Chapter 188 – Old man who came to provoke!

Chu Yi looked at Wang Jiang with a face full of speechlessness.

“This is the grand gift you promised?”

“This is the gift you guaranteed would make me satisfied?”

“Just bringing a bunch of cameramen to take crazy shots of my face?”

At this moment, Chu Yi’s face was being broadcasted live across various streaming platforms!

When people discovered that the live stream was about Chu Yi, the viewership skyrocketed instantly!

Word spread quickly, and soon almost everyone in China was either holding their phones or sitting in front of their computers watching the live stream.

“Fuck, isn’t that our God Chu? He’s still as handsome as ever after all this time!”

“We owe our survival to God Chu! If it weren’t for him, who knows in which corner we would have died!”

“Yeah, thanks to the Cultivation Plan, I ran so fast when I saw the Alien Beast that I broke the world record!”

“Hey, why hasn’t my application to North Hill High School been processed yet? I can’t wait to meet my idol!”

“Excuse me, are you a guy or a girl? How old are you?”

“I’m a guy, twenty-eight! Don’t get any ideas, buddy, I’m devoted to God Chu!”

“Can someone explain what’s going on here?”

“What do you mean what’s going on? God Chu is here, just watch!”


As the viewers were having a heated discussion about Chu Yi, several helicopters suddenly flew over the North Hill High School square.

The noise from the helicopters echoed throughout the square, drawing everyone’s attention.

The next second, personnel from the helicopters dropped a long banner.

Everyone looked up to see four large red banners with the following words neatly written on them:

“Mr. Chu, a hero for all ages, for the people and for China!”

“The Cultivation Plan is great, the nation’s health is skyrocketing!”

Seeing those four bright red banners, Chu Yi’s mouth slightly opened. Damn, they really went all out, didn’t they?

The live stream viewers burst into even more heated discussions upon seeing the banners:

“Hahaha, these banners are killing me. Although they summarize what Mr. Chu has done, why do I find them so damn funny?”

“Seriously, I could hold it in before, but after seeing these banners, I just can’t stop laughing! Even doggerel isn’t this abstract!”

“Guys, what’s wrong with you? Although the content on the banners isn’t great, it’s still Old Hua’s heartfelt effort! It’s well-written, but next time, maybe get someone else to write it…”


Chu Yi looked at Old Hua with a face full of resentment. If you wanted to embarrass me, you could have just said so. Why go through all this trouble with helicopters to make a scene?

Just to make me lose face in a grand manner?

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Suddenly, the sound of explosions startled everyone present.

Even Wang Jiang and Old Hua were bewildered by the explosions.

Old Hua looked at Wang Jiang with a puzzled expression, as if asking, “Did we plan this?”

Wang Jiang responded with a bewildered look and even shook his head.

Seeing Wang Jiang’s response, Old Hua’s confusion deepened.

If this wasn’t part of the plan, then why were there explosions?

Chu Yi also looked in the direction of the explosions with surprise, then glanced at Old Hua and Wang Jiang.

Wow, they even brought fireworks? Is this some new high-tech firework that only makes noise without any visuals?

The next second, everyone’s confusion was answered:

“Tell that kid Chu Yi to get his ass out here! Watch your Blood Demon grandpa teach you a lesson!”

Hearing this, Chu Yi raised an eyebrow. He didn’t remember having a grandpa named Blood Demon.

Before Chu Yi could say anything, the students below the stage started defending him:

“Who the hell is this? What kind of good person calls themselves Blood Demon? And I don’t think Mr. Chu has a grandpa like that!”

“Do we even need to think? Obviously, it’s someone looking for trouble! Brothers, let’s go out and deal with this troublemaker!”

“Fucking hell, how dare he disrespect our Teacher Chu like this? That guy must not know his own age!”

“Brothers, grab your stuff and follow me! We need to teach that guy a lesson today!”


Chu Yi looked at the angry students who were already organizing to confront the speaker and smiled.

“Students, since that person specifically called me out, as your teacher, I can’t let you handle it.”

“In that case, why don’t you follow me out and see who this person is? To be honest, I’m quite curious myself.”

Although the students were agitated, they were willing to listen to Chu Yi. The bustling square quieted down again.

Old Hua, standing to the side, looked at Chu Yi’s mischievous smile and hesitated for a moment before speaking with concern:

“Mr. Chu, are you sure there won’t be any problems? Do you need the state to intervene? If you do, I assure you the state will always stand by your side!”

Chu Yi shook his head. Although he didn’t know the person’s true identity, he had a pretty good guess.

If his guess was correct, whether the state intervened or not wouldn’t matter.

However, Chu Yi was still touched. As the Leader of China, Old Hua’s promise was extremely rare and precious.

“Students, follow me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yi led the large crowd towards the entrance of North Hill High School.

The reporters and cameramen followed closely behind like sharks smelling blood.

The cameras never left Chu Yi for even a second!

In no time, Chu Yi and the students arrived at the entrance of North Hill High School.

When they reached the entrance, they saw an elderly man with white hair standing not far from the gate.

Seeing the old man, a slight curve appeared on Chu Yi’s lips.

Just as he had guessed, this old man was from a martial arts family. Where else could he be from?

The moment the old man saw Chu Yi, his eyes lit up, and he licked his lips, saying:

“So you’re Chu Yi? I heard you’re quite the fighter. Come over here and let’s spar a bit. I want to see how good you really are!”

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