Chapter 180 – The beast tide rises! The dragon roars!

Standing at the entrance of the dragon pool, Lin Yuanxiu’s expression was extremely complicated.

As the head of the Lin family, he had the privilege to freely enter and exit the dragon pool.

This was a special right granted by his ancestors!

But now, he couldn’t get in?

Had the Lin family ancestors revoked his privilege?

In this situation, even though Lin Yuanxiu didn’t want to suspect his ancestors too much, he couldn’t help but let his mind run wild.

Could it be that his ancestors sensed the SS-level Alien Beast at the gate and decided to shut the door?

Were his ancestors also afraid of those SS-level Alien Beasts?

But that didn’t make sense! His ancestors were Land Immortals!

The gap between a Land Immortal and an SS-level as defined by China’s grading system was three whole realms!

Even if his ancestors couldn’t move normally now, they would still have countless ways to deal with the beast tide!

Completely baffled by his ancestors’ actions, Lin Yuanxiu stood at the entrance of the dragon pool, gritted his teeth, and finally chose to turn and leave.

Returning to the square, the number of SS-level Alien Beasts at the gate had already surpassed eight hundred!

The disciples of the Lin family were all panic-stricken, their bodies trembling like leaves.

If it weren’t for the strict rules of the Kunlun Lin family, these disciples would have long since fled in a panic…

Having been shut out by his ancestors, Lin Yuanxiu looked at the Lin family disciples with a dark expression:

“Stand firm! Look at yourselves! Once this crisis is over, everyone will spend a day in the water prison!”

Upon hearing this, the disciples’ faces turned even paler.

The water prison was a unique punishment of the Kunlun Lin family, where the punished person was confined in a cage and submerged underwater, usually for half a day to a day.

Although the punishment seemed simple, the water used was not ordinary!

It was said that the water was taken from the Nether River by the Lin family ancestors and diluted, for which they even built a special lake.

Touching that water was worse than death, as if countless wailing souls were screaming in your ears, and your body felt like it was being pierced by thousands of silver needles!

In the face of such pain, most people would rather die, preferring to drown.

But the water was strange; even when submerged, one could still breathe normally!

“Of course, if any disciple performs well in this beast tide and kills enough Alien Beasts, they can be exempted from the water prison!”

Lin Yuanxiu’s words were like heavenly music to the disciples, whose eyes lit up upon hearing that they could avoid the water prison by fighting the beast tide.

It was clear that Lin Yuanxiu had his reasons for being the head of the family. With just a few words, he greatly boosted the morale of the disciples!

Now, looking at the Alien Beasts outside the gate, the disciples no longer saw them as threats but as their only lifeline to avoid the water prison!

Some disciples’ eyes even turned red, eager to rush out and fight the Alien Beasts to the death!

Seeing the burning determination in the disciples’ eyes, Lin Yuanxiu nodded in satisfaction and turned his gaze to the Alien Beasts outside the gate.

The number of Alien Beasts had already surpassed a thousand!

A thousand SS-level Alien Beasts standing not far from the gate created an overwhelming sense of pressure!

In fact, the Lin family was very strong, with several Heaven Realm experts and even two God Realm experts!

In theory, the Lin family had nothing to fear from a thousand SS-level Alien Beasts.

But when Alien Beasts gathered in such numbers, their combat power didn’t just add up; it multiplied, becoming even more terrifying!

Moreover, the Kunlun Lin family, protected by their sect’s formation, had no experience fighting Alien Beasts.

Not just the disciples, even some elders lacked combat experience!

Facing the Alien Beasts now, they could only exert 70% of their full strength at best!

At that moment, a roar suddenly erupted from the dense crowd of Alien Beasts outside the gate!

With that roar, the thousand SS-level Alien Beasts began to move, charging towards the Lin family!

Lin Yuanxiu’s expression turned serious, gripping his white longsword tightly.


The proud sect protection formation was shattered by the charging SS-level Alien Beasts!

After breaking through the formation, the Alien Beasts charged towards the Lin family disciples with unstoppable momentum!

The disciples gripped their weapons tightly, their previously boosted morale now completely gone.

Facing the beast tide, they had underestimated its terror.

Only now, facing the beast tide, did they realize how terrifying it truly was!

Even if they wanted to retreat, they had no chance to escape.

Joking aside, could they outrun these Alien Beasts?

If caught, they would be trampled into meat paste!

Rather than dying like that, it was better to stay and fight alongside others, hoping for a slim chance of survival!

Many Lin family disciples even began to transform, dragon scales growing on their smooth skin, and small dragon horns sprouting from their heads!

Finally, the beast tide reached the disciples!

Lin Yuanxiu swung his sword, marking the beginning of the battle!

Under the threat of death, the disciples performed exceptionally, even exceeding their limits!

But against such a massive beast tide, even their best efforts couldn’t save them from death!

Their extraordinary performance only delayed their deaths by a moment…

Lin Yuanxiu killed another Alien Beast with a sword, and before the next one arrived, he quickly glanced at the disciples’ dire situation.

In less than five minutes, many disciples were already dead or injured!

Lin Yuanxiu felt heartbroken, but there was no time to mourn; he could only continue to kill Alien Beasts with his sword!

He didn’t understand his ancestors’ intentions. Were they really going to let so many disciples die here?

Why hadn’t his ancestors appeared yet?

Had they really abandoned the Lin family?

The resistance continued, and Lin Yuanxiu’s True Element was running low, his longsword completely damaged.

Just as he prepared to fight the Alien Beasts barehanded to the death, a deafening dragon roar suddenly echoed!

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