Chapter 117 – Come on! Classmates, let’s give the leader a hand with the work!

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

Chu Yi was taking attendance for his class.


With the addition of disciples selected from other classes, Class 20 now boasted eighty-two students.


At that moment, Chen Huaiyu's voice came through the schoolyard's loudspeakers.


"Alright, everyone's here. Teachers, you may start the tests with your students!"


"Let's start with Class 20's Teacher Chu!"


Chu Yi looked puzzledly at Chen Huaiyu on the stage.


What? We're the first?


Aren't we usually the last?


"Cough! Teacher Chu, the leaders are here today, make sure to perform well!"


Chen Huaiyu was winking and gesturing wildly at him.


Chu Yi was a bit confused and glanced at the leaders on the stage, his gaze pausing on Lin Zhiwu and Li Xiu.


Then he caught Feng Shikai's questioning and dissatisfied look.


Who the hell is this guy?


Using his Insightful Eye, Chu Yi instantly understood everything.


Doubting me, huh?


Want to see me make a fool of myself, is that it?


Ha! Many have doubted! Many have scoffed!


I… digress.




Chu Yi's lips curled into a smile, and he gave Chen Huaiyu an OK sign.


He had been worried about wasting time standing around if Class 20 was the last to be tested.


Being first was exactly what he wanted!


Turning around, Chu Yi said to his somewhat bewildered students, "Come on, classmates! Let's show the leaders what we've got!"


Chen Hao, nursing a bump on his head, cried out, "Again? Really?!"




Chu Yi delivered another rocketing headbutt and waved his hand, "Enough talk, let's go!"


On the stage.


Feng Shikai twitched at the corner of his eye and looked at Chen Huaiyu: "Why is Teacher Chu still hitting students?"


"Uh…" Chen Huaiyu wiped sweat from his brow, "It shows a good relationship between teacher and student! A beating is a sign of affection, scolding is a sign of love!"


Feng Shikai: "…"


The more he watched Chu Yi, the more outrageous it seemed.


Not a shred of reliability!


Song Liang and others from the Municipal Education Bureau also looked at Chu Yi with skeptical eyes.


But considering Chu Yi's background, they refrained from saying anything more.


Under the watchful eyes of many leaders and all the senior three students and teachers.


Chu Yi led Class 20 to the track.


The students and teachers were all quite curious.


About Chu Yi's special training methods.


And the rumors that he could turn ordinary people into superpowered beings.


They had long wanted to know if it was true or not.


Everyone was somewhat skeptical.


"Do you think the rumors about Teacher Chu are true?"


"Just look at the progress of Class 20 this week, and you'll know."


"Teacher Chu has been leading Class 20 into the woods every day this week for some mystical Taoist meditation. It's quite outrageous."


"I believe in Teacher Chu! Chen Hao and the others can break stones with their chests, which proves his ability!"


"Say what you will, I'm a materialist, I believe in science! Mysticism, be gone!"


The students were abuzz with various comments.


Wang Yuan approached Chu Yi with a form, whispering, "Teacher Chu, can you really handle this? Please don't mess up in front of the leaders! Your tardiness has already upset them…"


Chu Yi stroked his chin, frowning in thought, his expression serious.


Seeing this, Wang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.


It seemed Teacher Chu did have his moments of seriousness and reliability.


This was reassuring! All was stable!


Chu Yi muttered, "What are the physical test events again?"


Wang Yuan: "…"


You what?!


Do you even remember you're a PE teacher?!


"Forget it, let me do it, don't waste any more time."


Wang Yuan, resigned, stepped forward and said to the students of Class 20, "Line up in rows of ten! Keep the spacing! The first event is the standing long jump!"


As the students complied, they all cast inquiring glances at Chu Yi.


Teacher Chu, should we pretend a bit and not be too astonishing?


Chu Yi waved his hand and declared, "Classmates! Don't embarrass me! Give it your all!"


Most students nodded in understanding.


After a week of practicing the Turtle Breathing Formula, their physical condition had improved significantly. They couldn't let down Teacher Chu! Passing should be no problem!


But the twenty-two disciples were full of doubts.


What? Master wants us to give it our all?


Aren't we going to scare the leaders half to death?


Chen Hao, Xu Guanghui, and Su Ying exchanged glances.


Ah? Are we supposed to go all out too?


Before they could ponder further.


Wang Yuan blew the whistle and shouted, "Ready! First row, prepare! One! Two! Jump!"


The first row of ten students jumped out with less than perfect form.


Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh!


After everyone landed.


Wang Yuan looked surprised: "All above 2.2 meters? All passed!"


This was indeed unexpected.


Just a week ago, these students were all weak and sickly, hardly able to train, just following Chu Yi into the woods for some meditation.


Could that actually be effective?!


A murmur of surprise swept through the field.


"Fuck! They passed! Class 20 passed!"


"I can't even jump that far!"


"Teacher Chu is awesome! His methods really work!"


"Outrageous! I always thought that meditation stuff was nonsense!"


The students were in an uproar, knowing that in the classes after Class 15, many still couldn't meet the passing mark for the standing long jump!


Yet all ten students from Class 20 had passed!


Teacher Chu's training method was truly miraculous!


"What's there to be surprised about? Isn't passing normal?"


The students' reaction puzzled Feng Shikai.


In other high schools, nearly every student could jump to a passing score, so what were they marveling at?


Chen Huaiyu hurriedly explained, "Coach Feng, you don't understand! Before, the students in this class could faint from running a few steps, they were in poor health! Now they can pass the standing long jump, all thanks to Teacher Chu's excellent teaching!"


Feng Shikai's brow furrowed, skeptical: "Faint from running a few steps? Can they be that bad?"


"Principal Chen, you're not making up a story to cover for this Chu Yi, are you?"


"How could that be?" Chen Huaiyu replied anxiously, "Coach Feng, you can ask any student or teacher to find out!"


Another coach from the city sports team said coldly, "Who knows if you've all colluded?"


Chen Huaiyu: "…"


Are you guys deliberately picking a fight?


If you don't believe in Chu Yi, just say it!


Seriously, who understands these bullies?

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