Chapter 81 – I think I will cherish her

After getting up and washing, before I had time to eat, I sent my electronic resume to the email address Li Xiaoyun had given me.

Of course, I didn’t put all my hopes on Li Xiaoyun’s recommendation. I spent the whole day shuttling between various companies, starting the monotonous application process.

After a day of job hunting, I finally sat on a bench in Pengcheng Square under the setting sun, secretly lit a cigarette, and stared blankly at the bustling fountain and the frolicking crowd in the distance.

A square administrator with a red armband walked by, and I quickly hid my cigarette behind me until she walked away. I took a few more puffs before extinguishing it and throwing it into the trash can.

After calming down, I felt a bit bored, so my thoughts began to wander. I never thought that after returning to Xuzhou, I would work so hard to find a job that could support my family. This made me realize that maybe I was really determined to stay in this city, get married, have children, and enjoy the joy of a family together.

After sitting for a while, I received a WeChat message from Li Xiaoyun. She told me that she had handed my resume to their company’s planning director, and I could go for an interview if I had time tomorrow.

I immediately replied to Li Xiaoyun, telling her that it was no problem.


When I got home, both Mr. Ban and my mother were dressed neatly. Before I had time to change my shoes, my mother said to me, “Zhao Yang, don’t change your shoes. Come out to dinner with us right away.”

I asked in confusion, “Who are we having dinner with?”

“Xiaoyun and her parents, and Aunt Zhang who introduced you.”

“What does this mean?”

“The two families are getting to know each other better. Hurry up and change into some formal clothes. Your father and I will wait for you downstairs.” My mother urged.

“Whose idea was this?”

“Why are you asking so many questions? Hurry up and change.” My mother said, slapping me with a hint of dissatisfaction.

I nodded, didn’t ask any more questions, and actually looked forward to this dinner between the two families. Even if my mother didn’t explain, I knew the significance of this dinner.

After changing into a suit, I went downstairs. Mr. Ban drove his old Santana 2000, taking me and my mother to the restaurant we had agreed on.

When we arrived, Li Xiaoyun and her parents hadn’t arrived yet, but Aunt Zhang had arrived before us.

We chatted at the entrance of the restaurant while waiting for Li Xiaoyun and her family.

Aunt Zhang asked me with a smile, “Zhao Yang, is the girl I introduced to you reliable?”

“Reliable.” I nodded seriously.

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s pretty good.” I said, but I didn’t use the word ‘like’.

Aunt Zhang held my hand and said earnestly, “If you think it’s good, you should take the initiative. You’re a boy, you know?”

I nodded. At this time, a red Ford Focus hatchback parked in the parking lot not far from us, and then I saw Li Xiaoyun and her parents getting out of the car.

Aunt Zhang, my mother, and Mr. Ban went to greet them, and I followed them after a moment of hesitation.

The two families greeted each other politely. I quietly asked Li Xiaoyun, “Did you know that our two families were going to have dinner together tonight?”

Li Xiaoyun shook her head and said, “If I had known, I would have told you on the phone just now. They only told me after I got home.”

I laughed and said, “Then you know what they mean, right?”

“They’re trying to match us up.” Li Xiaoyun responded with a straightforward smile.

“Do you think we could make it?”

“It’s too early to say whether we can make it or not. I think we need to get to know each other better.”

I nodded and said, “Then let’s just play it by ear.”

Li Xiaoyun smiled slightly and said, “Yes, play it by ear…”

As we were talking, the group of us walked into the restaurant. After we were seated and ordered, the two families started chatting again, and Li Xiaoyun and I sat across from each other.

After the dishes were served, I poured white wine for Mr. Ban and Li Xiaoyun’s father, while Li Xiaoyun poured juice for my mother, her mother, and Aunt Zhang.

Our tacit cooperation made the parents of both sides smile knowingly.


During the meal, the parents of both sides chatted very happily, and soon the topic of our wedding house came up.

Li Xiaoyun’s parents were very open-minded and expressed their willingness to help as much as possible with our wedding house. This made my mother and Mr. Ban very happy. Houses are really expensive now, and if Li Xiaoyun’s family is willing to help, our family’s burden will be much lighter. After all, Mr. Ban earns a decent salary and is not a wealthy man.

Taking advantage of the situation, Aunt Zhang said to Li Xiaoyun and me, “You see, your parents have expressed their opinions. You should also express your opinions.”

Li Xiaoyun and I looked at each other, but neither of us spoke. Aunt Zhang gave me a look, and I remembered her words before dinner about boys needing to take the initiative.

I said, “Actually, I have a good impression of Xiaoyun, but we still need to get to know each other better. This way, our future marriage will be more solid. But what I can say now is: I will definitely work hard to be a good husband and take care of both families.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Aunt Zhang sighed, “This boy really knows how to speak!”

Li Xiaoyun’s parents nodded in agreement, but Li Xiaoyun pursed her lips to keep from laughing. She knew what kind of person I was.Aunt Zhang turned to ask Li Xiaoyun, “What do you think, Xiaoyun?”

Li Xiaoyun pondered for a moment and said, “I share the same thoughts as Zhao Yang. We still need to get to know each other better.”

Aunt Zhang nodded and said, “That’s a good way to think about it. But you’re both not getting any younger. Once you’ve spent enough time together, you should start considering marriage.”

Li Xiaoyun and I nodded in agreement. Our families exchanged knowing smiles. From here on out, it would depend on how Li Xiaoyun and I got along.

Blind dates seemed so easy in such a harmonious atmosphere. Of course, I knew why Li Xiaoyun’s parents agreed to our relationship. Firstly, Mr. Ban had a decent job. Secondly, I was a graduate from a prestigious university. Although I was currently unemployed, I was sure to find a job as long as I was willing to work hard. At least, I could support a family that Li Xiaoyun and I might start in this city. Li Xiaoyun also had a high-paying job, which made our potential future look very promising. I was looking forward to this beautiful prospect.

This strong anticipation made me realize that I had been drifting and wasting my life away for years. I wanted to change my life and work hard for my future family. I believed that with this motivation, Li Xiaoyun’s and my future life would not necessarily be worse than Circle’s and Yanyan’s in Suzhou.

I thought to myself: If Li Xiaoyun is willing to give me a chance, I will cherish her and gradually fall in love with her.


After the dinner, our families and Aunt Zhang suggested that it was still early and that Li Xiaoyun and I should go watch a movie. I had no objections, and Li Xiaoyun agreed.

And perhaps this movie would be the prelude to the start of my romance with Li Xiaoyun.

————————– (5 more updates)

After the explosive update week, I will select the top nine fans from the fan list on the computer site to send a physical book each. The first fan on the mobile site will also receive a book. The reason for the nine-to-one ratio is because the voting volume on the mobile site is too small. If we don’t use this ratio, it would be unfair to the fans who vote on the computer site. I hope the mobile site users won’t mind. Reading a book should be a comfortable experience for everyone.

Also, the physical version of this book will not be publicly solicited. It will only be given out through activities… Of course, there will be many activities in the future, mainly those that don’t require you to spend money, such as writing book reviews, uploading character images. Activities that require spending will be a small part, so that fans who don’t have the financial ability can also get the physical book for free as much as possible.

For this explosive update event, I will first send out the first batch of 10 physical books. The top nine fans on the computer site and the first fan on the mobile site, please contact me proactively and leave your address. I will send the books to you. After the event ends, I will announce my contact information.

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