Chapter 138 – The Southern Nations’ shock and killing intent

Atop Mount Emei, the dark azure maelstrom of spiritual energy continued to expand, now covering a radius of twenty miles and reaching a height of five thousand meters, tearing through the clouds!


Such a terrifying disturbance was impossible to hide in the modern world.


In a vacation town at the foot of Mount Emei.


Tourists cried out in alarm, one after another stepping out of their buildings, looking up towards the summit of Mount Emei with panic and shock in their eyes, yet not forgetting to pull out their phones to record the scene.


"What the hell? What is that? A dark azure tornado?"


"A tornado in the mountains? Are you out of your mind?"


"It feels like another supernatural phenomenon, doesn't it? Does anyone else think it looks a lot like that blue tornado that appeared over North Hill in Shuzhou City before? Only bigger!"


"Fuck, fuck! No wonder they closed off the Emei Mountain scenic area! I was thinking of sneaking in earlier, thank goodness I didn't! That was a close call!"


The crowd was incredibly shaken, and they quickly shared this terrifying supernatural phenomenon on the internet.


In a short time, it spread across the country like a tsunami.


Causing a huge uproar.


The people of the nation were once again slightly shocked by the concept of cultivation.




North Hill High School.


Inside an office.


After watching the video of the summit of Mount Emei, Old Hua furrowed his brows and said helplessly, "Didn't Mr. Chu say he was going for revenge? What's he up to now?"


Wang Yunlong asked anxiously, "Old Hua, what should we do now?"


Old Hua remained silent, his aged yet bright eyes reflecting deep thought. His brows gradually relaxed as he spoke calmly, "It's alright. This day was bound to come; we should be glad that China has produced the world's first surface-level Transcendent."


"Surface level… So it really exists?" Wang Yunlong's face was filled with shock, but his heart was more anxious and worried.


His concern was the international impact of Chu Yi's advancement to surface level.


After the spatial rifts appeared, almost all international conflicts had subsided.


Whether it was the major powers of the Southern Nations or the smaller countries of the third world, they were all too busy dealing with Alien Beasts to care about anything else. They were focusing all their efforts and resources on cultivating Biotics Men.


For nations, cultivating Biotics Men was not only about defending against Alien Beasts but also a form of arms race.


Any country could see that as long as the Alien Beast crisis was not completely resolved, powerful Biotics Men would be strategic weapons comparable to nuclear weapons.


Moreover, no one knew just how powerful a Biotics Man could become.


If one day a Biotics Man with destructive power comparable to nuclear weapons emerged, the country that possessed this Biotics Man could very well become the new world hegemon!


And for such a level of Biotics Men, the international community had already devised a classification—surface level!


In the history of various countries, there are almost records of surface-level Transcendent beings.


Ancient Chinese earth immortals, ancient gods of Europe and America, witch gods of the third world, Buddhas of Buddhism, pharaohs of Egypt, and… oh, this country seems to lack history.


Although the names differ, the descriptions of these top-tier Transcendent beings in ancient texts from various countries are similar.


Moving mountains and overturning seas, destroying cities and lands, with a single strike, mountains crumble, and within a hundred miles, not a blade of grass grows.


Setting aside the exaggeration in ancient records, such destructive power is already comparable to nuclear weapons.


Someone once speculated: If the top Transcendent beings from hundreds of years ago were all resurrected, could they destroy the surface of the earth like nuclear weapons?


And this is the origin of "surface level."


But for decades, surface level has remained a Transcendent existence only in ancient texts and imagination.


No one knew how strong surface level was or whether it was comparable to nuclear weapons.


Even whether surface level truly existed was unclear.


But now.


The iconic spiritual energy vortex at the summit of Mount Emei, a sign of a Transcendent's advancement, covered nearly twenty miles and reached thousands of meters in height, its might more than ten times that of a continental-level advancement.


If this isn't surface level, what is?


A Transcendent being with potential power comparable to nuclear weapons seemed to have been born in China.


Most importantly, this not only proved that surface level truly existed.


It also suggested that there might be no upper limit to the levels of Transcendents, and perhaps soon, a Transcendent with deterrent and destructive power greater than nuclear weapons would emerge!


This was Wang Yunlong's concern.


Such a terrifying disturbance could never escape the satellites of other countries.


What would Europe and America think? What would the United States think?


Especially the United States.


The birth of the first Transcendent being potentially comparable to nuclear weapons in China could threaten its status as the world's hegemon.


Would they sit idly by?


In fact, just a few days after Chu Yi's last advancement, suspected to be the world's first National level Biotics Man, many faces from Europe and America appeared out of nowhere within China's borders, and various espionage activities suddenly became active.


No country in the Southern Nations wanted to see China grow strong.


"It doesn't matter." Old Hua stood up and walked to the window, looking at the students in the campus, and said indifferently, "From the moment the whole world began to cultivate Biotics Men, I guessed this day would come. There would always be one country that would produce the first surface level and shake the world order."


"Although I didn't expect this day to come so quickly, nor did I expect it to be our country."


"But even before the resurgence of spiritual energy, we were already prepared to be targeted by everyone."


"And with Mr. Chu here, the day when all of China cultivates is just around the corner. What do we have to fear?"


Wang Yunlong nodded slightly. Yes, Mr. Chu is a cultivator.


According to him, he has only been cultivating for less than a month.


What if he had another year?


What if his students had another year?


What if… after the widespread cultivation, China had another year?


What would the Southern Nations count for then?




As expected, the upper echelons of the Southern Nations were also shaken by Chu Yi's advancement.


When satellite images were transmitted back to their countries, everyone was terrified.


"A spiritual energy vortex covering ten kilometers… If this person appeared in our capital and wreaked havoc, he could cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands, no less destructive than a megaton-level nuclear weapon."


"My God… If we change it to red, what's the difference from the two suns over Japan decades ago?"


"Is this surface level? So it really exists? Then is there a higher level?"


"Our strongest Biotics Man is only Town level, and China has already produced a surface level. How do they cultivate their Biotics Men?"


"I think we need to take further action against China."


"First, we need to find out the identity of this surface-level individual and figure out a way to eliminate him… Perhaps, only nuclear weapons can take him out now? But we have no choice, we can't watch him advance another level, in case even nuclear weapons can't kill him, we will be powerless against China…"


"Second, China likely possesses some advanced method of cultivating Biotics Men, and we must obtain it…"


Internationally, the undercurrents surged.


Various plans targeting China and Chu Yi were urgently being formulated.


Despite not even knowing Chu Yi's identity, it didn't stop the countries from wanting him dead.

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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