Chapter 108 – Top-level Sichuan Opera face-changing, what are you doing here for reading comprehension?

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan







For a moment, the air in the conference room seemed to freeze.


You could hear a pin drop!


Wang Yunlong and his three companions were petrified, their shocked and incredulous gazes tinged with a hint of embarrassment.


We must be dreaming… right?


Chu Yi? How could it be Chu Yi?!


It really fucking is Chu Yi?!


The CPUs in their brains seemed to have halted, leaving them speechless and their expressions priceless.


Old Hua was also taken aback for a moment, then said in surprise, "Mr. Ji, you're so young? At the realm of an Earth Immortal, could it be possible to rejuvenate?"


Chen Xiaobai exclaimed, "Fuck! My master's looks can actually rival mine!"


At this point, Old Hua noticed Chu Yi's teasing expression, paused for a moment, and following his gaze towards the petrified Wang Yunlong and his group, asked in confusion, "You know each other?"


Wang Yunlong stiffly nodded, "We know him, but not very well…"


Qiu Dream and the other two felt like crying without tears.


Only now, after seeing Chu Yi's expression, did they belatedly realize.


He was deliberately playing with us!


Leading us to mock him on purpose!


The thought that they had just mocked a top-tier powerhouse stronger than a National level in front of him made Wang Yunlong and his group feel like dying!


Their scalps were tingling!


Especially Qin Changshu, who was pale as a ghost and his legs were weak.


He was not only the one who had mocked Chu Yi the most.


But also, when he first met Chu Yi, he even tried to show off in front of him!


Qin Changshu was now utterly terrified and astonished, what kind of situation was this?


The Evergreen Sword Saint doesn't act like a normal person at all!


Out of his 130 pounds, 100 fucking pounds are just bad taste!


Chu Yi looked at Qin Changshu and said with a kind smile, "Inappropriate? Unprofessional? Lacking in teacher's ethics?"


Qin Changshu shuddered, his brain working overtime, and he said with an awkward laugh:


"Ha ha ha! Mr. Chu, you've misunderstood! It was just my poor expression! You taking students to watch movies at a hotel, that's integrating education with entertainment! It's being down-to-earth, bonding with students! What's this called? This is called a beneficial mentor!"


Wang Yunlong and the others looked at him in shock.


Fuck, impressive!


He managed to turn it around?


"Oh?" Chu Yi said with a chuckle, "Just now you also said I like to show off and brag with students…"


Qin Changshu's eyes widened, and he said righteously, "Show off? What's wrong with showing off? When the weak do it, they're fools! But when the strong do it, that's truly badass!"


"And besides! You showing off with students, that is… that is…"


He got stuck there.


Wang Yunlong and the others immediately became nervous.


Don't fucking freeze now!


Keep going… no, keep praising!


Qin Changshu's forehead broke out in a cold sweat, struggling to think, then suddenly his eyes lit up:


"That's giving students a chance to showcase themselves! It's encouraging students to be ambitious, to utilize their strengths and advantages!"


"This is Mr. Chu's art of education, how could ordinary people understand? What does it mean to pour one's heart out for students? What does it mean to be a role model? Only Mr. Chu fits the bill!"


Wang Yunlong and the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.


They all cast admiring glances at Qin Changshu.


You really can spin a tale! Impressive!


Chu Yi fell into thought, unable to refute.


This ass-kissing… you know what? It's actually quite comfortable!


Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and asked again, "And what about you saying you can't stand me…"


Qin Changshu waved his hand grandly, "That was my shortsightedness! Judging a gentleman's heart with my petty mind! Mr. Chu's educational art, how could we mortals comprehend it?"


"Even if everyone misunderstands you! Even if they mock and ridicule you! But you still stick to your own way of teaching! What's that called? That's called 'The world laughs at me for being crazy; I laugh at the world for not seeing through!' This is a teacher with a heart full of universal love and great compassion!"


"Good! Well said!" Chen Xiaobai couldn't help but applaud.


Such a speech, truly touching!


Perfectly depicting the image of a great people's teacher!


Worthy of being my master!


Chu Yi: "……"


Are you doing reading comprehension here?


Aced the Chinese exam in the college entrance examination, right?


"Fine, you're badass."


Chu Yi waved his hand, no longer wanting to trouble them.


These four people didn't really have any ill intentions.


He just wanted to have a bit of fun with them, to find some entertainment.


He hadn't expected Qin Changshu to actually come up with a perfect answer.


And truth be told, the flattery was quite satisfying to Chu Yi.


"Thank you, Mr. Chu!"


Qin Changshu let out a sigh of relief, as if a great burden had been lifted, slumping back into his chair, his back already drenched in cold sweat, feeling utterly weak.


Damn it! That scared the life out of me!


I used up all my wits!


This is too fucking crazy! How could the Evergreen Sword Saint be Chu Yi?!


Just now, Qin Changshu was truly afraid that Chu Yi would slap him to death, nearly scared out of his wits!


He swore!


Never again would he pretend to be something he's not! Never again would he talk behind someone's back!


What if he encountered another powerhouse pretending to be weak?


His heart really couldn't take it!


Wang Yunlong and the others also sat back down as if pardoned, their bodies still trembling slightly.


The shock was too great, they couldn't recover for a moment.


To mock someone right in front of a top-tier powerhouse…


Fuck! Just thinking about it made their scalps tingle!


And they had actually experienced it firsthand!


Thankfully, Qin Changshu was quick-witted and managed to turn it around!


Otherwise, how terrifying would that have been?


And the awkwardness would have been extreme!


Throughout the process.


Old Hua was a bit confused, belatedly exclaiming in surprise, "Mr. Chu? Mr. Ji, are you… the Chu Yi they were just talking about?"


Chu Yi nodded, "That's right, Old Hua, I've been honest with you."


Only then did Old Hua understand why Wang Yunlong and his group had such a ghostly reaction.


Talking behind someone's back, and then facing the person directly…


Old Hua couldn't help but laugh and cry, "Mr. Ji… Mr. Chu, sorry for the spectacle."


"No problem." Chu Yi shook his head, saying with interest, "I actually find them quite amusing, especially that Qin Changshu, this kid is bound to achieve great things!"


Qin Changshu forced a smile, looking uglier than crying.


Please, no more, I want to die!


Old Hua suddenly asked in confusion, "Mr. Chu, weren't you an Earth Immortal who emerged hundreds of years ago? Why, do you have such an identity?"


Yeah! Why?!


This is just outrageous!


Wang Yunlong and the others also looked puzzled.


Could it be… the legendary possession and rebirth?


Hearing this, Chu Yi also showed a puzzled expression, "Did I ever say I was an Earth Immortal?"


Old Hua was taken aback, "What? Didn't you say you're not a Biotics Man? Then you must be a martial artist, right?"


Chu Yi looked confused, "I didn't say I was a martial artist either!"




Everyone was bewildered again.


"Then what are you?" Old Hua was completely baffled.


Chu Yi smiled faintly, "I am a cultivator."




Wang Yunlong and his group were dumbfounded again.


How can every single thing you say be so unexpected?!

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