Chapter 205 – The Southern Nations media in an uproar

When the news of Chen Hao destroying the fleet with a single punch was captured by a drone, the Western media went into a frenzy.

Immediately, as the live stream repeatedly played the footage of Chen Hao’s punch obliterating the fleet, the comment section exploded.

“People from China are disgusting. Not only do they refuse to share the national cultivation plan, but they also come and destroy our fleet.”

“Lord! Are they insane? Do they really think our Free Nation is a pushover?”

“As far as I know, this kind of behavior should be considered an act of war, right?”

“Sigh, we just went through a natural disaster and suffered heavy losses. Our god-gifted are busy dealing with Alien Beasts from the void rifts and can’t spare any effort to deal with them.”

“True, but once our god-gifted are free, they will surely defeat China.”

“Oh God, this damned China harbors ill intentions, daring to attack us.”

“I suggest we immediately organize protests and petition the Leader to launch nuclear weapons against them.”

“Wait, nuclear weapons? China has them too. We’re currently at a disadvantage… we can’t afford to launch an attack!”

“Spit! Are we just going to let China humiliate us? My God! Save us!”

“China has a forum called Cultivation Home. Let’s go there and voice our condemnation. Let’s see what they have to say this time! Go!”

Western netizens swarmed like bees to honey, flooding the Cultivation Home forum in China.

“We need a reasonable explanation! Why did you initiate the attack?”

“Even if you don’t want to share the national cultivation plan, why do you take advantage of our misfortune?”

“Is this the quality of people from China? Taking advantage of others’ misfortune! And you call yourselves gentlemen? You’re nothing but a bunch of scoundrels!”

Western netizens flooded the Cultivation Home forum like fish blowing bubbles, one after another.

However, when the footage was broadcast back in China, Chinese netizens were thrilled.

“That man has appeared!”

“Fuck! That figure! Such an imposing presence!”

“Mr. Chu’s top disciple?”

“Probably, the one who was running upside down in the high-altitude sports event?”

“Brother Hao is awesome! Truly a god!”

“What kind of move is this? Divine justice from above!!!”

“First, he ran upside down in the high-altitude sports event, now he destroys a Western fleet with a single punch. Caption—Brother Hao is badass!”

“LOL! Just one punch! The fleet was split in half.”

“Hey bro, didn’t I say Mr. Chu wouldn’t tolerate these Western white pigs?”

“Exactly, these people bully the weak and fear the strong. They’ve been oppressing us, and now that we’re catching up, they’re getting anxious.”

“Hypocritical false gentlemen, true scoundrels! They deserve it!”

“Good job, handsome Chen Hao!”

“Is Brother Hao awesome or what? Hahaha.”

“Wait, do you think those Western idiots will come back to make trouble again?”

“Uh, I feel there’s a thousand percent chance they will.”

Sure enough, just as Chinese netizens were excited and thrilled, Western netizens stormed in.

“Damn, are you a prophet? Someone, drag him out and deal with him!”

“Ah! No, I’m just making a rational analysis! Bro!”

After reading the comments from Western netizens, Chinese netizens couldn’t help but laugh, as if watching a dog barking incessantly.

“Um, let me put it this way! If you’re walking by the roadside and a dog suddenly comes up and barks at you non-stop, even if you walk away, it keeps following and barking. Wouldn’t you give it a punch to stop it from following you?”

“Exactly, if it were me, I’d definitely punch that dog. Barking is too annoying. But if it were really me, I wouldn’t just punch it. I’d fly over and kick it, sending it away!”

“You better be talking about a dog, hahaha! I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts, hahaha!”

“Just a passerby, just arrived. Who exactly is this dog you’re talking about?”

“Haha, a mad dog is a mad dog. Look through the forum and see who’s been acting crazy every day. That’s who it is!”

Chinese netizens’ verbal attacks were extremely bizarre, seemingly without any pattern, but the more unpredictable they were, the harder it was to counter.

“Hey, wait a minute! Didn’t you Westerners always boast about how strong you are? How did one natural disaster crush you? And the funniest thing is, your much-vaunted fleet was destroyed with a single punch by our handsome Chen Hao?”

“No way, no way, no way someone’s fleet got destroyed with a single punch, right?”

“One punch! Just one punch, effortlessly, a small fleet is truly laughable!”

For a moment, Western netizens were stunned by the insults. This…

Although they understood the underlying message, that Chinese netizens were calling them dogs with no self-awareness, always being led around by their masters, biting whoever their masters told them to.

What’s more terrifying is that China kept mocking them, but thinking back, it’s true! The media always boasted about how strong the fleet was, but then a single person from China came and destroyed it with one punch?

There must be more to this!

Western netizens began discussing online.

“My God! How did that person from China destroy the fleet with one punch?”

“This kind of power is indeed ten times, no, hundreds of times stronger than our god-gifted!”

“Lord! Help us! Why are people from China so strong?”

“No, I think there’s definitely something wrong. It can’t be that the person from China is too strong. It must be that the fleet was old and poorly maintained, or there were issues during manufacturing, leading to poor quality. Then, combined with the impact of the person from China falling from the sky with a lot of gravitational potential energy, the fleet split in half.”

“Yes, yes! It must be like this. Look, the fleet has a joint in the middle. He must have hit that weak spot, causing the fleet to split instantly.”

For a moment, as Western netizens were at a loss, a few officials stepped in to steer the narrative, continuing to cover up the facts and calm the netizens.

To divert attention from the incident, they even shifted the focus to other issues.

“I knew it! It must be a quality issue with the fleet. I demand a thorough investigation of the manufacturing organization.”

“Exactly, we have too many substandard products in the Free Nation. I suggest the Leader initiate a thorough inspection to find all the problematic items, so we won’t be laughed at by China!”

Subsequently, offline protests and demonstrations were organized, but the signs they held were about quality inspection issues, not mentioning Chen Hao’s punch destroying the fleet.

Because they had been brainwashed by the officials, they all believed it was a quality issue, not that Chen Hao was too strong.

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