frost, its edge turned falling rain into ice, leaving a trail of frost in its wake.


"Three Feet of Frosty Moonlight!"


The swiftly approaching figure unleashed a sword strike that tore through the air, the body fast, the sword, even faster.


Seeing this, Fahai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the purple-golden bowl in his hand burst forth with blinding golden light, shielding him.




Sword light clashed with Buddhist light, and Li Ziye's lips quickly turned crimson.


"Flying Immortal Technique?"


Fahai, looking at the astonishing sword strike from the youth before him, exclaimed in surprise, "In this world, someone has indeed mastered the Flying Immortal Technique."


After speaking, Fahai's body erupted with Buddhist energy, sending the youth flying backward.


Ten paces away, Li Ziye staggered to stabilize his form, blood dripping from his sword-wielding hand, a steady stream falling from the corner of his mouth.


The clear gap in cultivation, no matter how exquisite the technique, was difficult to bridge.


Behind Fahai, in the rain, a figure in white Confucian robes lay there, blood-soaked and utterly unconscious.


"Old White!"


Upon recognizing the figure of Little Red Riding Hood, Li Ziye's face showed urgency, his feet stamped the ground, his figure flashed as he intended to check on the situation.


"Benefactor, where are San Zang and that demoness?"


Fahai's figure also swept forward, blocking the way, calmly saying, "You used that dead demon to distract this monk, surely to buy time for the junior brother. If I capture you, will I then know their whereabouts?"


"Dead bald donkey, you're dreaming!"


Li Ziye coldly retorted, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he had thought of something, his gaze turned towards the Imperial Academy, and he shouted loudly, "Confucian Scholar, Fairy Instructor, if you don't take action now, prepare to collect the bodies of me and Little Red Riding Hood!"


"Such a poor tactic is useless against this monk. The Confucian School will not interfere in this matter."


Unmoved, Fahai looked at the youth before him, calmly saying, "Tell me, where are they?"


Before he could finish speaking.




From within the Imperial Academy, a surge of sword energy shot into the sky, overwhelming and brilliant, like ten thousand swords piercing the heavens, shaking the hearts of all.


In an instant, the sky above, all the falling rain turned to frost, a world-shaking sword strike, frost covering the world.




Fahai sensed it, his gaze immediately turned to the rear, his expression slightly condensed.


The Confucian School, are they going to intervene in this matter?


Ahead, in the moment of Fahai's distraction, Li Ziye's figure flashed past, lifting the unconscious Little Red Riding Hood and quickly entering the Imperial Academy.


Inside the Imperial Academy, that surge of sword energy quickly dissipated, never crossing half a step beyond the academy's boundary.


Outside the Academy, Fahai was taken aback, frowning at the sight of the youth stepping through the academy's gates.


He had been careless!


With this thought, Fahai's figure swept forward, intending to capture the youth before the people of the Confucian School could react.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, inside the Imperial Academy, an overwhelming palm force came crashing down like a tidal wave.




The moment Fahai stepped into the Imperial Academy, his expression changed, his palms flipping to block the surging palm force.


"Little guy, step back. Now, it's our turn."


Within the Imperial Academy, led by Chen Qiaor, several figures appeared, each surrounded by at least four Divine Hidden Techniques roaring around them, their combined auras like an ocean, extremely terrifying.


"Confucian School."


In front of the Imperial Academy, Fahai looked at the several Confucian instructors, calmly saying, "Do you really intend to meddle in the affairs of the Buddhist Sect?"


"Bald donkey, the affairs of your Buddhist Sect are beneath the Confucian School's concern, but!"


As she spoke, Chen Qiaor adjusted her glasses on her nose, saying indifferently, "This is the Confucian School's territory. If you dare to trespass, I guarantee you'll be carried out horizontally."


"Arrogant words."


Fahai's expression turned cold, ready to step forward.




Just then, the purple-golden bowl sounded an alarm, vibrating intensely.


"What is this?"


Fahai sensed it, his gaze shifted to behind the Confucian instructors.


In sight, a beautiful figure approached, her presence chilling, sword in hand, peerless under the heavens.


"Plum Blossom Sword Immortal!"


Seeing the newcomer, Fahai's expression sank completely.


Qin E'nuo appeared, and the instructors of the Imperial Academy stepped aside, nodding in greeting.


"One on one."


Qin E'nuo looked at the blue-robed monk outside the Imperial Academy, calmly saying, "Three moves. If you are not defeated, I will hand over the boy to you."


"What if this monk loses?" Fahai asked with a steady voice.


"No demands." Qin E'nuo said indifferently.




Fahai hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I accept the challenge of the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal."


Behind him, the instructors of the Imperial Academy were taken aback, wondering what the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal was planning, as such a battle seemed too unfair.


However, among those present, only Chen Qiaor, also a woman, understood what Qin E'nuo really wanted to do.


The vengeful heart of a woman is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.


Chen Qiaor watched Qin E'nuo step out of the Imperial Academy, a glint of light flashing in her eyes.


It seemed the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal had been enduring for a long time.


Someone had hurt her disciple, and she could not intervene. This anger must have been nearly unbearable.


All she wanted was an excuse to act.




Outside the Imperial Academy, thunder streaked across the sky, the rain seeming to intensify.


