Chapter 98 – Chen Hao single-handedly destroyed the Guo family branch!

“Master? What master?”

Someone voiced their confusion, only to exclaim in shock shortly after: “Evergreen Sword Saint? You are the disciple of the Evergreen Sword Saint?!”

The youth smiled and nodded: “That’s right, my name is Chen Hao, the senior disciple of the Evergreen Sword Saint. Pleased to meet you all!”


The main courtyard fell into a hush.

Everyone looked at Chen Hao with surprise and doubt.

This young man, with his robust vitality and refined inner qi, was a disciple of the Evergreen Sword Saint?

It was like a wild fantasy!

The Evergreen Sword Saint, a Biotics Man who knew nothing of martial arts, how could he have taught such a disciple?

Although there had been rumors that the Evergreen Sword Saint might have mastered a method to teach Biotics Men, the martial arts community scoffed at such claims, not believing them in the slightest.

“Young friend, which martial arts clan do you belong to? Why have you come uninvited and mock our Guo family?”

Guo Qingfeng narrowed his eyes, sensing that Chen Hao might be a naturally gifted individual from a martial arts family. Without proper martial arts training, it would be impossible for him to possess such refined inner strength.

“If you don’t believe it, then forget it.”

Chen Hao shrugged: “No matter what I explain, you’re all going to die anyway.”

At these words, everyone’s expressions changed.

Guo Qingfeng’s face turned instantly grim as he bellowed: “Young man! Don’t go too far! Be careful of the disaster that comes from your mouth!”

The Guo family members also glared at Chen Hao.

Which prestigious family’s junior was this? So ignorant of respect and hierarchy?

The martial arts world places great importance on order and respect. Even if you are a prodigy, you must show utmost respect to your seniors until you have truly grown!

And this junior, not only did he come uninvited, but he also dared to mock their Guo family so excessively!

Utterly reckless!

If it weren’t for the concern that he might be a disciple from a top martial arts power, Guo Qingfeng would have already struck him down on the spot!

He could feel that, although Chen Hao’s aura was exceptionally strong, his realm was only SS level.

Guo Qingfeng, who had been at the SSS level for over a decade with profound foundations, was confident that dealing with such a junior would be a piece of cake!

Chen Hao couldn’t be bothered with him, but he was still a bit conflicted about killing for the first time.

However, remembering the divine telepathy from his master, who said that these martial artists were very bad people, even the rebellious kind.

“Well, I am acting heroically, eliminating evil and promoting good! At worst, I’ll just knock on the electronic wooden fish a few more times!”

Chen Hao made up his mind, took a deep breath, and circulated his True Element.

In an instant, a cyan light surged, dazzling and bright!

A vast and boundless aura emanated from Chen Hao, sweeping in all directions!

Tables, potted plants, and rockeries in the main courtyard were all toppled and even shattered on the spot by this powerful aura!

The Guo family members were shocked, and many ordinary people were blown away, falling to the ground, spitting blood and losing consciousness, their lives hanging by a thread.

“How dare you?!”

The few martial artists who remained were also affected by this aura, their blood flowing in reverse, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and looked at Chen Hao with anger and disbelief.

How dare he make a move in the Guo family’s territory?!

Could it be that he really came to kill them?

“Young man, you are courting death!”

Guo Qingfeng was furious, suddenly stood up, and his body also lit up with a cyan glow, but it was far less pure and more chaotic than Chen Hao’s.

“Eh? You also practice a wood-based technique?”

Chen Hao was surprised, glanced at the cyan light on his body, then at his own, and grinned: “Clearly, my master’s technique is more awesome! What trash is that of yours?”

Guo Qingfeng’s eyes twitched with uncontrollable rage.

This kid had inexplicably attacked his Guo family and even insulted their ancestral technique as trash?

But suddenly, Guo Qingfeng’s expression changed, why did he feel that the cyan light on this kid seemed familiar?

Wood-based inner qi…

It didn’t seem to belong to any known martial arts lineage…

He said he was the disciple of the Evergreen Sword Saint?

“Is your master truly the Evergreen Sword Saint?!”

Guo Qingfeng was shocked and incredulous.

Hearing this, the others also came to their senses. Combining all these characteristics, it seemed to be true!

“Impossible! How can a Biotics Man’s inner qi be so refined?!”

Someone immediately cried out in shock.

This was undoubtedly against their common knowledge!

And why would the disciple of the Evergreen Sword Saint appear here?

“Who said I was a Biotics Man? I practice cultivation!”

