Chapter 189 – All over the body, only the mouth is hard!

When Chu Yi heard the arrogant words of the white-haired old man, he hadn’t even spoken yet when the students behind him couldn’t hold back:

“Who is this old geezer? Where does he get the nerve to talk to our Teacher Chu like that? He clearly has no idea who our Teacher Chu is!”

“I bet this old man is here to scam us! He probably found out about Teacher Chu’s background and wants to extort some money!”

“Guys, let’s stop wasting time and just kick this old man out!”

“Wait a minute, I sense some spiritual energy fluctuations from this old man, but it’s different from ours. Could he be a martial artist?”

“Who cares if he’s a martial artist or a cultivator? If he dares to mess with our Teacher Chu, we need to show him who’s boss!”

As the students spoke, they were about to rush forward and drag the old man away, but before they could step out of the school gate, Chu Yi stopped them.

Having reached the Golden Elixir stage, Chu Yi could see much more than these students.

This unknown old man in front of him was clearly a martial artist, and not just any martial artist, but one at the Land Immortal stage!

Although the students were puzzled when they were stopped, they didn’t say much, just looked at Chu Yi in confusion.

Chu Yi didn’t explain to the students. He looked at the old man and smiled:

“Where did you come from, old man? Which sect are you from? What’s your name?”

Hearing Chu Yi call him an old man, the Blood Demon was instantly furious. He glared and said angrily:

“Do young people nowadays have no manners? When I was dominating the world, you weren’t even born yet! Don’t you know what it means to respect the elderly and care for the young?”

Yes, this old man was indeed the Blood Demon.

And true to his name, the Blood Demon always thought of fighting first, no matter where he went.

To get to Chu Yi sooner, the Blood Demon had even sped up to arrive at North Hill High School ahead of the other old men.

Originally, the Blood Demon wanted to enter North Hill High School directly to find Chu Yi, but when he reached the school gate, he found a faint barrier at the entrance.

After a few simple attempts, the Blood Demon couldn’t get in and had to stand outside the barrier, yelling for Chu Yi to come out and fight him.

Under these circumstances, the Blood Demon was already holding a grudge, and Chu Yi’s words only added fuel to the fire.

Seeing the enraged Blood Demon, Chu Yi pursed his lips disdainfully and said:

“Respecting the elderly and caring for the young is for humans. Are you human, old man?”

“You brat, if I don’t beat you to a pulp today, I’ll be disgracing the name of the Blood Demon! Come out here right now!”

The Blood Demon rolled up his sleeves, looking ready to fight at any moment.

The students behind Chu Yi were bewildered upon hearing the name Blood Demon, having no idea who he was.

Meanwhile, some viewers in the livestream who had heard of the Blood Demon were shocked and started commenting:

“Fuck? Isn’t the Blood Demon the ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect? Wasn’t he supposed to be dead? Why is he here all of a sudden?”

“What’s the Blood Demon? What’s the Blood Demon Sect? Can someone explain? We’re all clueless here…”

“The Blood Demon Sect is a well-known sect among martial artists. The disciples practice bizarre techniques that can control the blood in the human body. This old man is a legendary prodigy from the sect, with unparalleled skills!”

“According to records, the Blood Demon has no other hobbies except for fighting! It’s said that he once destroyed half of his own sect just for a fight…”

“Fuck? I thought this old man was just here to scam us, but he’s actually a big shot? Will our Mr. Chu be in danger?”

“Danger? I think it’s the old man who’s in danger! We’ve all seen Mr. Chu’s divine power!”

“Don’t be so sure. The Blood Demon is a legendary figure, which means he’s really old. Even though Mr. Chu is powerful, he’s still much younger…”


Chu Yi wasn’t aware of the online discussions. He was just watching the enraged old man with interest.

To be honest, Chu Yi was a bit puzzled. Given his multiple displays of power, the martial artist families should know his strength.

Although he had anticipated trouble from the martial artist families, this was a bit too insulting, wasn’t it?

He was a formidable Golden Elixir stage cultivator, and they sent an old man to deal with him?

This was pure bullying of an honest person!

Chu Yi thought for a moment, then smiled and asked:

“So, Blood Demon old man, did you come here alone this time?”

Although the Blood Demon was fuming, he still answered straightforwardly:

“Those old geezers are still dawdling behind. I told them I could handle this alone. You don’t look that tough. I’ll take care of you easily!”

Chu Yi squinted his eyes and didn’t refute the Blood Demon’s words. He just pointed at the gate of North Hill High School and said:

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were so impressive. If you’re that good, why don’t you come in? If you come in, I’ll fight you!”

Although the old man appeared reckless, he was actually quite cautious.

The explosion they heard earlier was definitely the old man trying to break the Two Elements Micro Dust Formation!

Seeing the old man’s current state, it was clear he couldn’t even get in, let alone fight. That’s why he kept urging Chu Yi to come out.

Was Chu Yi stupid?

Of course not!

If you want to fight me, fine, I’ll oblige, but you at least have to come to me first, right?

You keep shouting about fighting, but you need to show some strength first, right?

If you can’t even get through the gate?

Sorry, but if your knife isn’t sharp and your horse is too skinny, how can you fight me?

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Yi said this, the old man, who had been extremely arrogant, immediately lost his momentum and looked a bit deflated:

“Young man, I advise you not to be too arrogant now! I just don’t specialize in formations. When those old geezers get here, they’ll break your formation in no time!”

Hearing this, Chu Yi and the students behind him fell silent for a moment, then someone in the crowd suddenly burst out laughing.

“If you don’t have the skills, just admit it. Don’t make excuses about not specializing in formations. Haha, that’s hilarious!”

“I’ve just assessed this old man. The only thing hard about him is his mouth!”

“Come on, he’s so old. Can anything else still be hard? You’re just bullying the elderly!”

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