Chapter 190 – You wait for me!

Not only the students, but even the viewers watching the live stream were amused by the Blood Demon:

“Fuck, no way, are you sure this is the infamous Blood Demon? He’s so famous, yet he can’t even break a formation?”

“That mouth is really tough! Even Huang Zeming’s mouth isn’t as tough as this old man’s. Huang Zeming is my roommate!”

“My stomach hurts from laughing, did anyone take a screenshot just now? I want to make an emoji out of that old man’s expression!”

As soon as this comment appeared, someone immediately posted the screenshot and had already made it into an emoji.

In the emoji, an old man with white hair was glaring, his head tilted back, pointing at the gate of North Hill High School with an extremely arrogant look in his eyes!

Once the emoji was posted, the already amused viewers laughed even harder, flooding the screen with the Blood Demon old man’s emoji.

First, there were ten thousand alpacas flying by, now there are ten thousand Blood Demon old men flooding the screen!

Fortunately, the Blood Demon old man wasn’t in the live stream, or he might have died from a heart attack seeing his own emoji…

Even without seeing his emoji in the live stream, the Blood Demon old man was already fuming with anger.

The worst part was that he couldn’t refute the students’ words!

Because his full-force three punches not only failed to break the formation, but he was almost injured by the rebound if he hadn’t been lucky!

After that, the Blood Demon old man developed a deep fear of the formation and didn’t dare to get close to it!

The best way to refute the students’ words would be to break the formation in front of them.

But the Blood Demon old man didn’t dare. He was lucky not to get hurt just now, what if his luck ran out later?

Wouldn’t that mean he couldn’t even touch the opponent’s sleeve before spitting blood?

At this moment, the Blood Demon old man was filled with regret. Damn it, why did he have to be the first to arrive?

Even if he had to be the first, he should have brought an expert in formations!

Chu Yi looked at the Blood Demon old man standing there sulking and suddenly found him a bit cute.

He yawned theatrically and looked at the Blood Demon old man with a mocking gaze:

“Old man, let me tell you, if you use enough force, you can break this formation. Aren’t you so tough? Why don’t you give it a try?”

Although the Blood Demon liked to fight and seemed reckless on the surface, he wasn’t stupid and naturally heard the mockery in Chu Yi’s words.

The Blood Demon stomped his foot in anger and pointed at Chu Yi, cursing:

“You little bastard, bullying me because I don’t understand formations? Just you wait!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Blood Demon old man turned into a red light and flew into the sky without any hesitation!

The Blood Demon’s move not only stunned the viewers and the students behind Chu Yi but also left Chu Yi bewildered.

Damn? Is this old man acting like a primary school kid?

Is he really going to get help because he can’t win?

Isn’t this the old man’s version of “don’t leave after school”?

The live stream viewers were once again in an uproar:

“This old man is something else, I dub him the elderly primary school student! He’s mastered the essence of ‘don’t leave after school’!”

“Elderly primary school student? That’s a brilliant description, bro. I remember my little brother did the same thing last year! I was in the bathroom, and he called me to help him beat someone up after school!”

“Bro, I’m curious, did you go?”

“Honestly, this old man is shameless, going to get help because he can’t win?”

“Bro, you must have failed elementary school language arts! They haven’t even started fighting yet!”

“Hahaha, true! They haven’t even fought yet, and he’s already getting help. I need to laugh at this old man for two and a half years!”

Chu Yi shook his head speechlessly as he watched the red light fade away.

When Chu Yi turned back, he saw Xu Guanghui clasping his hands together in front of his chest, making a wish?

Chu Yi panicked and gave Xu Guanghui a hard headbutt:

“Are you out of your mind? That’s not a shooting star, what the hell are you wishing for!”

Less than thirty kilometers from North Hill High School, several streaks of different colored lights suddenly flashed across the sky.

Upon closer inspection, each streak of light represented an energetic, white-haired old man.

The Lin Family ancestor, surrounded by a green light, flew at the forefront of the group.

The old men behind him were chattering:

“Yin Mountain Old Demon, why didn’t you go with the Blood Demon old man? You two are old buddies!”

“Screw you, you old fart, watch your mouth! Who the hell is old buddies with the Blood Demon old man? It’s just that his cultivation technique restrains me, otherwise, I’d tear him to pieces!”

“Hahaha, but I think it’s overkill for so many of us to deal with that Chu Yi guy, it’s like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut!”

“Indeed, he’s just a young kid who just entered the Land Immortal realm, while we’ve been in this realm for who knows how many years. Killing him is a piece of cake!”

“I really don’t think there’s any need for me to go to North Hill High School. Dealing with that kid shouldn’t require formations. I’ve spent my whole life studying formations, fighting isn’t my strong suit!”

“Old Lu, you definitely can’t miss this. Even though you’re not good at fighting, your formation skills are unparalleled among us! Hey? Look! Is that the Blood Demon old man?”

Hearing this, all the old men looked towards the red light.

With their extraordinary eyesight, they immediately recognized the figure within the red light.

Who else could it be but the Blood Demon old man?

“No way? Why is the Blood Demon old man coming back? Did he already deal with that guy?”

“Do you even need to ask? I bet that kid was nothing special, and the Blood Demon old man dealt with him in no time!”

“Why don’t I set up a formation to teleport us back? Flying is too…”

Before the elderly expert in formations could finish his sentence, the Blood Demon suddenly appeared beside him.

Without a word, the Blood Demon old man grabbed him and flew back towards North Hill High School.

This sudden turn of events left all the old men stunned, watching the Blood Demon old man fly away in confusion.

After a while, a puzzled voice rose from the group of old men:

“Hey? What’s wrong with the Blood Demon old man? Why did he grab Old Lu?”

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