Chapter 177 – Alien Beast Group! Disaster of the world!

Although SS-level Alien Beasts are nothing more than a flick of the wrist for Chu Yi now, his expression remained grim.

The increase in spiritual energy concentration couldn’t possibly be limited to just the area around North Hill High School!

And the rise in spiritual energy concentration was definitely linked to the appearance of the void rifts!

Since a void rift had appeared outside North Hill High School, it was inevitable that other parts of China would also see the emergence of void rifts!

Currently, the staff at the Alien Abilities Management Bureau were already stretched thin, struggling to cope with the existing 1600-plus void rifts!

Not to mention the numerous new void rifts that were about to appear!

As he watched the endless stream of Alien Beasts, a blue longsword appeared in Chu Yi’s hand.

At that moment, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the distance, rapidly approaching Chu Yi!

With his extraordinary eyesight, Chu Yi instantly recognized the person—it was his fourth disciple, Chen Xiaobai!

In a few flashes, the white light reached Chu Yi’s side.

Standing next to Chu Yi, Chen Xiaobai looked seriously at the horde of Alien Beasts below.

Chen Xiaobai had long been responsible for dealing with the Alien Beasts emerging from the void rifts and was extremely familiar with their aura.

Upon sensing the aura of a void rift, the soldier in Chen Xiaobai rushed over without delay!

The sight of thousands of SS-level Alien Beasts made Chen Xiaobai’s face turn grim. He asked in a low voice:

“Master, what’s going on?”

Chu Yi raised his hand and swung his sword, the blue sword light slicing countless SS-level Alien Beasts in half with unstoppable force!

“Let’s deal with these Alien Beasts first.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobai nodded without hesitation. White, dazzling lightning enveloped his body, and he charged into the horde of Alien Beasts like a god of thunder, starting his slaughter!

Old Hua, who was in his office dealing with matters related to the national cultivation plan, was about to put down his pen and take a short break.

Implementing any nationwide plan was never simple.

Although the national cultivation plan was well-received by the people of China, numerous issues still arose during its implementation.

In recent days, Old Hua had been exhausted just dealing with these problems, his mind worn out.

Just as he was about to close his eyes for a moment, a sudden, urgent knock on the door interrupted him.

The knocking was so urgent that Old Hua immediately became serious.

He knew his subordinates well; they wouldn’t knock so urgently unless it was something extremely urgent!

“Come in.”

The door was pushed open, and Wang Yunlong walked in with a worried expression. Even before he reached Old Hua, his voice had already arrived:

“Old Hua, something terrible has happened! Just now, the staff from the Alien Abilities Management Bureau reported that nearly 1000 new void rifts have appeared across China!”


Old Hua sat up straight, his eyes filled with shock.

Although the number of void rifts had been increasing rapidly lately, there had never been a day when over 1000 appeared!

“And according to the staff, the number of void rifts is still increasing! They’re appearing at a rate of about 100 per minute!”

Old Hua’s face turned ashen as he stood up from his chair.

Standing by the window, with his back to Wang Yunlong, he muttered to himself:

“How could this be? Why are so many void rifts suddenly appearing? What is going on?”

Seeing Old Hua’s anxiety, Wang Yunlong sighed and continued:

“Currently, we are deploying personnel to guard each new void rift, but the sheer number of rifts is overwhelming, and we simply don’t have enough people!”

“My suggestion is…”

Before Wang Yunlong could finish, his phone rang.

He answered the call, and an urgent voice came through:

“Director Wang, we’ve arrived at the designated void rift, and it’s teeming with SS-level Alien Beasts!”

Upon hearing this, even the usually composed Wang Yunlong couldn’t stay calm. His voice hoarse, he said:

“Make sure to keep the Alien Beasts outside the city! Behind you are the people we must protect!”

“Yes, Director Wang! The Alien Beasts will have to step over my dead body to get through! Beep… beep…”

Before he could hang up, another call came in. Wang Yunlong answered it, feeling a growing sense of dread.

As expected, the new void rift was also filled with SS-level Alien Beasts!

Old Hua had turned around by now, his expression grave as he asked:

“What’s the situation?”

With calls coming in non-stop, Wang Yunlong answered while explaining:

“All the new void rifts are filled with SS-level Alien Beasts!”

Hearing this, Old Hua was stunned.

The only sound in the office was Wang Yunlong answering calls.

After a long while, Old Hua finally snapped out of it and urgently said:

“Hurry! Contact Mr. Chu immediately! Go find Mr. Chu now!”

Wang Yunlong nodded slightly, handed his phone to Old Hua, and used his abilities to leave the office!

Void rifts were not only appearing in China; numerous rifts had simultaneously appeared in countries around the world!

Some smaller countries couldn’t withstand the onslaught of Alien Beasts emerging from the void rifts!

Under the assault of the Alien Beasts, many countries were wiped out in an instant!

In the Free Nation, all the Biotics Men faced SS-level Alien Beasts, many trembling in fear at the sight of these formidable creatures!

Colorful energies lit up, and a variety of attacks were unleashed.

However, these attacks were nothing more than tickles to the SS-level Alien Beasts!

The Biotics Men of the Free Nation suffered heavy casualties!

All over the world, tragic battles between humans and beasts unfolded!

In most cases, the Alien Beasts had the upper hand, and humans were forced to retreat!

This day was a catastrophic one for everyone!

Countless families were torn apart, and many witnessed their loved ones die before their eyes!

Countless soldiers wielded modern weapons, trying to fight back, but to no avail!

The disaster unfolding at this moment was a global catastrophe!

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