Chapter 174 – Everyone is shocked, entering the Golden Elixir stage?

North Hill High School’s commotion attracted countless people’s attention.

Of course, even if others didn’t want to pay attention, they couldn’t help it.

Who has ever seen a five-kilometer diameter spiritual energy vortex?

Lin Yuanxiu of the Kunlun Lin family stood atop Kunlun Mountain, holding a telescope and looking towards the spiritual energy vortex above North Hill High School in the distance.

Beside him stood many other sect leaders, all of them moving in unison, their gazes fixed on North Hill High School.

Everyone atop Kunlun Mountain was dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what the spiritual energy vortex above North Hill High School was!

Just as everyone was staring blankly in the direction of North Hill High School, one sect leader suddenly asked:

“Master Lin, what realm is Chu Yi advancing to? Why is there such a big commotion? Could it be that Chu Yi didn’t advance to the Land Immortal stage last time?”

Hearing this, the other sect leaders snapped out of their shock and all looked at Lin Yuanxiu.

Feeling everyone’s gaze, Lin Yuanxiu’s face turned very unpleasant as he said:

“I’m not very clear about Chu Yi’s realm, but he should be advancing to the Land Immortal stage now. This amount of spiritual energy is simply not enough to enter a higher realm!”

“However, this situation increasingly proves that our decision was correct. Chu Yi must die!”

A silence fell over Kunlun Mountain, and there was no echo of agreement as Lin Yuanxiu had expected.

Lin Yuanxiu turned around in confusion to look at the other sect leaders, only to see hesitation on their faces.

The sect leader who had spoken earlier spoke again:

“Before advancing, Chu Yi already had the power to kill a Land Immortal. After his advancement, will we still have a chance?”

Undoubtedly, this speaking sect leader was the spokesperson chosen by the others!

Lin Yuanxiu squinted his eyes, scanning each sect leader’s face, and said coldly:

“I’m sure you all understand my plan. As long as it succeeds, Chu Yi will definitely die! Although there have been some changes, the problem is not significant.”

“Because the spiritual energy density has been increasing recently, my ancestor has said that he will be able to move freely in less than a week.”

“If you don’t believe it, you can go back to your sects and ask your ancestors!”

“By then, our ancestors from all the sects will add up to more than twenty Land Immortals. Can Chu Yi still survive?”

“Moreover, we are all from prestigious sects. Are you really willing to bow down and work for those people in China?”

Lin Yuanxiu’s words immediately resolved the hesitation on the faces of the sect leaders.

If their ancestors could come out, what else was there to say?

Just as Lin Yuanxiu said, once the spiritual energy density was high enough, they would send more than twenty ancestors to kill Chu Yi!

They couldn’t imagine anyone surviving an attack from more than twenty Land Immortals.

Even if it was Chu Yi, he would have to die on the spot!

One sect leader gritted his teeth and said in a low voice:

“Fortune favors the bold! There’s no risk-free way to achieve great things! Besides, with our ancestors taking action, Chu Yi will surely die!”

These sect leaders were all ruthless characters, making decisions decisively. After all, if they weren’t ruthless, they wouldn’t have become sect leaders.

Not to mention, with all their ancestors taking action, they couldn’t imagine how they could lose!

As long as they could kill Chu Yi, the techniques he mastered would be theirs!

Yes, the reason they decided to kill Chu Yi, besides the threat he posed to their status, was because of all the treasures he possessed!

With the first person taking the lead, the others quickly expressed their stance.

Although no sect leader withdrew from the plan, Lin Yuanxiu’s face still didn’t look good.

Originally, the plan was flawless, setting a perfect trap for Chu Yi.

But now, the previous plans were almost all scrapped!

Chu Yi’s luck was indeed good. They were just about to take action, but Chu Yi suddenly advanced!

As a result, killing Chu Yi had to be delayed for a few more days!

In a small town not far from North Hill High School, in a residential building, an ordinary-looking man in his thirties was holding a telescope, looking at North Hill High School through the window.

While observing the spiritual energy vortex, he spoke into an encrypted satellite phone:

“The target has advanced to the Land Immortal stage, and a ten-kilometer diameter spiritual energy vortex has formed above North Hill High School!”

After a moment of silence, a rough voice responded in broken Chinese from the satellite phone:

“Understood… Continue to observe and report any updates promptly.”


Meanwhile, on the Cultivation Home forum, which was formerly known as the Alien Abilities Home forum, posts were exploding:

“Did everyone see that? The spiritual energy vortex above North Hill High School is unimaginably huge!”

“Yeah, I live near North Hill High School. I took a nap and almost thought it was night when I woke up!”

“No doubt, this is definitely caused by Mr. Chu! But what level is he advancing to?”

“Hmm, not sure, but the diameter is already over ten kilometers. Could Mr. Chu be advancing to the Golden Elixir stage?”

“Huh? Golden Elixir stage? I don’t think there’s anyone in the world who can match the Golden Elixir stage, right? Is our China the first?”

“Fuck, once Mr. Chu advances to the Golden Elixir stage, won’t we be the undisputed world leader?”

“Although, does anyone remember how long it has been since Mr. Chu started cultivating?”

“Seems like just over a month? Damn… his talent is terrifying!”


The Cultivation Home forum was filled with posts about Chu Yi. In the hearts of all cultivators, Chu Yi was their god!

At this moment, above North Hill High School, the ten-kilometer radius spiritual energy vortex was still absorbing spiritual energy from all directions and channeling it into Chu Yi’s body.

The invisible barrier in his dantian was shaking more and more violently under the repeated impacts of the True Element, as if it only needed one more push to break completely!

Finally, under the last impact of the True Element, the invisible barrier was completely shattered!

At this moment, Chu Yi successfully entered the Golden Elixir stage!

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