Chapter 59 – Grasp with both hands, both hands must be firm!

The population is growing, faith is consolidating, and civilization is advancing.

Everything in the pixel world is developing in a positive direction.

However, Isabella went against the norm and rarely expressed her own opinions.

“Sir, I request to enter the Black Abyss and fight for your faith.”

Lu Yao realized keenly.

She had emotions.

This was also a side effect of intelligence.

The not-so-smart Blood Knight had no pressure in this regard.

Mindless, carefree, and living a simple and direct life. He only followed orders. If Lu Yao told him to kill someone, he would do it, without hesitation.

Isabella was different. Most of the time, she appeared calm and reserved. But her basic thinking was no different from that of a normal person.

She had her own dignity, sense of honor, judgment, and thoughts.

Most of the time, however, she hid these personal wills in her heart and faithfully carried out the orders given to her by Lu Yao.

But for some reason, Isabella seemed to have her self-esteem hurt this time.

Lu Yao thought that he needed to find a tactful reason.

So he typed.

——It’s just a different division of labor. The Blood Knight can handle the rough work.

Isabella knelt on one knee and continued, “Sir, I know that my combat ability is not as good as Neville’s. But I request to enter the Abyss not because I want to challenge powerful opponents beyond my capabilities, but because there are other places where I can contribute.”

“Sir, you have the Ghost City of Sanilo, where many ghosts have already gathered, stabilizing the collective faith.”

“And in the outer layer of the Black Abyss, there are still some wandering ghosts. Most of them are of a high rank, but there are also weaker ghosts who are avoiding the hunting of more powerful ones.”

“I want to try the ‘Final Prayer’ to persuade them and bring them to Sanilo, so that it can provide you with more power of faith.”

Lu Yao felt somewhat ashamed.

Isabella didn’t care about personal honor or gain. She only thought about contributing to her divine cause.

She was a loyal servant who wholeheartedly served the public!

——Alright. Be careful.

“Yes, sir.”

Lu Yao opened the entrance with a key, allowing Isabella to enter the golden gate of the Black Abyss.

He fixed his perspective on Isabella’s head.

As Isabella had said, she was very cautious in the Abyss.

Outside, Isabella, at level 26, summoned her Holy Sword and went wherever she pleased.

But in the first layer of the Black Abyss, her level was completely inadequate. Even dealing with ordinary ghouls was extremely difficult, and there was danger if she was surrounded carelessly.

Isabella continued to use “Final Prayer” to find the undead willing to talk to her.

On the other hand, Blood Knight Neville continued his battle with the ghouls.

After resting and recovering his health, the Blood Knight entered again. Currently, his health bar had recovered to half, enough to deal with the small fry on the outskirts.

Even after Corpse Hunter Gul died, the number of ghouls did not decrease.

This made Lu Yao realize that Gul was just an elite boss on the outskirts, only controlling a part of the ghouls.

It was obvious that the bigger ones were inside.

Lu Yao took the opportunity to let the Blood Knight clear the ghouls on the outskirts and level up.

It was also easy to keep an eye on the conditions of the two apostles. By clicking on the temple, he could find Isabella and Neville’s avatars, with real-time health bars below.

Lu Yao discovered this later through exploration.

After half an hour, Isabella had made progress.

“Sir, I have found a group of undead who are willing to follow you and offer their faith.”

Lu Yao glanced over.

Several ghosts floated around Isabella, with the lowest level being LV8 and the highest being LV16, named Dinael. These ghosts, led by Dinael, were the only Abyss ghosts willing to join Lu Yao in the vicinity.

They were not ordinary humans, but carried the racial title of “Seafarer.”

Seafarers looked somewhat similar to the Corrupted, both exhibiting a state close to decay. The Corrupted had light blue skin, while the Seafarers had dark blue skin.

Lu Yao clicked on Dinael’s detailed panel.


[Seafarer Lv16] Dinael

Attack 6, Defense 9, Knowledge 14, Mana 14, Luck 1, Morale 1


Water Element: Can continuously restore HP in water, and attacks deal water elemental damage.

Evasion LV5: Can evade some damage from attacks. Compared to their weak HP, this probability is higher.

……The panel was nothing out of the ordinary.

However, the character portrait of Dinar caught Lu Yao’s attention.

Dinar had two rows of long, strip-like gills on his deep blue chest, and his limbs were long with webbed hands and feet.

He had a pair of beast-like eyes, large whites, but small black pupils. In the portrait, Dinar was kneeling on the ground, worshipping a vaguely shaped building in the distance.

Below the portrait was a personal motto.

— The glory of the past has sunk into the abyss, we must do everything we can to survive, even if we lose everything, as long as we are alive, there is hope.

Lu Yao left the task of settling these few underwater walker ghosts to Isabella.

Now, he had to focus on something more urgent.

The golden leaf appeared on the screen again, this time floating under the population and faith on the top right.

Lu Yao clicked on the leaf.

The screen displayed.

[The Spirit of the Forest has awakened the Silvanus Tree, please go and pick the treasure from the Silvanus Tree.]

Lu Yao immediately dragged the mouse back to the [Golden Meadow] inside the castle.

As the leaders say, grasp with both hands, both hands must be firm!

[Golden Meadow] and [Black Abyss], I want them all, not one less!

The towering tree appeared again on the golden meadow.

Between the dense branches and green leaves, stars twinkled.

Lu Yao clicked on the tree trunk.

Two cards with items printed on them flew out from the tree.

A tower building, named [Megalith Totem].

A white horse sculpture, called [Ghost White Horse].


[Megalith Totem LV2]:

Health: 1000/1000

Damage: 24

Defense: 12

Speed: 10


Choose an area for permanent placement, automatically attack all other believers within range.


Seeing the description of this Megalith Totem, Lu Yao couldn’t deny his interest. This totem tower was perfect as a defensive gate, forming a whole line of defense based on it.

But on second thought.

There seemed to be no need for any defense line in this broken world. Almost all attacks were initiated by himself, and there were no other forces that could attack.

At most, the two novice god players could only bombard each other with faith, which he was not afraid of.

Offense is the best defense, this was something Lu Yao agreed with.

So he turned his attention to the next one.

After just one glance at the description, he immediately decided: it’s you!


[Ghost White Horse LV5]: Faith +1/hour, Defense +10, Speed +20, Health +200, not limited by terrain. Call upon the spirit of the white horse, can activate [Advanced Camouflage LV5].


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