Chen Hao curled his lip, no longer wasting words, raised his right hand, and gently swung a palm towards Guo Qingfeng.

Guo Qingfeng had yet to understand his words when he was shocked to see a giant palm made of pure wood-based True Element materialize above him, five meters in length!

Like the hand of a deity, it was terrifying in its might!

“This… how is this possible?”

Guo Qingfeng was so shocked he was speechless.

Inner qi materialized into a solid form!

Wasn’t this something only Town level martial arts masters could achieve?

This SS level junior, his inner strength was so refined that it was comparable to a martial arts master?!

Damn it! How could he fight this?!

Guo Qingfeng’s anger instantly turned to fear!

Without time to think, he felt a deadly threat from the cyan palm and trembled, turning to flee!

The Guo family members were already dumbfounded.

The entire place was deathly silent!

No one expected that Chen Hao, with his SS level realm, could execute a master’s technique!

Even more so, they were frightened to see their family head turn and run, devoid of any will to fight!

Could this really be something a Biotics Man could achieve?

“Hmph, trying to escape?”

Chen Hao smirked and pressed down with his hand!

The cyan giant palm, like a heaven-flipping seal, crashed down with a thunderous boom!

Iron level palm technique—Cyan Wood True Element Palm!


A loud noise!

Guo Qingfeng was smashed directly into the bluestone ground, bricks shattered, flesh and blood flew!

On the hard bluestone ground, a giant palm imprint ten inches deep appeared, with Guo Qingfeng’s mangled body inside, miraculously not dead on the spot, hanging on to his last breath.

One palm!

It had severely injured Guo Qingfeng, the underground emperor who had reigned over Jiangyan City for decades, leaving him on the brink of death!

Such terrifying power chilled everyone to the core, trembling in fear!

What kind of divine technique was this?

How could there be such a powerful SS level?

What exactly did the Evergreen Sword Saint teach him?

Could it really be cultivation?!

“Ew! Disgusting!”

Chen Hao walked over, glanced at Guo Qingfeng’s mangled, still writhing body, and almost vomited.

He immediately prepared to end his misery.

“Young friend! Please show mercy! I have no grudges with your master, why do you want to kill me?!”

Guo Qingfeng screamed with his last bit of energy, filled with fear and confusion.

He was enjoying a feast at home, boasting, when Chen Hao inexplicably showed up and struck him down with a palm!

Even Dou E was not as wronged as this!

Chen Hao didn’t want to bother with him, but suddenly remembered his master’s words about killing to strike at the heart, so he said:

“My master has already taken down your Guo family’s direct lineage head, wanting him to watch the Guo family’s destruction with his own eyes, to kill and strike at the heart, so he sent us to do the job.”

Chen Hao’s casual tone shocked Guo Qingfeng and the Guo family members.

The secret of their technique was exposed?

Their direct lineage head was taken down by the Evergreen Sword Saint?

How could it be? The family head was a mid-stage National level martial artist!

The Evergreen Sword Saint, a mere early-stage National level… No, wrong! Even his disciple could use a master’s technique at the SS level!

How terrifying must the Evergreen Sword Saint himself be?!

A thought rapidly formed in everyone’s minds.

The Evergreen Sword Saint was definitely not a Biotics Man!

“You, who exactly are you? This is not something Biotics Men and current martial artists can achieve!” Guo Qingfeng cried out in horror.

“Didn’t I say from the beginning, we practice cultivation!”

Chen Hao finished speaking and directly swung a cyan qi blade, like a sharp sword, decapitating Guo Qingfeng’s head.

His eyes bulged out, dying with grievances unappeased!

Chen Hao felt a bit nauseous and quickly took out his phone, opened the electronic wooden fish app, and started tapping frantically.

Ding ding ding!

Merit +1…

Merit +1…

Meanwhile, the other Guo family members in the main courtyard were already in a state of extreme terror.

Cultivators? Cultivators?

Wasn’t that a legendary existence?

If someone had told them before that they were cultivators, they would have laughed out loud on the spot.

But now…

With Chen Hao’s inconceivable strength, apart from cultivation, how else could it be explained?

After tapping the wooden fish.

Chen Hao turned to look at the other Guo family members and sighed helplessly: “It seems I’ll have to tap the electronic wooden fish all night…”

His master’s task was to annihilate them completely.

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd.

Chen Hao unleashed one cyan qi blade after another, accurately striking each person’s neck.

That night.

In the ancient courtyard, cyan light shone brightly, screams echoed, and blood flowed like rivers.

The local snake that had dominated Jiangyan City for decades was thus eradicated.

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