Chapter 41 – Beautiful boss

Master Liu once told me four maxims when he was drunk.

Never fall in love with a prostitute, never sacrifice yourself for a slogan.

Never speak your heart to anyone, always muddy the waters when dealing with matters.

And this guy with glasses, the reason he suddenly accused me of cheating.

Actually, he was using the last maxim, “always muddy the waters when dealing with matters.”

Of course, whether I cheated or not is no longer important to him.

What’s most important is that he hopes I will have a conflict with Yin Wu.

Only in this way can he have a chance to escape.

Upon hearing this, Yin Wu immediately stared at me and said:

“Do you have anything to say this time? Take off your clothes, I want to check!”

I don’t want to have a conflict with Yin Wu.

But I can’t let him do whatever he wants.

I gave him a cold look and asked:

“What if you can’t find anything?”

“Then I’ll let you go!”

I snorted coldly and slowly shook my head.

“That’s not how it works. If you can’t find anything, you have to give me an explanation!”

“What explanation?”

“If you find out that I cheated, whether you want money or my life, I have no objection. But if you can’t find anything, you either give me a hundred thousand or apologize to me, kneel down and apologize!”

As soon as I finished speaking.

Yin Wu’s face turned green.

His eyes were like spitting fire.

“You’re looking for death!”

Whether I cheated or not is not the point.

For people like Yin Wu in the world, face is extremely important.

My words about him kneeling down and apologizing.

In his view, it’s an insult to him, a provocation to him.

Saying this, he slowly walked towards me.

And I also stood up.

Grabbing a chair.

Coldly watching Yin Wu.

There were five of them in total.

With Old Hei’s fighting power, it’s no problem to deal with the other four.

I singled out Yin Wu, he’s definitely not my opponent.

Of course, it’s not that I can fight a lot.

But I can take a beating!

Seeing that Yin Wu was about to come to me.

I stared at him dead.

Already prepared to fight at any time.

Yin Wu was the same, his fists clenched, his face full of anger.

Perhaps the next second, he will rush towards me.

This inevitable fight has reached a critical moment.

Suddenly, Yin Wu’s phone started to buzz.

He was slightly stunned and stopped.

He took out his phone, first frowned.

Then, he looked at He Huan unhappily.

He answered the phone, and I heard Yin Wu say:

“Eighth Brother, why are you calling me so late?”

Yin Wu’s phone was very loud.

As soon as he finished speaking, I heard Old Qian’s voice from the other side.

“Old Wu, let that Chu Liu go, don’t touch him. I have a big use for this man!”

Yin Wu agreed and hung up the phone.

Looking at me, Yin Wu asked:

“Are you Chu Liu?”

I nodded.

“Alright, you can go!”

I knew that Old Qian suddenly called Yin Wu.

It must have been He Huan who contacted him secretly.

Because I just saw her fiddling with her phone secretly.

She must have sent a text message to Old Qian.

And what Old Qian said about me being useful.

I didn’t understand what he meant.

The three of us went downstairs.

In the car, we counted the money and won nearly a hundred thousand in total.

I gave Chen Xiaoxue and Old Hei thirty thousand each.

The rest of the money, I plan to save it tomorrow.

Old Hei started the car, but before he could start.

My phone suddenly rang.

I took it out and saw it was a strange number.

“Chu Liu, wait for me for a while, I want to talk to you. I’m coming out now……”

The call was from He Huan.

At the entrance, it was pitch black.

The street lights on the side of the road were also off.

When He Huan came to me, she looked at me for a while.

Then she lowered her voice and asked me:

“Chu Liu, what do you think of Eighth Brother?”


I was puzzled.

He Huan is Old Qian’s person.

But she suddenly asked me what I thought of Old Qian.

It seems like she asked the wrong person.

“What do you think?”

Instead of answering He Huan’s question, I asked her back.

He Huan sneered and looked at me and said:

“I don’t think much of him……”

At He Huan’s words, I couldn’t help but frown.

What is she trying to do?

Test me?

Or is she thinking of turning against him?

I lit a cigarette and took a big puff.

Then, I asked lightly:

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll tell him what you said?”

He Huan shook her head.

“I believe you won’t!”


“Because we are from the Swindler Sect, we make a living by our skills. We have always had no good feelings for people like Eighth Brother who started their careers in the world by being ruffians. They have always been using and exploiting us!”

He Huan’s words made some sense.

Although Old Qian also knows some Swindler techniques.

But in the eyes of the real Swindler Sect, he might not even count as a beginner.

And for his kind of people who always want to fight and kill.

The Swindler Sect, even more detests them.But such words, He Huan can say.

I, however, cannot.

Because, I don’t know, what her real intention is.

Seeing that I didn’t speak, He Huan continued:

“In a few days, there’s a game, a very lucrative one. I want to collaborate with you, to take down Old Qian!”

Without even thinking, I immediately shook my head.

“Sorry, I’m not interested!”

Saying this, I turned to leave.

But He Huan’s voice still came from behind me.

“You can’t avoid this game. If you don’t collaborate with me, you’ll have to collaborate with Old Qian!”

I didn’t say anything, just got in the car.

In fact, I knew long ago that Old Qian and the people behind him would come looking for me again sooner or later.

But I’m not afraid.

On the contrary, I’m somewhat excited.

Because, this means.

I’m slowly stepping into the real world.


Although it’s already late at night, I still can’t sleep.

Lying in bed, I actually start to miss the scent of Su Mei.

It seems that only when she’s by my side, smelling her body fragrance, can I sleep soundly.

Just as I was lost in thought.

The screen of the phone by my pillow suddenly lit up.

Picking it up, it turned out to be a text message from Su Mei.

“10:30 in the morning, wait for me in the side hall of the casino. I’ll take you to meet General Zou. Be on time, don’t forget!”

I immediately replied.

“Okay, why aren’t you sleeping so late?”

Su Mei:

“Just got home, will sleep after a bath!”


“Why not together?”

Su Mei:

“Together for what?”


“Bathing, sleeping, either is fine!”

This time Su Mei only replied with one word.


Looking at the phone screen, I couldn’t help but laugh.

I was speaking my true feelings.

Maybe it’s a bit too direct, and the words aren’t very pleasant.

But in Su Mei’s eyes, she thought I was deliberately flirting with her.

The casino closes at six in the morning and opens at ten.

During this time, it’s basically inventory, maintenance of gambling tools, plus cleaning.

As soon as it was past ten, I went straight to the casino.

The side hall of the casino that Su Mei mentioned.

There were no gambling tables inside, all were gambling machines.

When I arrived, in the empty side hall, apart from the staff who were busy.

There was only one woman, sitting in front of a fruit machine, gambling alone.

I didn’t go to watch the excitement.

I just found a spot, lit a cigarette, and waited for Su Mei while smoking.

Actually, I was also a bit curious.

What does the legendary beautiful boss look like.

The casino has been open for such a long time.

I heard she only came once.

And, apart from the high-level management of the casino.

Others don’t even know what she looks like.

As I was thinking.

Suddenly, the woman playing the fruit machine turned around.

And called in my direction:

“Handsome guy, come here…”

I was slightly stunned.

I thought she wasn’t calling me.

But when I looked back, there was no one else beside me.

The woman smiled, pointed at me with her finger.

“You heard right, I’m calling you!”

I’ve always been self-aware.

Although I’m not ugly, I can’t say I’m handsome either.

As for being hit on by a beautiful woman, I’ve never experienced it.

However, I still walked over.

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