Vol.1 – Chapter 78 – Magpie mouth, you two fools

"However, we can't just let this kid go like this!"


Zhou Gu still felt a bit unwilling.


"What do you suggest then? Should we find someone to deal with that kid? If he was still unknown as before, it would be fine, but now that he has made a name for himself, he will definitely attract attention from above. If we make a move now, I'm afraid you'll be risking your life!"


Zuo Ju snorted coldly at Zhou Gu.


"If only I had found an opportunity to get rid of him earlier!"


Zhou Gu said fiercely, grabbing his hair and then speaking viciously.


"Can the person who helped you switch the signs be trusted?"


Zuo Ju suddenly asked Zhou Gu.


"Naturally, he can be trusted."


Zhou Gu patted his chest and assured Zuo Ju.


"That's good. Yesterday's competition was too eye-catching. People on the mountain will definitely take notice. We must not leave any evidence behind."


Zuo Ju frowned and nodded.


"Big brother, it shouldn't be that serious. If they want to investigate, they will only check if that kid used any elixirs to cheat. They won't investigate the sign-switching incident. We won't be that unlucky."


Zhou Gu patted Zuo Ju's shoulder and laughed carelessly.


"Shut your crow's mouth!"


Zuo Ju shook off Zhou Gu's hand and then looked at him helplessly.



The next day.


"Senior Brother, how did Little Taiping perform in the competition yesterday?"


Early in the morning, Zhao Linglong hurriedly arrived at the sword testing platform of the Seventh Peak and immediately asked Dugu Qingxiao about the situation at the Four Mountains Meeting yesterday.


"You've come at the right time."


Qingxiao stood in the center of the sword testing platform, smiling as he raised a letter in his hand.


"Just received this."


He added.


"Let me see!"


Zhao Linglong said, flying up with her immortal silk, trying to snatch the letter from Qingxiao's hand.


Qingxiao simply dodged to the side, then reached out and flicked Zhao Linglong's fair forehead, saying, "Let's read it together."


"Why do you have to hit me if we're reading it together?"


Zhao Linglong covered her forehead, feeling wronged.


Qingxiao ignored her and opened the envelope.


"Huh? This handwriting looks so familiar."


Zhao Linglong suddenly looked surprised.


"It's from your Senior Sister Zi Yan of the Sixth Peak. Her junior brother happened to be sent to oversee the Four Mountains Meeting at the West Wind Pavilion."


Qingxiao answered as he unfolded the letter.


"Your Zi Yan Senior Sister, isn't she your Zi Yan Senior Sister?"


Zhao Linglong smiled mischievously at Qingxiao.


"If you keep smiling like that, even if I borrow the mountain-watching mirror in a few days, you won't be able to watch the Dragon Gate Meeting with me."


Qingxiao threatened with a straight face.


"Second Senior Brother, I was wrong."


Zhao Linglong quickly apologized.


However, when she said this, Qingxiao, who had finished reading the entire letter, had no reaction and was completely absorbed in the letter in front of him.


"Could it be that Little Taiping lost?"


Seeing this, Zhao Linglong's heart tightened, and she quickly turned her head, looking at the letter with concern—


"Senior Brother Qingxiao, the person you asked me to inquire about, Xu Taiping, made a big splash at the Four Mountains Meeting at the West Wind Pavilion yesterday. First, he defeated a martial artist at the Opening Realm with a single punch, then broke through the Indomitable Technique and the Water-like True Qi of the old cultivator Qin Yuan. After that, he easily won the competition and earned the qualification to go to the Dragon Gate Hall."


"Leaving aside the other competitions, just the one with Qin Yuan…"


Seeing this, Zhao Linglong first withdrew her gaze in surprise, then jumped up, saying with great joy, "Great, Little Taiping won, and it was a big victory!"


"It's not just a simple victory."


Qingxiao, who had finished reading the entire letter, suddenly shook his head.


"What do you mean by that, Second Senior Brother?"


With an excited look still in her eyes, Zhao Linglong looked at Qingxiao with some confusion.


"According to the description of Zi Yan's junior brother, when Taiping broke through Qin Yuan's Indomitable Technique and Water-like True Qi, he only used the Green Bull Fist, and even a shadow of a bull demon appeared when he broke the Water-like True Qi. So he deduced that Taiping should have comprehended the true meaning of the Green Bull Fist."


Qingxiao answered with a serious expression.


"Fist intent? How could Taiping, at such a young age, comprehend the true meaning of a martial art?"


Zhao Linglong looked incredulous.


"This is just the speculation of Zi Yan's junior brother. After all, he wasn't in charge of the arena where Taiping was. Hearing is false, seeing is believing. If we want to know Taiping's true strength now, we'll have to wait and see at the Dragon Gate Meeting."


Qingxiao shook his head.


"Right, right."


Zhao Linglong nodded repeatedly, eager to go to the Dragon Gate Meeting now.


"But isn't Little Taiping's luck a bit too bad? He actually encountered two experts in a row. My Senior Sister Zi Yan mentioned in the letter that these two are both capable of participating in the Dragon Gate Meeting."


She took the letter from Qingxiao's hand and glanced at it a few times, then casually said, "Luck?"


Qingxiao frowned at her words.


"Yes, isn't his luck a bit too bad? When I go to the top of the peak in a while, I'll pray to the Five Ancestors' statues to bless Little Taiping."


Zhao Linglong earnestly pondered.


"This doesn't seem like just luck."


Qingxiao shook his head.


Zhao Linglong's mention of it made Qingxiao, as a high-level cultivator, instinctively react.


"Not luck? Second Senior Brother, do you think this was deliberately done by someone?"


Zhao Linglong also realized this.


She was indeed carefree, but after all, she had been through many years of training, so she still had some vigilance.


"Sister, you don't need to worry. I'll handle this."


Qingxiao took the letter from Zhao Linglong's hand, resealed it in the envelope with a cold expression.


"Although the selection of the Seventh Peak depends on Little Taiping himself, if someone thinks that Xu Taiping has no one behind him and can be manipulated at will, they are gravely mistaken."


Qingxiao said with a somewhat cold tone.


He had an outwardly cold but inwardly passionate personality. Since he had decided to help Xu Taiping, he would naturally help to the end.Some things, if those in power wish to investigate, no one can keep them hidden.




At the West Wind Pavilion, Pavilion Master Liu Songshan first kicked Zhou Gu, sending him flying backward, then followed with a "slap" across the face of Zuo Ju.


"You two fools!"


Liu Songshan, with veins bulging on his forehead, pointed at Zhou Gu and Zuo Ju and cursed loudly.


"How dare you treat the matter of the Four Mountains Meeting, a matter of utmost importance, as child's play? To think you even dared to tamper with the dispatch orders, what audacity!"


Liu Songshan nearly roared these words.


"Pavilion Master, this was all my doing, and Brother Zuo is innocent. I beg you to plead on my behalf to the elders, and only expel me from the sect."


At this moment, Zhou Gu got up and pleaded with Liu Songshan.

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