Chapter 153 – All eyes are on

Chu Yi nodded in satisfaction as he observed the expressions of the audience.


But this was just the beginning. They were already astonished by a couple of 1 minute 26.53 seconds?


He wondered how they would react if he revealed hundreds of such records!


As one after another 1 minute 26.53 seconds record emerged, both the netizens and the live audience became numb.


Their minds went blank, fixated on the string of numbers: 1 minute 26.53 seconds!


The students from South Hill High School, who had previously looked down on North Hill High School students, were now utterly silent.


Some of them, unable to handle the shock, even declared forfeiture, giving up on the test…


After the North Hill High School students' performance, students from other schools also became disheartened.


On the surface, college admissions seem to be based on scores, but in reality, they're based on rankings.


There are only a few top universities in China, each admitting around a thousand students annually.


Given the current situation, North Hill High School students were sure to take up many of those spots.


Meaning, out of that thousand, North Hill could claim three to four hundred!


The chances for the rest to get into the best universities were now slim.


Of course, there was a simple way to secure a spot in the top universities.


That was to achieve the same, or even better, results!


But here comes the problem, damn it, that record is simply unattainable by humans!


They are not those unknown creatures from North Hill High School!


The test continued as usual, and after three hours, the last group of students completed the 1000-meter run.


Due to the overwhelming performance of North Hill students, almost no one else performed normally.


The overall results for the 1000-meter run were abysmal.


Many students sat on the side after their run, covering their faces, weeping bitterly, and wailing loudly:


"I'm ruined, I can't afford college now! How will I face my ancestors?"


"My performance wasn't even 80% of my usual! I'm done, I can't study anymore!"


"Damn it, those North Hill students are monsters, 1 minute 26.53 seconds, that's inhuman! They must be on drugs!"




However, compared to the students' laments, the national team coaches in the stands were all excited.


Some coaches even took out their phones to make discreet calls, instructing people to block the gymnasium's entrance.


They couldn't let any of those students who set the 1 minute 26.53 seconds record slip away!


Old Hua sighed as he watched the students' performances, then approached the microphone and announced:


"Next, we will conduct the standing long jump test. All students participating in the test, please follow the designated personnel to the competition site!"


Old Hua's voice echoed throughout the gymnasium.


Hearing this announcement, many students stopped their wailing, stood up, and became spirited again.


After all, this was the College Entrance Examination, a major event that could determine their future.


No student wanted to give up on this.


Even if they couldn't match the North Hill students in running, as long as they could surpass them in the standing long jump and other events, it was still possible!


The outcome was still undecided; anyone could be the dark horse!




Soon, all students moved to a new location, in front of a sandpit.


Each sandpit was three meters wide and eleven meters long, suitable for both standing and running long jumps.


However, the running long jump was not included in the physical college entrance exam.


"Now I declare, the standing long jump test begins!"


Old Hua's voice rang out again, and the referees took their positions.


It's worth mentioning that the students from North Hill and South Hill were once again the first group to be tested!


Chen Yu Jie looked at Chen Hao, who was not far behind him. Although the guy had just given him quite a shock, he didn't believe Chen Hao could have such terrifying strength in long jump!


Chen Yu Jie sneered at Chen Hao and then pointed to the sandpit in front of him, saying:"Your running score is incredible, but so what? I don't believe your talent in long jump is that frightening! If you can't jump at least seven meters, I still look down on you!"


How to sound harsh while saying the softest words!


Chen Yu Jie's skill in this area was undoubtedly far beyond ordinary…


Even Chen Hao, who was about to retort, was stunned upon hearing this.


Seven meters!?


The world record for standing long jump is only 3.476 meters, and you're starting at seven meters?


Grandma's, you must have something up your sleeve!


Seeing Chen Hao stunned, Chen Yu Jie's arrogance surged again:"What's wrong? Can't even jump seven meters? Then I can only say, you're utterly worthless!"


Chen Hao immediately became furious, pointing at Chen Yu Jie's nose and retorted:"Of course I can, but can you?"


Chen Yu Jie shot back without hesitation:"Why are you so aggressive? Did I ever say I wasn't worthless?"




Chen Hao was baffled again; this was the first time he had met someone other than himself who so boldly admitted to being worthless.


For some reason, Chen Hao suddenly felt a sense of camaraderie with Chen Yu Jie…


Just then, the referee approached everyone.


The standing long jump test was still in groups of eight, following the previous running groupings.


The referee stood before the eight people, briefly explained the rules, and the standing long jump test commenced.


The first to jump was Chen Yu Jie.


He rhythmically moved his body, arms swinging back and forth, then leaped with a standard long jump posture!


"3.08 meters!"


After a quick measurement, the referee announced Chen Yu Jie's result.


Had it been before, Chen Yu Jie would have been ecstatic with such a score, but now he felt heavy-hearted.


Because Chen Hao was already preparing at the edge of the sandpit!


As soon as Chen Hao stood at the edge, he captured the attention of everyone present.


Everyone wanted to know how far this student, who had set a world record in the previous run, could jump in the standing long jump!


Chen Hao grinned and casually turned his back…

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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