Chapter 131 – If you guys don’t pull this off, I’m considering giving the Big Grey Mouse an extra meal

Chu Shizhong and Chu Rong's faces changed color.


They both recognized the leading elder.


Chu Changhong, a steward from the Chu family's main lineage, a Town level martial arts master.


An existence that the entire Chu family's collateral branches wouldn't dare to provoke.


Despite the collateral branches having assets worth billions, it was all built upon the main lineage's formidable martial force, which allowed the state to turn a blind eye, enabling such smooth development.


Without the deterrent relationship between the main lineage and the state, no matter how much wealth the collateral branches had, it could be seized with just a word.


Chu Shizhong and the others never expected that they would encounter a warrior from the main lineage just halfway up Emei Mountain.


Were they here to welcome them? Obviously not, what right did they have to such treatment?


But no matter what, Chu Yi was definitely in trouble. Even if he could avoid a death sentence, he couldn't escape punishment for his crimes!


"Don't speak, leave it to your brother."


Chu Yun's expression was extremely grim as he shielded Chu Yi behind him and whispered.


Chu Yi raised an eyebrow but said nothing more.


This cousin of his was quite decent!


In the sky, Chu Changhong stood with his hands behind his back, looking down from on high at the people below. Upon seeing Chu Yi and Fan Qingling, his brow furrowed slightly, but the first question he asked was:


"Did you see two streaks of light, one green and one red, flying across the sky just now?"


Chu Shizhong and the others were stunned.


They had thought Chu Changhong had come to trouble Chu Yi.


They didn't expect him to ask such a baffling question.


"Steward, we did not see anything!" Chu Shizhong replied respectfully, filled with confusion.


What green and red streaks of light?


Could it be that some powerful beings had passed over Emei Mountain?


Chu Changhong nodded, not surprised.


He had also been cultivating and had vaguely noticed two streaks of light flying across the sky, disappearing at this location.


He even doubted his own eyes, for those streaks of light were flying at nearly ten thousand meters high. If they were indeed two people, wouldn't that mean they were at least at the National level?


And that green streak of light, it was very similar to the Evergreen Sword Saint mentioned in rumors.


That person had no connection with the Chu family, right? It seemed unlikely they would appear here.


Chu Changhong wondered if he was hallucinating due to the shock of the Evergreen Sword Saint's feats from the night before.


But to be cautious, Chu Changhong brought a few disciples to patrol the area.


And they happened to encounter Chu Shizhong and the others.


Chu Changhong was also aware of the family head's instructions for them to come to the main lineage.


But… who were that man and woman?


Chu Changhong frowned and asked, "Didn't the family head only allow the three of you to come up the mountain? Who are those two?"


As expected, the inevitable had arrived.


Chu Yun sighed inwardly and stepped forward, cupping his fist in reply, "Steward, they are my cousin and… his wife! I wanted to bring them to the main lineage to broaden their horizons!"


Upon hearing this, Chu Shizhong's eyes widened in shock, his gaze sweeping over Chu Yun and Chu Yi in disbelief.


He was shocked that Chu Yun would take on such a big issue for Chu Yi.


He also couldn't help but recall an incident from many years ago.


It was the time when Chu Yun and Chu Yi had stolen his watch.


Back then, Chu Yun took all the blame.


Chu Shizhong, believing Chu Yi was too young at the time, accepted Chu Yun's explanation and only punished him.


But now it seemed…


Was it Chu Yi who had come up with the idea for that incident?!


Chu Yi, noticing his gaze, knew exactly what he was thinking.


Yes, you're right, it was my… original self's idea.


A ten-year-old convincing his fifteen-year-old cousin to steal their father's million-dollar luxury watch.


After selling it, he encouraged his cousin to take him to a club to play.


In the end, all the responsibility fell on his cousin.


Indeed, quite the scoundrel.


Chu Yi reflected inwardly, no wonder he had transmigrated into this person.


It felt completely natural!




Chu Changhong bellowed in anger, "Chu Yun! Do you not take the main lineage's family rules seriously? Is the Chu family's main lineage a place where just anyone from the collateral branches can come?!"


He looked at Chu Yun with eyes full of rage and disappointment.


He had originally admired this martial arts prodigy from the collateral branches.


But he hadn't expected him to dare violate the main lineage's family rules!


It was utterly disappointing!


Chu Yun bowed his head, his forehead beading with cold sweat, gritting his teeth and saying, "I know my mistake! Please, Steward, punish me!"


He knew that he had to take the blame to minimize the consequences.


After all, he was a martial arts prodigy from the collateral branches, and the main lineage urgently needed to cultivate powerful warriors, so they wouldn't punish him too harshly.


But if Chu Yi took the blame, he would be doomed!


A collateral branch member with no blood relation, in the eyes of the main lineage, was worth less than grass!


Chu Shizhong and Chu Rong also understood this and hesitated for a while, but ultimately, out of familial affection, they did not expose the truth.


Let's give Chu Yi, that scoundrel, a way out.


Chu Shizhong felt both angry and helpless.


When he returned, he must have his third brother discipline his unruly adopted son properly!


He was becoming more and more outrageous!


At least lock him up for a year!


No, wait… the problem with Chu Yi's father was also significant!


How could this father and son be such scoundrels?!


Chu Changhong in the sky had an extremely dark expression. The martial arts world valued rules above all, and he was furious at Chu Yun's behavior. Just as he was about to continue his reprimand, he suddenly remembered something, and his expression changed.




Chu Changhong's gaze towards Chu Yi suddenly became very puzzled.


Cousin? Chu Yun's cousin?


Didn't Chu Yun only have one cousin?


Chu Yi?!


Wasn't he the one Mu Lengyu wanted to kill?


Moreover, just a few hours ago, the family head had sent the Ninth Elder with Mu Lengyu down the mountain to kill Chu Yi.


How could he suddenly appear here?


Chu Changhong was momentarily baffled, unable to make sense of the situation before him.


"Ah, good, nothing I imagined happened."


Suddenly, Chu Yi flashed a brilliant smile, patted Chu Yun on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, let me handle this."


He had initially thought that because of his status in the Chu family's collateral branches, he would be looked down upon by Chu Yun and the others.


Chu Yi was even ready to take the opportunity to wipe out another branch of the Chu family.


He truly hadn't expected these people to still care about family ties.


Especially this cousin, who after so many years, was worth billions and was a standout in the Chu family's martial arts talent, yet still took such good care of his disappointing cousin.


"If you hadn't made this scene, I was ready to give Big Grey Mouse an extra meal."


Chu Yi sighed, stepping forward two paces under the bewildered and blank gaze of Chu Yun.


"What are you doing?!" Chu Yun was immediately alarmed.


I've already taken the blame for you, what are you trying to do now?


You say you'll handle it? How can you handle it?


Even if you've awakened Alien Abilities, this is the Chu family of Emei!


Any elder here could crush the head of the Alien Abilities Management Bureau!


Chu Shizhong and Chu Rong also looked at Chu Yi with incomprehension.


What on earth was this kid trying to do?


Was he really courting death?


Did he truly believe this place was like the outside world, where everyone had to give face to a young master of the Chu family?


For a moment, all three were nearly frantic, completely unable to understand Chu Yi's actions!

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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