Chapter 146 – Expanding North Hill High School, Starting the Sports College Entrance Examination

After saying what he needed to say, Chu Yi unceremoniously sent all his disciples away.


Can't these little guys act a bit more convincingly? With their shaking heads, they look as if they're being forced!


What's wrong with the name "Pretentious Faction"?


It's such a nice name!


Chu Yi stormed into Chen Huaiyu's office, fuming.




Chen Huaiyu, who was working at his desk, jumped as a loud bang resounded, causing him to drop his pen to the floor.


Just as he was about to get angry, he looked up and saw Chu Yi.


Seeing the anger on Chu Yi's face, Chen Huaiyu couldn't help but feel helpless. He sighed and asked: "What are you up to now, kid? Who's been foolish enough to anger you this time?"


Chu Yi sat down heavily in the chair opposite the desk and said: "That's right, someone has made me angry. It's the neighbor's son's brother of my dad's sister's son-in-law. Principal Chen, what do you think should be done about this?"


Listening to the string of relations coming out of Chu Yi's mouth, Chen Huaiyu's eyes glazed over with confusion.


Good lord, that chain of relatives almost fried Chen Huaiyu's CPU.


Chen Huaiyu spread his hands helplessly and said: "Mr. Chu, if that guy has angered you, why don't you just deal with him yourself? What can I do to help?"


Chen Huaiyu was also puzzled. Could it be that Chu Yi came to the office just for this trivial matter?


Isn't this like using a cannon to kill a mosquito?


Seeing Chen Huaiyu's helpless and slightly frustrated expression, Chu Yi decided to stop teasing him: "Alright, I came to discuss the expansion of North Hill High School with you."


Chu Yi revealed the real reason for his visit to Chen Huaiyu.


When he had set up the "Taiji Dust Array" before, he had used a slightly excessive number of spirit stones, so he expanded the array's coverage.


Chu Yi estimated that the "Taiji Dust Array" covered an area about three times the size of North Hill High School.


No joke, how could he let others benefit from the array he had set up?


The entire coverage of the "Taiji Dust Array" must belong to North Hill High School!


Moreover, North Hill High School, although not small, could no longer meet his future plans.


In recent days, by helping the students of North Hill High School become cultivators, Chu Yi had received quite a few rewards.


However, since the students' talents were not very high, the quality of the rewards was also not great.


Quantity can trump quality, but the rewards he received were almost only suitable for cultivators at the Foundation Establishment stage.


For his disciples, these rewards were passable, but for his own cultivation, they were negligible!


Therefore, Chu Yi planned to expand the school's recruitment after the sports college entrance examination.


In this recruitment, Chu Yi intended to only accept students with both moral values and talent scores above 80.


Otherwise, the rewards from the system were simply unimpressive!


The priority was to expand North Hill High School as soon as possible!


As soon as the expansion of North Hill High School was mentioned, Chen Huaiyu immediately responded:


"We've been planning this for a while and expect to start construction next month!"


Hearing this, Chu Yi gave Chen Huaiyu a few more glances.


It was well known that North Hill High School was not considered a top school in Shuzhou City, barely making it into the top fifty.


The student resources of the original North Hill High School were almost all rejects from better schools, to put it bluntly, not very impressive.


Therefore, even with the expansion of North Hill High School, it would not bring any benefits based on the current situation.


"Principal Chen, I didn't see it coming. You've got quite the ambition, haven't you?"


Chen Huaiyu just smiled faintly, not taking Chu Yi's words to heart, and began to introduce the original school expansion plan to Chu Yi.


As soon as Chen Huaiyu started talking about the plan, Chu Yi felt drowsy.


There was no helping it; he always felt sleepy during lectures, which had almost become a characteristic of Chu Yi…


"Principal Chen, don't bother telling me about this plan. How much are you planning to expand?"


Chen Huaiyu took out a folder from the drawer, pulled out a page, and began to scrutinize it, saying: "We're planning to expand by about 50%, partly due to funding, and also because even if we expand further, it's pointless without quality students…"


He paused, then looked up at Chu Yi and corrected himself: "The decision was made because our funds are somewhat limited."


Chu Yi stroked his chin, then grinned and slapped his chest, saying: "I'll have someone bring you a plan later. Just include all the areas marked on it in the expansion."


"As for the funding issue, just go to Old Hua and tell him it's my idea. I'm sure Old Hua won't have any objections."


Chen Huaiyu was taken aback, not sure what Chu Yi was planning, but he nodded earnestly and agreed.


After giving his instructions, Chu Yi left Chen Huaiyu's office.


What's next?


Don't ask; it's time for a stroll!


In the following days, apart from occasionally checking on the students' cultivation and regularly feeding Fan Qingling, Chu Yi spent the rest of his time strolling around!


System Brother was constantly dishing out rewards, but Chu Yi didn't care for them at all, handing them all over to Chen Hao to distribute as he saw fit.




Time quickly approached the day before the sports college entrance examination.


Chu Yi stood on the school field's stage, looking down at the sea of heads below.


Strictly speaking, all these people below could be considered his disciples and grand-disciples.


For a moment, Chu Yi felt as if he had disciples all over the world…


"Students, the sports college entrance examination is tomorrow. I'm sure with these days of cultivation, you all must have enough confidence, right?"


The students below, hearing Chu Yi's words, all showed expressions brimming with confidence.


Although only about a week had passed, their physical condition was now worlds apart from before!


Some of the students who had made rapid progress had already reached the fifth level of Foundation Establishment!


Seeing the confidence on all the students' faces, Chu Yi nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to the bus outside the school and shouted:


"Pretentious Faction, let's roll out!"

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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