Chapter 112 – Master always knows how to show off, so let’s just call ourselves the show-off sect

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

Other martial arts forces were experiencing situations similar to the Chu family's.


The incident was so sudden that it triggered an earthquake in the martial arts world.


If the Evergreen Sword Saint was indeed, as they suspected, a patriarch of a martial arts family who had come out of seclusion to help the country, then China's system for educating and training Biotics would be established in an extremely short time.


Hundreds of Biotics would see their powers soar in a brief period.


This posed a tremendous threat to the martial arts world!


"We have no other choice but to revive that abandoned plan. If China is training Biotics, then we must too. Only by doing so can we continue to stand on equal footing with China."


"But we have too few naturally gifted individuals…"


"We must try to persuade and turn as many as we can. On this matter, we need a more detailed plan. Most of the newly awakened Biotics are young and easily influenced."


These were the discussions taking place in a grand hall deep within the Kunlun Mountains.


The major forces of the martial arts world had reached a consensus with the Chu family, almost as if by an unspoken agreement.


At the same time, they were speculating about the true identity of the Evergreen Sword Saint, but so far, they had no leads.


Regardless, the entire martial arts world had now firmly committed the title of Evergreen Sword Saint to memory.


Previously, they had been surprised by this so-called first National level Biotics Man in the world, but they hadn't taken it too seriously.


If the martial arts world really wanted him dead, any patriarch from a martial arts family could easily take him out.


But now…


The four characters of Evergreen Sword Saint made all the major forces in the martial arts world feel an immense dread, even fear.


Of course, what they feared more was the fact that the Evergreen Sword Saint was helping China.


As for his personal strength, the martial arts world wasn't too worried, and they were even discussing plans to eliminate him.


Even if the Evergreen Sword Saint truly was a patriarch of a martial arts family, his strength would at most be continental level.


While he stood at the pinnacle of the world and was extremely difficult to kill, if several continental level martial artists joined forces, it was possible to take him down.




Chu Yi didn't know that he had already been targeted by certain old antiques.


Nor did he know about the huge stir he had caused in the martial arts world.


Even if he did, he wouldn't care.


He would just scoff…


With all due respect, everyone here is trash!


At dawn, Chu Yi returned to the Beishan Hotel and lay down on the living room sofa, his face brimming with satisfaction.


Last night was simply grand and flawless!


Perfect to a tee!


Just thinking about Wang Yunlong and the others' terrified expressions and their dramatic reactions,




Chu Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud.


In the living room, his disciples, who had been training all night, looked at Chu Yi with odd expressions.


They didn't know what had happened the night before.


They only knew that their master, Chen Hao, and a few senior brothers, along with their master's wife, had left one after another.


Then, when Chen Hao and the others returned, they rushed into the bathroom and vomited for hours, each looking paler than the last.


When their master's wife returned, she locked herself in her room with a face full of shame.


When their master came back… he just sat there, giggling non-stop.


The disciples exchanged glances, wondering in their hearts.


Is everyone in our sect, from top to bottom, a bit off?


Perhaps this is what they mean by 'like master, like man'?


They began to worry that they might catch the same affliction.


"Eh? What are you looking at?"


Noticing their gazes,


Chu Yi frowned but then suddenly thought of something and sat up excitedly, giving them a mysterious smile, "Do you want to know what your master and your senior brothers did last night?"


The disciples immediately became curious and nodded.


At that moment, Chen Hao heard the noise outside, opened the door to take a look, and saw this scene.


The corner of his eye twitched slightly, and he closed the door again.


"What's up, Mouse? Is the master back?" Xu Guanghui asked from the bed.


"Yeah, he's outside showing off to the junior brothers and sisters," Chen Hao replied helplessly.


Xu Guanghui's mouth twitched, "Why does our master only know how to show off? Can't he be mature like us?"


"Hmph, I think our cultivation sect should just be called the Show-off Sect! "


Chen Hao complained.


He seriously suspected that Chu Yi was teaching them solely for the sake of showing off…


Like last night, most of the hard work was done by them.


And the glory? All went to the master!


And it was the same with the parents and on the sports field!


"Show-off Sect? That's quite an image! Very fitting!" Xu Guanghui nodded in agreement.


At that moment, Chu Yi's voice echoed in their minds: "Show-off Sect?"


Both their expressions froze instantly.


"Fuck! Master, you can hear me talk?"


"We're just joking! What Show-off Sect? That's so vulgar!"


Chu Yi, however, approvingly said, "Vulgar? This is down-to-earth! How fitting for your master's style, right?"




Chen Hao and Xu Guanghui were stunned.


What? You actually think this name is good? Don't you have any sense of aesthetics?


Chu Yi continued, "Hmm, not bad, Show-off Sect, very much in line with our usual style! You guys show off a little, and I show off a lot, so, you'll be called Little Show-offs!"


Xu Guanghui thought for a moment and ventured, "So, master, you would be called Old…"


"Old Show-off?" Chen Hao blurted out.


Chu Yi fell silent.


The next second.




The door to the room was kicked open.


Chu Yi charged in with two rocketing headbutts!


Thump! Thump!


Chen Hao and Xu Guanghui's heads sprouted another large bump.


"Damn it, truly lacking manners! Who did you learn that from? Not learning anything good!"


Chu Yi scolded angrily.


The two of them, holding their heads, were on the verge of tears, feeling utterly wronged.


Where do you get off saying we lack manners?


Chu Yi watched them for a while, then asked, "How did it feel to kill for the first time yesterday?"


Xu Guanghui's expression was a bit ugly, "Eh, it was okay, I only threw up for two hours."


Chen Hao sneered, "Useless trash, you get like this after killing just one person? Your dad went on a clan extermination last night!"


"You motherfucker?" Xu Guanghui's eyes widened, instantly getting agitated.


Seeing the two were about to fight again, Chu Yi knew they were fine.


Too lazy to deal with them, he walked out of the room to another door and knocked.


After a while, Fan Qingling opened the door, glaring at him with annoyance, "What do you want?"


Just thinking about last night, she still felt embarrassed and ashamed.


Chu Yi looked her over and smiled, "Last night you called out my name five times…"


"Ah! Don't say it!"


Fan Qingling's eyes widened, and she hurriedly covered Chu Yi's mouth.


Then, under the curious gaze of the disciples outside, she pulled Chu Yi into the room and closed the door.

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