Chapter 47 – Break technique

Dan Ding Peak.

“As alchemists, the most important thing we need to learn is to break through our thinking limitations. Medicines don’t necessarily enhance the user’s strength, like this Ten Bull Strength Pill I’ve refined.” Wu Ming talked eloquently at the Dan Ding Academy, explaining the principles of alchemy in a simple and understandable way.

The disciples below quickly took notes. These precious alchemy principles were hard to come by outside.

Alchemists outside valued inheritance, and the saying “teaching the apprentice will starve the master” made it difficult to learn alchemy principles outside.

Dan Ding Peak was different. They were eager to teach and impart all their ideas to their awakened junior brothers and sisters.

Alchemists outside valued tradition, and the saying “ancestral methods cannot be changed” made it difficult for outsiders to understand Dan Ding Peak’s alchemy principles.

Wu Ming was pleased to see his junior brothers and sisters listening attentively.

The Seek Tao Sect didn’t just recruit Lu Yang, Meng Jingzhou, Man Gu, Tao Yaoye, and Li Haoran this time. These five were too talented and had attracted too much attention, causing people to overlook the other new disciples.

Apart from them, there were many disciples with double spiritual roots, triple spiritual roots, or unique skills, who would become the backbone of the Seek Tao Sect in the future.

Those who were listening to the lesson were the new disciples who had chosen to apprentice themselves to Dan Ding Peak.

They had been studying at Dan Ding Peak for over a year and were still exploring the ways of alchemy.

“Many cultivators have the habit of taking medicine before battle, which can explode their strength several times stronger than their own. It can catch their opponents off guard and lead to victory.”

“Victory is good, but this practice can cause great damage to the meridians. The meridians are narrow, and rashly impacting them can cause serious damage to the foundation, which is not conducive to cultivation.”

“As alchemists, our responsibility is to treat and save people. We should try to eliminate this practice.”

“To this end, I have worked hard to visit my friend who is proficient in summoning formations next door, and finally developed this Ten Bull Strength Pill.”

“The pill contains a miniature summoning formation. After taking it, it will summon ten water buffalo out through the body to help people in battle.”

“Wu Senior Brother, where are these ten water buffalo summoned from?” A cute junior sister who was listening attentively asked.

Wu Ming smiled and said, “They are summoned from the Spirit Field.”

Most of the food in the cafeteria and restaurant was grown in the Seek Tao Sect’s own Spirit Field.

To grow such high-quality crops, there were high requirements for soil, fertilizers, and cultivation methods.

Among those working hard in the Spirit Field were the Blue-eyed Water Buffalo Clan. The Blue-eyed Water Buffalo Clan had infinite strength and strong power, from the Qi Refining Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage, and even an old bull king in the Deity Transformation Stage, who was truly terrifying.

When the Third Elder was young, he was hot-headed and drove the buffalo to the side to cultivate all night. The buffalo mentioned here are the Blue-eyed Water Buffalo Clan.

The Blue-eyed Water Buffalo Clan loved to collide with their horns, so Wu Ming contacted them to see if they could be summoned in battle, and they readily agreed.

“As alchemists, you should think from the perspective of the medicine user, consider why they need to take the medicine, whether there are any side effects, and whether there are better solutions.”

Wu Ming wrote his results of refining the Ten Bull Strength Pill into a paper and submitted it to the authoritative alchemy publication, “Dan Fire.” The editor-in-chief of “Dan Fire” was shocked by Wu Ming’s unconventional ideas and submitted it to the authoritative summoning publication.

It has now been successfully published.

Wu Ming also knew that his ideas were too advanced and needed some time for cultivators to adapt. Therefore, he set the price of the Ten Bull Strength Pill at a very low 100 contribution points.You should know that even the fried dough sticks sold in the cafeteria cost 150 contribution points.

Wu Ming also noted on the exchange list that it “provides the strength of ten oxen when taken”. He considered it quite thoughtful.

Lu Yang fell into deep thought.

If you say this pill is fake, it really can give the person who takes it the strength of ten oxen. The description and effect are completely consistent, and there is no water added.

But if you say this pill is real, it always feels like there is something wrong.

What went wrong?

Can’t figure it out.

Ten foundation-building water buffalo with fat and strong bodies charged towards the tiger demon in an imposing manner.

In the face of these water buffalo, let alone a half-step golden pill period tiger demon, even if it was a golden pill period, it would not dare to be hit by such a group of water buffalo.

No matter how strong the tiger demon was, it could not match the strength of the buffalo demon.

As the saying goes, although the Dan Ding Peak is unreliable, it has never been wrong in terms of medicinal effects. The summoned ten barbarian bulls can definitely defeat the tiger demon.

Man Gu and Meng Jingzhou relaxed when they saw this.

The outcome was decided, and the tiger demon was doomed.

The tiger demon’s eyes widened, its fur exploded, seeming to know that it couldn’t defeat these ten water buffalo.

Since that’s the case, then it would bring someone down with it!

Just at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the Mountain God Temple collapsed.

The Mountain God Temple was already on the verge of collapse, and it collapsed with a single blow from the water buffalo.

For a time, smoke and heavy rain mixed together, obscuring everyone’s vision.

The tiger demon seized the opportunity, exerted force with all four limbs, leapt high, dodged the water buffalo’s attack, and pounced on Lu Yang in a lightning-fast movement.

Only this human had to die!

The water buffalo’s body was heavy and not good at jumping, and did not react to this sudden change.

Man Gu and Meng Jingzhou exclaimed, and they had let their guard down and couldn’t save Lu Yang in time.

Everyone present was in a panic, except for Lu Yang, who remained calm.

He had long guessed that the tiger demon would fight to the death and die with him.

It should be noted that the fight between trapped beasts is the most dangerous!

Lu Yang did not dodge or evade, but used the spell “Cheng Cun” to shrink himself and his sword together.

The tiger demon missed its target, and Lu Yang appeared directly below it. He restored his form, and the blue aura flowed on the blade, finally gathering at the tip of the sword.


Lu Yang used the “Break” technique, and the sharp blue sword was unstoppable, piercing through the thick fur of the tiger demon. With a “pu chi” sound, it pierced the tiger demon’s abdomen and the bloody tip of the sword pierced out of its back.

This was a sword move he learned on Tianmen Peak. Among all the sword moves, it had the strongest attack, and this one blow could consume most of his spiritual power, so it could not be used lightly.

In the previous battle, Lu Yang had already figured out the tiger demon’s weak point. The tiger demon’s central abdomen was the least defensive part of its body.

Lu Yang released his sword energy. The hair-thin, brilliant blue sword energy bloomed from within the tiger demon’s body, like countless long needles piercing it.

There were crackling sounds inside the tiger demon’s body, like firecrackers, all the way up its spine, shooting straight up to the top of its head.

The tiger demon’s seven orifices bled, and it fell to the ground.

Lu Yang was exhausted and gasping for breath, leaning against the wall and gesturing to Man Gu and Meng Jingzhou to assist Lan Ting in removing the demon.

The female tiger demon, more ferocious after her husband’s death, fought to the death. Lan Ting almost couldn’t hold down this trapped beast.

Before Man Gu and Meng Jingzhou could engage in another battle, the water buffalo demon turned and charged towards the female tiger demon.

The female tiger demon failed to dodge in time and was trampled and crushed by the water buffalo.

The battle was over.

Lan Ting opened her mouth, thinking of the various strange rumors about the Seek Tao Sect that her senior sisters had told her. She didn’t believe it before, but now she believed it 70%.

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