Chapter 267 – The fastest world of chaos

“Who’s near the government building? What happened to the Ghost King? Was he annihilated by the Bright Light Formation?”

“I’m nearby. After clashing with the Bright Light Formation, the Ghost King seems to have been injured and fled towards the south of the city. He’s likely hiding to heal.”

“I’m in the south of the city and can’t sense the Ghost King’s presence. Either he’s taken refuge in an extremely yin place or he’s possessed a mortal.”

“An injured Ghost King is still beyond our capabilities. Let’s all rest for now. Wait for the elders from our families to arrive before dealing with the Ghost King. Didn’t a few enter the hospital? Let’s focus on them!”



Tongshan City’s First Hospital.

In a single-patient room.

A young man with a bleeding spleen, hooked up to an IV drip, lay on the bed scrolling through his phone, trying to understand the world and deduce its main storyline. While scrolling, he muttered, “Confession, how did I randomly get such an unlucky keyword? How many people do I have to confess to in order to boost my attributes?

Confess to the whole world?

Confession could mean a declaration or an announcement. Confessing to the whole world could indeed skyrocket my attributes, but someone has to respond to me first!”

“Don’t panic, don’t panic. There must be a solution.” The boy continued to scroll through his phone, reassuring himself, “Think about Du Ge. He even turned a keyword like ‘happiness’ into something spectacular. There’s no reason I can’t make ‘confession’ work. If I had known it was ‘confession,’ I would’ve possessed a celebrity right away.”

As if by telepathy, just as he mentioned celebrities, a news page popped up on his phone: “Popular young actor Cheng Yu suffers box office failure and seems to have lashed out on social media, flaunting his wealth and mocking his fans as poor ghosts.”

The boy casually clicked on the trending news.

Just moments later, his eyes widened: “Damn, such a stark contrast before and after, this one must have been possessed! The keyword is ‘mockery’? Do they want to make it impossible to live? Starting off with such a big move?”

He swallowed: “No, this Simulation Field only lasts for two and a half months. If I don’t quickly boost my attributes, it’s over! Du Ge always finishes the Simulation Field within a month…”

He couldn’t bother with the news anymore.

The boy opened his messaging app like lightning, selected everyone in his contact list, and composed a message: “I’ve been secretly watching you for a long time. I like to see you cry, see you laugh, and watch you walk. When I close my eyes, my heart is full of you. I can’t hold back anymore. Today, I want to confess to you. Will you be my girlfriend? I will love you wholeheartedly for the rest of my life!”

After editing, he sent it out in a mass message.

Listening to the ding-dong of incoming messages and feeling his rapidly healing body, the boy chuckled: “This world, here I come.”

Then, he opened the game he was playing and sent the confession message to his gaming buddies.

“This Cheng Yu must be a candidate!”

In the office of another entertainment company, a sweet-looking female star also came across Cheng Yu’s social media post. She shook her head with a laugh, “Mockery, huh? Come on, let’s have fun together!”

Then, she opened her social media and sent out a message: “Cheng Yu is right, you all are nothing but dog shit. No, calling you dog shit would be an insult to dogs.”

Not long after she posted it, her office door was slammed open by her manager: “Li Yao, have you lost your mind?”

Li Yao chuckled: “You dog’s R, can’t you knock? You scared the hell out of me. I’m not crazy, it’s this damn world that’s gone mad.”

The manager was speechless.

Li Yao, feeling her attributes skyrocketing and looking at her Interface with the keyword “Vulgar” and the newly acquired advanced skill “Profanity,” wore a smug expression.

Just as she thought, keywords should be played with openly. What’s the point of being so cautious? Thanks to Big Brother Du, for bringing a new trend…

This time, those who entered the Simulation Field were all the oddballs gathered from various places, the kind who would never have been allowed on the Alien Star Battlefield before. But Du Ge had created a miracle, forcing Pan-Universal Entertainment to change the rules.

