Chapter 175 – Robbery Thunderbolt! Dan Wen Formed!

Chu Yi carefully felt every change within his body.

Apart from his physical fitness becoming stronger, there were now three spherical objects in his dantian, neither liquid nor solid.

No need to say more, these three spheres should be the so-called Golden Elixirs!

Chu Yi couldn’t help but feel a bit excited as he looked at the three Golden Elixirs in his dantian: one green, one red, and one blue.

After all this time, buddy finally reached the Golden Elixir stage!

But looking at the three Golden Elixirs, Chu Yi became increasingly puzzled.

Logically, the three techniques he practiced were among the top-notch, so why were his Golden Elixirs so ordinary?

He had heard from the System that some high-quality Golden Elixirs not only had elixir patterns but also other phenomena!

What the fuck? Am I not worthy of high-quality Golden Elixirs?

Or are my Golden Elixirs not in their complete state?

“System, have I officially entered the Golden Elixir stage?”

The more Chu Yi looked at his three Golden Elixirs, the more something felt off, so he quickly asked the System.

【Of course not, to officially enter the Golden Elixir stage, you need a bit more tempering!】

【It’s coming soon, hope you can hold on, host!】

Listening to the System’s ominous hint, Chu Yi had a bad feeling.


Before he could figure it out, a bright light flashed before his eyes, followed by a deafening sound!

Fuck? No way?

At that moment, a white lightning bolt as thick as a barrel struck Chu Yi with lightning speed!

“Ow ow ow!”

The lightning from the dark clouds didn’t give Chu Yi much time to react. Before his wailing ended, another bolt of lightning struck down!

The same white lightning, but this time it was thicker and more ferocious!

“Ah ho ho!”

One bolt after another struck continuously, each stronger than the last!

The students of North Hill High School watched the terrifying lightning descending from the sky, their mouths agape as they stared in the direction of Chu Yi’s room:

“Fuck? Whoever said they were going to cross a tribulation, come out, the prophet must be punished!”

“Damn, can anyone survive being struck by this lightning? Is our Teacher Chu going to be okay?”

“Look, I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but the lightning seems to be getting thicker and darker!”

“Yeah, according to common sense in cultivation novels, the power of the tribulation lightning usually increases as it progresses!”

“Forget the tribulation lightning, even a nuclear bomb wouldn’t faze our Teacher Chu!”


In Old Hua’s office not far away, the deafening thunder startled everyone inside, and they all looked towards North Hill High School again.

Qiu Dream watched the terrifying lightning bolts, her beautiful eyes full of shock, and muttered to herself:

“Has Chu Yi done too many bad things that even the heavens can’t stand it anymore?”

Wang Yunlong spread his hands, his face full of bitter helplessness, but his eyes showed admiration:

“It should be Mr. Chu crossing the tribulation! After this, Mr. Chu’s strength will surely make a qualitative leap!”

In the corner, Qin Changshu stared wide-eyed at the lightning descending from the sky, saying nothing, just silently lighting another cigarette.

At the top of Kunlun Mountains, the sect leaders once again raised their binoculars, staring dumbfounded at the distant lightning.

Lin Yuanxiu gritted his teeth and spoke in a very gloomy tone:

“I can now confirm that Chu Yi is advancing to the Land Immortal realm. Only when advancing to the Land Immortal realm will one experience a tribulation!”

Lin Yuanxiu’s face was so dark it seemed like it could drip water.

There was one thing he didn’t tell the other sect leaders: even when advancing to the Land Immortal realm, only a few exceptionally gifted geniuses would attract a tribulation!

And a Land Immortal who has undergone a tribulation would far surpass those who haven’t in every aspect!

“Hiss… I wonder when our ancestors will be able to move normally again. The sooner Chu Yi dies, the sooner we can rest easy!”

“It doesn’t matter. The current concentration of spiritual energy is completely insufficient for him to advance to a higher realm. Even if we give him a few more days, he will surely die at the hands of our ancestors!”

“I think you’re right. And since Chu Yi can already advance to the Land Immortal realm, it means our ancestors will soon be able to move normally too!”

The sect leaders didn’t show much distress on their faces. On the contrary, each of them was eagerly anticipating their ancestors’ return to normal activities.

Their thoughts were simple: no matter how big a wave you stir up, you’re still just a Land Immortal, and a newly advanced one at that!

They knew that some of their sect’s ancestors were already at the peak of the Land Immortal realm!

The lightning above North Hill High School still hadn’t stopped. The lightning descending from the sky had now turned from white to a faint purple!

As the central figure of this tribulation, Chu Yi was now charred black all over.

If you got close, you could even faintly smell a hint of roasted meat…


Another bolt of lightning struck down!

When the faint purple lightning hit Chu Yi, his whole body couldn’t help but tremble!

Damn! This is too damn numbing!

Of course, after enduring so many lightning strikes, the three Golden Elixirs in Chu Yi’s dantian also began to change!

The first to change was the green Golden Elixir representing the Orient Loong Body Refining Technique!

Compared to before, a dragon-shaped pattern had faintly appeared on the green Golden Elixir!

The dragon had five claws, and around its lifelike body were clusters of clouds!

On the red Golden Elixir, a devil surrounded by flames appeared!

The devil had two long, sharp horns on its head, flames all around, and its eyes were blood-red!

As for the blue Golden Elixir, a river pattern was about to take shape!

On that river, countless wailing ghosts were emerging!

Without a doubt, the pattern on the blue Golden Elixir was the Nether River, also known as the Yellow Springs!


Another bolt of lightning struck down, hitting Chu Yi’s head hard.

But this bolt of lightning was different from the previous ones.

Not only was it pure purple, but its diameter was several times that of the previous bolts!

This was the final tribulation lightning!

As the final bolt of tribulation lightning fell, the pattern on the last blue Golden Elixir in Chu Yi’s body also fully formed!

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