In the rain, the two stood facing each other, and although the rain was heavy, it could not touch them.




Facing the world-famous Plum Blossom Sword Immortal, even with just a three-strike agreement, Fahai did not dare to be careless, his eyes fixed on his opponent, his voice firm.




Opposite him, Qin E'nuo's sword-hand moved, and in an instant, Frost was unsheathed, the surrounding pressure suddenly dropping, a sword, plain and unremarkable, shot through the air.


Fahai, seeing this, flipped the purple-golden bowl in his hand, golden light shining brightly, blocking the incoming strike.




A violent collision sounded, Fahai's body shook, the backlash causing his mouth to bleed.


"This woman!"


Inside the Imperial Academy, Chen Qiaor watched the battle outside, a hint of surprise flashing behind her glasses.


This first sword had no technique to speak of; it was merely a suppression of cultivation.


Using his own method against him, previously, the bald monk suppressed those two youngsters with his cultivation. Now, the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal returned the favor in the same way. This woman's vengeful heart was indeed too strong!


Outside the Imperial Academy, Fahai also realized the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal's intention, his expression darkening, his palms flipping, Buddhist energy surging around him.


Opposite him, Qin E'nuo pointed her sword, the chill around her blazing, the second sword slashing down.




Fahai's hands came together, the purple-golden bowl hovering above, golden light enveloping him, blocking the world-shocking sword.


The second move, a sword breaking through the rain curtain, frost covering the world, a dazzling strike hitting the purple-golden bowl directly.




The terrifying shockwave reverberated, Fahai let out a muffled groan, retreating several steps, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.


"The last move. If you can withstand it, you win this battle."


Twenty paces away, Qin E'nuo looked at the blue-robed monk before her, her voice cold, and then with a shout, her Genuine Qi surged to the heavens, her hair wildly dancing, sword energy stirring wind and thunder.


Before the move was even made, the sword's oppressive force was already overwhelming, and everyone inside and outside the Imperial Academy felt it, their expressions changing.


The Sword that Splits the Heavens!


"Heaven and Earth in One Sword!"


Outside the Imperial Academy, Qin E'nuo recreated the Sword that Splits the Heavens from that day at the Great Shang royal palace, and in an instant, the whole world seemed to come to a standstill, the sword piercing the clouds, a blade cutting through the darkness.


"Bodhi's Three Transitions."


Fahai's expression changed, immediately activating all the Genuine Qi within his Divine Hidden Technique, golden waves surging forth, a secret Buddhist technique, attempting to block the world-shocking sword.


"Even the Clear Mirror is Not a Stand!"


The golden mirror light, utilizing all the Buddhist Qi, the final move, pouring everything into it.




The indestructible sword met the unbreakable defense, the strongest spear against the strongest shield, colliding with a resounding impact.




A spray of crimson filled the sky!


The sword light descended, and "Even the Clear Mirror is Not a Stand" shattered upon impact.


Fahai's body, blood gushing, bathed in blood, retreated step by step.


Finally, with a thud, he fell to his knees.


The clear difference in strength, just three moves, and the victor was decided.




Fahai spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with unwillingness and disbelief.




Both at the Five Realms, why was the gap between them so vast!


He possessed the sacred artifact, the purple-golden bowl, yet he still couldn't withstand three moves from the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal.


"You should feel fortunate."


Beneath the curtain of rain, Qin E'nuo looked at the monk before her, saying indifferently, "Behind you is the Buddhist Sect, and I, for this year, am still an instructor of the Imperial Academy. Otherwise, to kill you, why would I need three moves!"


Having said that, Qin E'nuo did not speak further, sheathed her sword, and walked back into the Imperial Academy.


With a thunderous sound, the doors of the Imperial Academy closed, leaving only the figure kneeling in the rain outside.


At the same time, inside the Imperial Academy, Li Ziye, carrying the unconscious Little Red Riding Hood, hurried towards the east side, oblivious to the crimson soaking his body.


"Confucian Scholar, save her!"


In front of the small courtyard to the east, Li Ziye stopped, looking at the courtyard ahead, urgently saying.


However, there was no response from the small courtyard.


At that moment, behind him, four Confucian masters also rushed over, their expressions shocked at Li Ziye's intrusion.


"Young man, do not be presumptuous!"


The Confucian master spoke sternly, "Do you not know the rules of the Imperial Academy? Without the Confucian Scholar's decree, trespassing into the East Courtyard is tantamount to rebelling against the Confucian School!"


"I don't care about your rules!"


Li Ziye angrily retorted, his gaze fixed on the courtyard ahead, shouting, "Old man, if Little Red Riding Hood dies, those things you entrusted to me, I will no longer care about."


In the rainy night, his angry voice echoed, but the quiet courtyard remained silent.




Behind him, the four masters heard Li Ziye's disrespectful words, their expressions changing, ready to step forward and seize him!


Li Ziye ignored the four behind him, his gaze still on the courtyard ahead, his expression growing angrier, shouting, "Old man, you still owe me one thing, and I'm here to collect!"


"Have you thought it through?"


At this moment, from the previously silent courtyard, an old voice emerged, saying, "This promise might save your life in the future. Are you sure you want to use it now?"




Under the heavy rain, Li Ziye did not hesitate, his expression resolute as he responded.

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