Chapter 158 – National cultivation plan

Chu Yi pulled out ten Detox Pills from his backpack.


For safety, before diluting the Detox Pills with water, Chu Yi checked with the system:


"Will the Detox Pills still work on the students affected by the dense green smoke after they've been diluted with water?"


The system responded promptly without missing a beat:


【Our system's products are always top-notch. Such trivial tricks are not worth mentioning!】


Reassured by the system's reply, Chu Yi finally felt at ease.


This was the first time Chu Yi felt grateful towards the system, and he quickly took out water from the system space to dilute the Detox Pills by ten thousand times.


Just then, Wang Yunlong appeared beside Chu Yi, using his spatial Alien Abilities to bring Old Hua with him.


Old Hua was no ordinary man; he immediately recognized the condition of all the students.


What a joke, that dense green smoke was clearly not something simple!


And those mysterious people were obviously well-prepared. To say that the green smoke had no effect on everyone present was absolutely impossible!


"Mr. Chu, this green smoke…"


Before Old Hua could finish, Chu Yi understood his concern and said:"The green smoke has affected the students, but don't worry, I've found a solution."


Hearing this, Old Hua breathed a sigh of relief.


In fact, Chu Yi was the only one who could help these students now.


Even though Old Hua was worried, he had no choice but to trust Chu Yi!


Old Hua, with a serious expression, said to Chu Yi:"Mr. Chu, these students are the future of our China! I implore you to do everything possible to minimize our nation's losses!"


Chu Yi nodded solemnly and pointed to the many buckets of water in front of him:"Old Hua, have the staff from the Alien Abilities Management Bureau distribute this water to the students to drink. As long as they drink this water, they won't suffer any negative effects!"


Seeing Chu Yi's confident demeanor, Old Hua no longer hesitated and immediately ordered Wang Yunlong to distribute the water to the bureau's staff, ensuring every student drank it.


Wang Yunlong didn't hesitate either, handing out the many buckets of water to the bureau's personnel one after another.


Old Hua, looking at the lifeless bodies of the mysterious people, asked:"Mr. Chu, what exactly were these people's objectives? And what is this green smoke?"


Chu Yi stood motionless, watching all the students in the gymnasium. After a moment of thought, he decided to tell Old Hua the truth:"Old Hua, these people came to the Jade Pure Sect with the intention of destroying the students' meridians and dantians. Once their meridians and dantians are destroyed, these students will no longer be able to participate in the cultivation program!"


Upon hearing this, Old Hua's face turned very grim.


China's greatest confidence against the martial families lay in these fresh bloods. If their meridians and dantians were destroyed by the martial families, then China would have no chance of winning!


Before Old Hua could ask for confirmation, Chu Yi spoke again:"Old Hua, you don't have to worry about this. Once the students are out of danger, I will certainly demand an explanation from the Jade Pure Sect!"


Old Hua looked at Chu Yi, then at the wailing students, and finally sighed, saying:"Mr. Chu, these students are extremely important to China. Please ensure their safety!"


Chu Yi nodded, raised three fingers, and said:"Old Hua, I swear, these students will not suffer any losses!"


Chu Yi's assurance eased Old Hua's mind, and with the swift action of the Alien Abilities Management Bureau's staff, the students lined up to drink the diluted Detox Pills.


After drinking the diluted Detox Pills, the students seemed rejuvenated, as if they had taken a blue pill, full of energy.


Old Hua, watching this scene, finally relaxed.


It must be said that the bureau's staff were very efficient. In less than two hours since the mysterious people's death, all the students had drunk the detoxified water.


The students didn't leave after drinking the water. Under the arrangement of the bureau's staff, they stood obediently inside the gymnasium.


Old Hua stood in front of the microphone, looking at the students who seemed even more spirited than before the poisoning, and said:"I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but you must all be aware of some things by now.


Yes, the environment we live in has undergone unimaginable changes!


Just as you saw earlier, those mysterious people emitting faint blue light possessed incredible powers!


Some of us have also awakened certain abilities, and we call these people Biotics Men!


For this reason, our China has established the Alien Abilities Management Bureau, to allow these awakened Biotics Men to contribute their abilities to our nation!


However, although Biotics Men have awakened powers beyond the imagination of ordinary people, they are far from comparable to cultivators!


This person! He is a cultivator!"


Saying this, Old Hua stepped aside, and under the camera's filming, Chu Yi's figure was displayed before almost all the citizens of China!


"This is Chu Yi, a cultivator far surpassing Biotics Men! Our China will enter the national cultivation plan under the leadership of this cultivator!


Everyone can become a cultivator! Everyone can protect themselves in these chaotic times!"


As Old Hua's voice fell, the live chat exploded:"Fuck? Did I hear that right? Did our national leader actually mention cultivation, a feudal superstition?"


"Be confident, buddy! I heard it too! I knew those supernatural videos online were no joke!"


"Cultivator? Isn't that something from novels?"


"Could there be any falsehood in what Old Hua said? Mom, I've made it! I can become a cultivator from the novels too!"


"If I could really become a cultivator, then my life wouldn't have been lived in vain!"


"So, what just happened wasn't some sci-fi movie? It actually happened?"




For a moment, the live chat was flooded with messages, making it impossible to see the faces of Old Hua and Chu Yi clearly!


At this point, Old Hua spoke again:"The one leading us into the national cultivation plan is none other than the Director of our National Education Department and a high-ranking officer, Chu Yi!"

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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