Chapter 154 – Ten meters!

As Chen Hao turned his back, the audience erupted into a frenzy:


"Damn, what's this student trying to pull off now? He's not planning to jump backwards, is he?"


"Yeah, I think it's highly likely. After all, this guy can run upside down…"


"Hey, how far do you think this student can jump in the standing long jump? Can he break the world record again?"


"Breaking the world record should be a sure thing, right? Both long-distance running and standing long jump mainly use leg muscles."




Aside from the audience in the stands, the online viewers in the live stream were also engaged in heated discussions:


"How far do you guys think this student can jump? I'd say at least four or five meters!"


"Four or five meters? Wouldn't that set a new world record? I thought the world record was only around three meters?"


"No, no, no, I think it's way more than four or five meters. It has to be over seven meters! Otherwise, it wouldn't do justice to his long-distance running strength!"


By this time, the number of viewers in the live stream had significantly increased.


It had jumped from tens of thousands to tens of millions!


When people learned that a student had set a world record in the track and field college entrance exam, they flocked to the live stream to catch a glimpse of the student's true face.


They thought it was already quite an accomplishment to have a student break a world record.


But when they arrived at the live stream and saw one 1:26.53 after another, everyone fell silent.


The trolls also shut their mouths and took their hands off the keyboards.


There was no point in trolling anymore; it would be downright rude!


But trolls will be trolls, never missing a chance to criticize others.


Some professional trolls had even turned it into a philosophy, often saying:


"What's the point of my existence if I don't troll?"


So, as the standing long jump test began, the trolls got back on their keyboards and started another round of comments:


"I admit this student's long-distance running is impressive, but standing long jump is different, it's more about explosive muscle power! I don't think he can break the world record, he'll just come close."


"This guy's right. Back in my day, I could run under three minutes, but I could only jump less than three meters. There's a big gap between the two!"


"If this genius breaks the world record again and jumps over six meters, I'll do a handstand run live!"


"Fuck, that guy upstairs is hardcore, but I agree with him, this student probably can't break the world record!"




Under the watchful eyes of tens of millions of viewers, Chen Hao was fully prepared.


With a powerful push from his legs, his calf muscles turned as hard as iron!


The ground beneath his feet even dented from the impact!




Chen Hao's mouth curved into a 45-degree angle, revealing a smile he thought was both cool and dangerous.


"Let's go!"


Then, Chen Hao's body flew backward, not only at an incredible speed but also…


Also, damn it, he was flipping backward the whole time!




Gasps from over a hundred thousand spectators filled the stadium, while online viewers frantically spammed the live chat.


Many had guessed that Chen Hao wouldn't attempt a normal standing long jump.


But no matter how hard they racked their brains, they couldn't have imagined that Chen Hao would jump in such a way!


"Damn it, what on earth is going on in this student's head? This is the first time I've seen someone use a backflip to do a standing long jump!"


"What kind of hang time is that? He's still flipping! And his feet haven't even touched the sand pit!"


"Um… cool as this is, doesn't this student get dizzy…"


"Bullshit, this is just cool? This is freaking awesome!"




The number of messages in the live chat soared to new heights:


"As cool as this is, I have to say this guy's way of thinking is out of this world. No normal person would come up with this!"


"Am I dreaming, buddies? Is this a special effects movie? Can a human even do that?"


"Trolls, speak up! Who was it that said this guy's explosive power wasn't enough? Who said he couldn't do it?"


But the trolls, true to their nature, were still stubbornly resisting:


"What's the rush? Sure, the student's got some tricks, but the final result isn't out yet!"


"If he doesn't jump six meters, I'll still look down on him!"


"In my opinion, this student can only jump five meters at most!"


"My assessment is, if he only jumps five meters, that's even worse than what I did back in the day!"




Amidst the gasps of the audience and the fierce online debate between trolls and others, Chen Hao's backflip performance was far from over!


One rotation, two rotations, three rotations, ten rotations!


Chen Hao was still flipping on the tenth rotation, maintaining the same height as when he took off!


Chen Yujie was completely dumbfounded.


Damn it, was he being left behind by the times?


Why was every move of this North Hill High School student beyond his expectations?


After a full twenty rotations, Chen Hao landed firmly on the ground!


The stadium fell silent, and even the judges measuring the students' performances were stunned in place.


But it didn't take long for the judges to snap out of it and start measuring Chen Hao's result with a tape measure.


However, halfway through the measurement, the judge was flabbergasted, unsure of what to do next.


Because… the tape measure in his hand only went up to five meters.


Damn it, the tape was fully extended, and it seemed to have only reached half the distance Chen Hao had jumped!


But the judge was quick-witted, and after a moment's thought, he started measuring from the end of the sandpit.


When he saw the scale on the tape measure, he was once again frozen in place.


Ten meters!


Damn it, this student had jumped a full ten meters!?


The judge looked up at Chen Hao, and Chen Hao looked down at the judge with the tape measure.


Chen Hao was also puzzled, why hadn't his result been announced yet? Could the tape measure be broken?


But how could a tape measure break?


Finally, the judge stood up with a complex expression and said in a low voice:


"Ten meters!"


Hearing his result, Chen Hao nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed!




Damn it! Too much flipping!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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