Chapter 199 – Lin Family ancestor, sudden!

As soon as the words left his mouth, Chu Yi’s fist smashed towards the Lin Family ancestor.

On his arm, covered in green scales, a coiling dragon appeared!

Seeing this, the Lin Family ancestor was so shocked that he forgot to dodge. He could only stare in disbelief at the dragon on Chu Yi’s arm.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

This… this was the legendary Dragon Soul Condensation?

Transforming into a dragon, covering the body with dragon scales, was only the first step.

Once the scales covered the entire body, the next step was to condense the Dragon Soul!

The Lin Family ancestor had been painstakingly cultivating for so many years, and he had only just managed to cover his body with scales!

As for condensing the Dragon Soul?

The Lin Family ancestor didn’t even dare to think about it!

Because the prerequisite for condensing the Dragon Soul was having dragon blood!

Although the Lin Family ancestor could now cover his body with dragon scales, at the end of the day, he was still a pure-blooded human.

Dragon blood, even in the entire history of the Kunlun Lin family, only two or three people had ever possessed it!

“How… how did you manage to condense the Dragon Soul? Do you have dragon blood in you?”


Before Chu Yi could answer, the Lin Family ancestor was sent flying by a punch.

Chu Yi shook his arm and pointed at the coiling dragon on it, saying:

“Oh, this thing you call the Dragon Soul Condensation? I had no idea, it just came out on its own!”

Chu Yi walked step by step towards the Lin Family ancestor, who sat on the ground with a vacant look in his eyes.

The fact that Chu Yi could condense the Dragon Soul was a greater blow to him than anything he had witnessed before!

His centuries of painstaking cultivation couldn’t compare to the results of a few months of training by this young man?

It completely negated his centuries of hardship!

Standing before the Lin Family ancestor, Chu Yi looked down and smiled.

Chu Yi had had enough fun.

Or to put it more aptly, the old men in front of him could no longer bring him any more surprises.

“Alright, I’ve had my fun. Time to send you on your way.”

Chu Yi’s voice seemed to come from the depths of the underworld, but the Lin Family ancestor showed no reaction, only muttering to himself:

“This can’t be, this can’t be!”

For a moment, the Lin Family ancestor’s pitiful state even made Chu Yi feel a bit of pity.

Chu Yi sighed helplessly.

Alas, sometimes being too excellent is a crime!

Without further hesitation, Chu Yi punched the Lin Family ancestor’s head.


With a dull thud, a headless corpse collapsed to the ground.

Around the corpse, colorful fluids of various hues spread out.

Chu Yi didn’t even glance at the headless body on the ground, and not a drop of fluid touched his hand.

Everyone around fell silent at the sight.

Some students with weaker stomachs began to retch on the spot.

The old men stared blankly at the headless corpse.

After all, the Lin Family ancestor was the strongest among them.

But now, the strongest one lay lifeless on the ground, with no chance of survival!

All the old men had only one thought.

Absurd, ridiculous!

They were utterly ridiculous to think they could take Chu Yi’s life.

As for their own fate, these old men were not strangers to the harsh realities of the world; they knew what awaited them.

Although some thought of escaping, it was just a fleeting thought.

After all, someone who could crush their strongest member with such ease wouldn’t have any trouble catching them.

The old men stood there, eyes vacant, waiting quietly for death.

Chu Yi looked at the group of silent old men, with no intention of sparing them.

Whoever intends to kill others must be prepared to be killed!

At the moment Chu Yi killed the Lin Family ancestor, the live stream’s comment section went blank!

After a while, comments began to trickle in:

“Damn, that old man’s death was so tragic! I don’t know why, but I felt a bit of pity…”

“Yeah, me too. Seeing an old man die like that, without a peaceful end, is quite sad.”

“Come on, you bunch of hypocrites. In chaotic times, you’d be the first to get killed! Do you even remember why these old men went to North Hill High School?”

“Haha, I actually agree with Mr. Chu’s actions. You have to remember, these old men went to North Hill High School to take Mr. Chu’s life!”


Chu Yi slowly walked towards the old men, raising his right hand under everyone’s gaze.

Just as he was about to make his move, Old Hua suddenly stepped forward.

Chu Yi noticed Old Hua’s actions and turned to look at him, puzzled.

Under Chu Yi’s questioning gaze, Old Hua stammered, but finally mustered the courage to say apologetically:

“Mr. Chu, I know these guys deserve to die, especially since they intended to harm you.”

“But Mr. Chu, you also know the current situation in China. The number of void rifts keeps increasing!”

“Even with the help of the students from North Hill High School, we still don’t have enough manpower in China…”

Old Hua’s face showed difficulty as he hesitated, not continuing.

Although Old Hua didn’t say it outright, it was clear enough.

Chu Yi wasn’t a fool; he understood Old Hua’s meaning.

These old men might be nothing in front of him, but they were more than capable of dealing with the void rifts.

Old Hua wanted these old men to guard the void rifts.

Chu Yi stroked his chin. Indeed, as Old Hua said, China’s situation was still not good.

Although the initial beast tide crisis had passed, it didn’t mean that alien beasts wouldn’t emerge from the void rifts.

Given the sheer number of void rifts, the alien beasts that emerged were no small number!

Whether or not to kill these old men didn’t matter to Chu Yi.

It was obvious that these old men came to North Hill High School because of the Lin Family ancestor.

Rather than letting them die quickly, it was better to make them serve some purpose.

Within a few breaths, Chu Yi had already decided on the old men’s fate.

Let them guard the void rifts, but before that, he needed to put some insurance on them!

“If you want to live, open your minds to me now!”

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