Chapter 139 – I, Chu Yi, don’t take a single needle or thread

Half an hour later.


Chu Yi successfully advanced to the early stage of Condensing Elixir, as a dark blue aura vortex began to slowly pour into his body.


At the bottom of the vortex, his flesh and skin turned a dark red hue, with lava-like patterns coursing through his entire body, making him seem as if he were cast from molten rock, surrounded by demonic mists.


The second innate body—the Infernal Body, completed!




Chu Yi opened his eyes, unleashing two streams of black demonic flames.


He felt the two vast and formidable powers within him merging and growing stronger.


Inside his dantian, the True Element vortex had vanished, replaced by a black and a blue elemental pill spinning smoothly, like two suns illuminating the entire dantian. The aura they emitted was far more powerful than the previous True Element vortex.


From the moment cultivators step into the innate phase, they begin evolving towards a higher form of elemental life.


Condensing the innate body is just the first step; after that comes the condensation of a life core, which holds ninety percent of one's life essence—this is the Golden Elixir.


But before the Golden Elixir, cultivators must first condense the elemental pill, which after countless refinements, transforms into the Golden Elixir.


This is the origin of the Elixir Formation and Condensing Elixir phases.


Forming the elemental pill, refining the elemental pill.


The Golden Elixir also has nine marks, with one being the lowest and nine the highest.


During the Condensing Elixir phase, each time one overcomes a thunder tribulation, a thunder mark will appear on the elemental pill, and each tribulation transforms the elemental pill.


The number of thunder tribulations a cultivator in the Condensing Elixir phase can attract depends on the level of the cultivation technique practiced.


If the cultivation technique is too poor, one might not even experience a single tribulation. Once the True Element within the elemental pill is sufficiently compressed, it can condense into a dim, markless Golden Elixir.


Chu Yi estimated that those so-called Earth Immortals on Blue Star probably all had markless Golden Elixirs.


They were essentially defective products, their strength far inferior to that of a true Golden Elixir phase.


He had merely advanced to the Condensing Elixir phase, equivalent to a continental-level martial god realm.


Yet he had caused Chu Changshan to mistakenly believe he was advancing to the Golden Elixir phase.


Even before his advancement to the Condensing Elixir phase, just by using his divine sense, he had slain Chu Changshan, a martial god.


"Weak, too weak…"


Chu Yi shook his head: "I could probably take on a martial Golden Elixir now, right? And they dare call themselves Earth Immortals?"


He was extremely confident in his own strength!


Even if the Earth Immortals from hundreds of years ago were to resurrect, he had the confidence to stand out among them as a national hero!


With the Condensing Elixir complete, divine sense, physical body, and True Element became one!


The soul could leave the body and kill invisibly!


The strength of the physical body was endless, a simple gesture could move the spiritual energy tides between heaven and earth!


The True Element was incredibly condensed, a single burst of energy could destroy cities and obliterate lands!


What kind of divine realm is the martial god realm? This is the real divine realm!


Utterly invincible!!


Even if nuclear weapons came, I could punch…


"Uh, that might still be a bit risky…"


Chu Yi came to his senses, a hint of wariness flashing in his eyes.


Nuclear weapons, with their large yield, could reach temperatures comparable to the core of the sun.


Ordinary Golden Elixir phase cultivators might find it difficult to withstand.


Unless one could perfect the innate body, completely transforming into an elemental lifeform, becoming immune to high temperatures.


Then one could perfectly resist thermal weapons like the Alien Beasts.


Chu Yi had now condensed two innate bodies.


The Orient Loong God Body was partially complete, and the Infernal Body was just beginning.


There was still a little distance to perfection.


Cultivating this was much harder than raising one's realm, damn it consumes cultivation!


And it gets harder the further you go!


This was also one of the reasons Chu Yi came to the Chu family of Emei.


Gather some spirit stones, set up an array.


Even if nuclear weapons came, I could still sleep soundly inside!


"Now that the breakthrough is complete, I should go back to my old home and get some spirit stones."


Chu Yi grinned, turned to look at Fan Qingling and the others, intending to call them to return home with him, but his expression suddenly changed.


He saw Chu Shizhong and Chu Yun looking at him with embarrassment, hesitant to speak.


Fan Qingling and Chu Rong's faces were flushed, their eyes not daring to rest on him.


What's going on?


Chu Yi was slightly stunned, then suddenly realized, looking down.


His body, seemingly cast from molten lava, had long since burned away his clothes.


If you only looked at the upper body, the molten casting, flowing magma, and swirling demonic mists were incredibly cool!


But then, looking at the lower half…




What was that eighteen-centimeter black stalactite?


It made quite the sound when it hit his thigh!


"Cough, sorry, I wasn't paying attention, hope you don't have megalophobia…"


Even with Chu Yi's thick skin, he couldn't help but blush, quickly releasing a black demonic flame to cover his lower half.


Chu Yun looked at the black flame thoughtfully: "Grilled chicken?"


Chu Yi: "……"


Chu Shizhong also couldn't help but sigh: "Little Yi has grown up."


Chu Yi: "……"


You better mean I've grown up.


Chu Rong muttered with a red face: "It's turned to stone, can it still get bigger?"


Chu Yi: "???"


Fan Qingling gave them a strange look.


Are these Chu family members… all a bit abnormal?




Chu Yi led them on the road back home with a dark face, not concealing the aura of a cultivator in the Condensing Elixir phase.


When they arrived at the gate of the Chu family's main house.


They found several elders and disciples already waiting there. Upon seeing Chu Yi, their expressions changed drastically, and they knelt down in unison, shouting with fear and respect:


"Welcome the Earth Immortal's emergence!"


"Welcome the Earth Immortal's emergence!"


"Welcome the Earth Immortal…"


Chu Yi felt numb, as if he was experiencing a sense of déjà vu of welcoming the Dragon King's return.


If it were any other time, he would have been perfectly content with the charade.


But now… Chu Yi's eye twitched: "Can't you see? Get me some clothes!"


The Chu family's main branch was taken aback.


The senior elder was the first to react: "Oh! Of course! Please wait a moment, Earth Immortal senior!"


He hurriedly ran through the gate, as subservient as a lackey.


"The main branch's senior elder, a peak national-level martial artist…"


Chu Shizhong and the others were shocked once again.


In the past, they couldn't even dream of such lofty martial artists being so humble.


But now, it was happening right before their eyes.


They looked at Chu Yi with incredibly complex emotions.


What exactly does being an Earth Immortal mean?


Where exactly did Little Yi learn to cultivate?


This world is just too magical!


Soon, the senior elder brought a green robe, offering it with the utmost respect.


After Chu Yi put it on, he felt much more comfortable and let out a sigh of relief: "Much better, walking around naked is really embarrassing…"


The senior elder's mouth twitched slightly, forcing a sycophantic smile: "May I know what brings the Earth Immortal senior to our Chu family?"


He was also extremely surprised that this Earth Immortal had taken over the body of a minor disciple from their Chu family's side branch…


Chu Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is my old home, I won't take a single needle or thread."


The senior elder's face lit up with joy, thinking he was interested in the blood relation of this host body!


But Chu Yi's next words made his smile freeze.


"So, just hand over everything in the Chu family except for needles and threads."

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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