Qi Yuan Star crammed all these potential talents into Du Ge’s Simulation Field. They wanted to see what kind of sparks would fly when a group of impulsive, weird-minded people were thrown into the same Simulation Field.

Of course, it was also to warm up Du Ge in advance.

After all, the next Alien Star Battlefield wouldn’t be as peaceful as the previous ones. It was good for Du Ge to be prepared in advance. The hopes of Qi Yuan Star were all pinned on Du Ge, and no one wanted him to run into trouble in his second Alien Star Battlefield.

As expected, this group of candidates, who had watched Du Ge’s replays and finally felt a sense of recognition, entered the Simulation Field and let loose. Each displayed their Supernatural Powers, using the fastest speed to boost their Keywords and enhance their attributes.

On the first day in the Simulation Field, many bizarre incidents erupted all over the place.

As well as numerous criminal cases.

After all, every Simulation Field has its share of Keywords like ‘murder’ and ‘brutality.’ To grow such Keywords in a peaceful world without breaking the law is impossible.

It could be said that this was the most chaotic Simulation Field ever.

Of course, even in a peaceful world, those with Keywords were not without resistance. Firearms could threaten them in the early stages of their growth.

Moreover, this wasn’t a purely realistic world; many masters were hidden within it.

The initial group of over a thousand participants quickly dwindled to just over seven hundred within a day.

Du Ge’s manager, Zhao Hongmei, made several calls to put out fires.

But when she finally took a breath and checked the trending topics again, her eyes widened in shock: “Li Yao has gone mad too, cursing fans at this time to share the heat with you?”

Du Ge was also constantly checking his phone, refreshing the news.

“A citizen of Puchuan City suspected of mutation, hacked and killed dozens of pedestrians on the street, took several gunshots without injury, then killed and injured several police officers, seized their firearms, and was killed on the spot by a masked hero.”

“A web celebrity openly abused her pet cat during a live broadcast, causing public outrage.”

“Popular actress Li Yao insults fans on social media, saying they are worse than dog shit…”

Du Ge scrolled through the news, his eyebrows gradually raising, “Goodness, a bunch of people with no logic at all, not even understanding the world’s structure, and just blindly boosting attributes!

I came here to acquire skills, what are you trying to do?

A one-day tour of the Simulation Field?

With such chaos, it’d be strange if you were chosen for the Alien Star Battlefield…”

“Xiao Yu, the company has decided to arrange a role for you, something like being a victim of cyberbullying. Remember, the statement you just posted is a line of dialogue, not meant to offend anyone, just practicing for a new role. Got it?” Zhao Hongmei looked at Du Ge seriously, “The company will hold a press conference tomorrow. Remember to cooperate and don’t be willful, okay?”

“Sure.” Du Ge nodded indifferently. Once the heat had risen, these cover-up actions were already ineffective, with plenty of people ready to kick him while he was down.

As long as he continued to post discriminatory remarks, his attributes would keep growing endlessly.

“Thankfully, Li Yao helped you share the heat, otherwise, it wouldn’t have been so easy to suppress this.” Zhao Hongmei looked at Du Ge and sighed, “Xiao Yu, what got into you just now?”

“I might have been cursed.” Du Ge said.

“What?” Zhao Hongmei was stunned.

Du Ge showed the news of the hero killing the candidate to Zhao Hongmei: “Do you remember when Daoist Priest Suwen’s jade pendant suddenly shattered? I didn’t believe in those supernatural things before, but seeing this news, I believe it. I remember I didn’t touch the pendant, and then it broke, and then I posted that strange tweet. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Sister Zhao, someone’s scheming against me.”

“…” Zhao Hongmei’s expression suddenly became grave.

“If we don’t find the person behind this, similar incidents might happen.” Du Ge frowned deeply, “I felt like I wasn’t myself at that moment. Sister Zhao, we should go see Daoist Priest Suwen, otherwise, I’m afraid something will happen at tomorrow’s press conference…”

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