Chapter 194 – I’ll give you a hand!

After seeing that the old men had no objections, the Blood Demon nodded in satisfaction and then looked at the Lin Family ancestor with a probing gaze.

The Lin Family ancestor stared at the Blood Demon. Although he also wanted to teach that brat Chu Yi a lesson, after hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded.

There was no need for him to personally deal with this brat. Anyone from his group could easily kill the brat within three moves.

In this situation, if he took action himself, wouldn’t that just lower his own status?

With the Lin Family ancestor’s approval, the Blood Demon finally smiled.

Then, the Blood Demon stretched his muscles and walked towards Chu Yi, saying:

“Young man, how do you want to do this? Should I let you have one hand or one leg?”

Hearing this, the old men burst into laughter again, as if Chu Yi’s fate was already sealed.

Chu Yi’s lips curled into a slight smile as he walked towards the Blood Demon, his eyes filled with mockery:

“Oh, your suggestion is quite good. How about this, I’ll let you have one hand!”

Saying this, Chu Yi placed his left hand behind his back.

Seeing Chu Yi’s action, the Blood Demon was first stunned, then furious!

Fuck, isn’t this just pure disrespect?

Did he really think the title of Blood Demon was for nothing?

Seeing Chu Yi’s left hand behind his back, the students behind him exclaimed in admiration, their eyes full of respect for Chu Yi:

“Fuck, as expected of our Teacher Chu, letting the opponent have one hand right from the start. This is pure class!”

“Teacher Chu truly deserves his high reputation. Even in such a situation, he doesn’t forget to respect the elderly and care for the young! We should all learn from Teacher Chu!”

“Actually, I think our Teacher Chu could even let the old man have one leg! Letting him have just one hand is probably to save the old man some face.”

“Hahaha, can’t wait to see Teacher Chu beat up the old man!”


The laughter in his ears made the veins on the Blood Demon’s face throb uncontrollably.

His overwhelming and profound aura was impossible to suppress!

Damn it, among these renowned old men, who would dare show me, the Blood Demon, any disrespect?

Damn it, after hiding for hundreds of years, now I’ve become a joke to these young people?

Can’t bear it, can’t bear it at all!

“Brat, you’re courting death!”

The Blood Demon’s body surged with a monstrous blood aura, and everyone present smelled an extremely strong scent of blood!

A blood-red light burst forth, and the Blood Demon suddenly disappeared from his original spot.

When he reappeared, the Blood Demon was already on Chu Yi’s left side!

A fist as large as a sandbag, carrying a piercing wind, roared towards Chu Yi’s head, almost hitting it in an instant!

But Chu Yi, as if it were prearranged, kept his left hand behind his back without moving an inch!

He simply moved a few steps to the right, easily dodging the Blood Demon’s furious strike!

Seeing his powerful strike being easily dodged by Chu Yi, even the Blood Demon showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

One must know that even the Yin Mountain Old Demon in his prime couldn’t dodge that strike!

If there was anyone who could dodge his strike, it would only be the strongest among them, the Lin Family ancestor!

Could this young brat be on the same level as the Lin Family ancestor?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

This brat must have gotten lucky!

The Blood Demon was convinced of his judgment and quickly threw another punch!

But Chu Yi casually moved a few steps to the side, and with just those few steps, he dodged the Blood Demon’s punch again!

This time, the Blood Demon’s eyes were no longer filled with surprise but shock!

Damn it, what kind of luck does this brat have?

How the fuck could he get lucky twice in a row?

Yes, it must be that his moves were too predictable!

Thinking he had found the problem, the Blood Demon’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly swung his right hand!

To everyone’s surprise, Chu Yi, who had dodged the previous two punches, stood still this time!

Seeing this, the old men, whose expressions had turned ugly after the Blood Demon’s two missed punches, relaxed again:

“The Blood Demon is serious this time. I knew it, he was just toying with the brat before!”

“Hahaha, the brat probably knows he can’t dodge this punch, so he’s just standing there waiting to die!”

“Hey, wait a minute, doesn’t the Blood Demon’s punch seem a bit light?”

After one of the old men pointed it out, everyone focused on the Blood Demon’s right punch.

Upon closer inspection, they found that the Blood Demon’s punch indeed lacked force; it was all speed!

A feint!

The Blood Demon hid a smile in his eyes, using his left leg as a pivot, and suddenly kicked his right leg to the left!

Since you can dodge simple moves, the old man will give you something fancy today!

So you can understand the harshness of society before you die!

The sudden kick made all the old men clap in approval, their expressions happier than during the New Year:

“As expected! The Blood Demon is going to give the brat a hard time!”

“Fuck, when did this old man become so cunning? Treating a young man with such lack of martial ethics!”

“Hahaha, that’s the way! The more miserable the brat, the happier I am!”

Seeing the Blood Demon’s right leg about to hit Chu Yi, the students angrily pointed at the Blood Demon and cursed:

“You old bastard, you’re so bad! How could you use such tricks!”

“Teacher Chu, be careful! This old man is cunning!”

“These old folks have no martial ethics! Sneak attack! Be careful, Teacher Chu!”

Hearing the voices around him, Chu Yi revealed a cold smile.

With such petty tricks, how could he not notice?

The force in the Blood Demon’s punch just now was much weaker than before!

Although the difference was hard to detect, it was not beyond Chu Yi!

Chu Yi had long anticipated the Blood Demon would pull such a trick and was well prepared!


A dull sound echoed, and the smile on the Blood Demon’s face froze instantly.

Looking again, Chu Yi’s right hand had somehow firmly grasped the Blood Demon’s right leg!

His five fingers were like claws, deeply embedded in the Blood Demon’s right leg!

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